Adele Wiseman (1928‒1992) was born on 21 May in Winnipeg, Manitoba to Russian-Jewish parents who had immigrated to Winnipeg from the Ukraine in the early 1920s. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with a BA in English Literature and Psychology in 1949, and worked various jobs to support her efforts at writing; she worked as a social worker in England, as a teacher in Italy, and as an Executive Secretary at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. Wiseman married Dmitry Stone in 1969, and they had one daughter. Wiseman’s published works include The Sacrifice (1956), Crackpot (1974), Old Woman at Play (1978), Old Markets, New World (1964), a play, Testimonial Dinner (1978), the children’s book Kenji and the Cricket (1986), and an essay collection entitled Memoirs of a Book-Molesting Childhood (1987). Adele Wiseman died of cancer at the age of 64 on 1 June 1992.


Boyd, Collin. “Adele Wiseman.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. 10 April 2008,

Brown, Michael. “Adele Wiseman.” Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. Jewish Women’s Archive, 27 February 2009,


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