Shirley Faessler (1921‒1997) was born in Toronto’s Kensington Market. Faessler’s creative writing was featured first in the Atlantic Monthly in 1967, which ultimately jumpstarted her writing career later on in life. Faessler was published in many literary journals and magazines throughout her career. Faessler published her first novel in 1979, called Everything in the Window. A Basket of Apples, a collection of short stories, was published in 1988. This was the final publication of Faessler before her death in 1997.


Gladstone, Bill. “Shirley Faessler’s ‘Basket of Apples’ — An Appreciation.” Bill Gladstone Genealogy. 18 May 2014,

Panofsky, Ruth. “Daring reads by the first generation of Canadian Jewish women writers.” The Conversation, 21 December 2020.


Critical Studies