Gabriella Goliger (1949– ) was born in Italy. She grew up in Montreal, eventually attending McGill University for her Bachelor of Arts degree. She went on to complete a Masters in English Literature from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has published in many journals and anthologies, including Contemporary Jewish Writing in Canada. Goliger has won many awards, including the Prism International Award in 1993. Gabriella Goliger’s first novel was published in 2000, titled Song of Ascent. Girl Unwrapped was published in 2010 and went on to win the Ottawa Book Award for Fiction later that year. Goliger’s latest novel is entitled Eva Solomon’s War, and was published in 2018. Goliger continues to live in Ottawa, Ontario with her partner Barbara Freeman.


"Gabriella Goliger." Gabriella Goliger, 2018,

“Gabrielle Goliger.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.

“Member Profile: Gabriella Goliger.” The Writer’s Union of Canada.


Critical Studies

Author website