Robyn Sarah (1949‒ ) received her education at McGill University and from the Conservatoire de Musique du Québec. While pursuing graduate studies, she began publishing poems in various Canadian periodicals. In 1976, she and Fred Louder co-founded Villeneuve Publications, a small press that existed until 1987. During this time Sarah also taught at Champlain Regional College, where she stayed until 1996. She was the poetry editor at Cormorant Books from 2011 to 2020. Sarah is the author of several poetry collections and two short story collections – A Nice Gazebo (1992) and Promise of Shelter (1997) – as well as a collection of select essays written throughout the years, Little Eurekas: A Decade’s Thoughts on Poetry (2007), and a memoir, Music, Late and Soon (2021). Sarah is widely recognized and has won several awards for work in her various published genres. She lives in Montréal, where she has lived for most of her life.


“Robyn Sarah: Bibliography.” Canadian Poetry Online. University of Toronto Libraries,

“Sarah, Robyn Archives.” Biblioasis.

Thompson, F. and Colin Boyd. “Robyn Sarah.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. 13 March 2012,


Critical Studies