Aiman Afzal
My COVID-19 Experience:
COVID-19 has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I felt fear, uncertainty, grief, excitement, hope, shock, confusion, yet a sense of oneness and thankfulness at different periods throughout the pandemic. When the quarantine was first announced, I was scared for myself and my loved ones and was very uncertain about the future and what was yet to come. Many people lost some loved ones, causing great grief. However, when things started to open up again (i.e. patios, stores, etc), I felt excited and hopeful at the idea of life starting to get back to normal, but when the number of cases spiked again, I was shocked and confused as to whether this current situation was to forever be our new 'normal'. I also tried to look at the positive aspect of this though, and realized that this whole situation has forced us to spend a lot of time with family, and furhter strengthened our ties. I was also very thankful to be living in a country where healthcare is free, the government is very helpful when it comes to financial issues (i.e. Canada Emergency Response Benefit, Canada Emergency Student Benefit, etc), and even for things we take for granted everyday, such as having access to food, clean water and a roof over my head.
OBJECT DESCRIPTION AND RELATIONSHIP TO COVID-19: : These are three purses that I purchased during the COVID-19 pandemic. I chose to include this image into the archive because before the pandemic, I would never shop online. I was always too scared since I heard many stories of people having bad experiences with their product as well as frauds with online shopping. In addition, I felt lazy to wait for it to arrive since delivery usually takes a while and I would much rather go in person and buy the product right away, while getting to touch and make sure I am purchasing something I am satisfied with. The first time I shopped online was during COVID-19 and now I do it very often. In the beginning I felt very excited, but also scared as I purchased my first item online (the black and brown animal print purse at the bottom of the picture). I would wait eagerly and check every once in a while to see if my package had arrived, and when it finally did, I was so happy. I was very pleased with the quality and overall product. Now, I shop online pretty often and my friends usually ask me for advice on where to buy certain products.
PRIMARY SOURCE DESCRIPTION: The primary source I chose to add to this archive is the frist drawing I ever made. I made this drawing during quarantine. Since I live in a hotspot area (increased number of COVID-19 cases), I chose not to go outside as much, even alone, as I was really scared of contracting the virus and had to be careful because my grandma lives with us. As a result, I was in my balcony a lot (I live in a building in one of the highest floors, so the view is beautiful) and watched many sunrises there. I was inspired by how beautiful the sunrise looked, and attempted to draw one on my own. I really enjoyed the experience and have made many drawings since. This may help future historians understand what I am going through since during the pandemic and lockdown, people had to find creative ways to keep busy at home and as a result, developed many new hobbies. |
NEWSPAPER HEADLINE Newspaper Headline for Islamophobic Attack in London, Ontario, Canada |
PERSONAL REACTION TO THIS HEADLINE During the pandemic, when things started to ease up a bit and the number of COVID-19 cases were dropping, I started going outside alone or with family for walks, cycling, playing sports, etc. However, since my family and I are muslims, it became very hard for us to leave the house since we heard of this devastating news. We were filled with fear everytime we stepped out and my parents still don't like it when I'm outside alone, whereas before they were not as hesitant (as long I was following safety guidelines and protocols, of course). The family was just walking peacefully, and the man (murderer) decided that since they were muslim, they did not have the right to live and gruesomely murdered them all, except the younges nine-year old boy. That family could've been any muslim family I know and it's terrifying. He has been charged with 4 accounts of murder and one account of attempted murder. I can't help but think about the poor boy whose entire life changed within a matter of minutes, and it will never be the same. |
Describe the moment you realized how serious COVID-19 was:
The moment I realized the severity of COVID-19 was schools had to be shut down because of it. Schools shut down in March 2020 and I was in my last year of highschool the time. It was keep being announced that schools will be shut down for longer, until eventually it was decided to close them for the entire year. My friends and I had huge plans for graduation and we even had our prom dresses picked out, but due to the sudden spread of the virus, all our plans were disrupted and we had to learn to adapt to the situation. Instead, my friend and I got ready and took pictures outside in our neighborhood alone. I realized this was not just an issue in China anymore, that it had reached every part of the world. COVID-19 cases began to spike everywhere and I remember checking the statistics every day in the beginning for how the situation is in Canada, as well as other countries where my extended family lives (i.e. USA, Pakistan, Saudi Arab), and many random countries in general just to get an idea. I was beyond shocked at how rapidly everything was scared, and instilled with great fear and uncertainty for the future.
What did you learn about yourself or the people you live with during COVID-19?
During COVID-19 I have been at home, living with my parents, my grandma and two younger brothers. The pandemic forced us to spend an insane amount of time together, but I soon realized that it was for the better. My family and I got extremely close during quarantine. Before the pandemic, I considered myself an extrovert. I would love spending time outside and wouldn't get tired for while. In fact, most of my family is extroverted so we would always make fun plans and also loved travelling. There would barely be a weekend where we would stay at home. Every single summer, we would go for a long drive somewhere far, usually in the USA. However, we did not realize how extroverted we were until the pandemic forced us to stay inside. In the beginning, we felt kind of miserable and were excited at little excuses to go outside, such as for grocery. We were hopeful that eventually everything will come back to normal, but the lockdown kept getting extended. Eventually, we recognized that the pandemic is going to last for a long time and we have to figure out ways to make quarantine more bearable for ourselves. We started having game nights and movie nights at home. We learned how to spend meaningful time with each other and I am very thankful for it. My dad and I went to the store and bought a bunch of art supplies and we took up a new hobby as well.
Other than wearing a mask, what was the biggest change you made to your daily life? Do you think this change will remain when all lockdowns are lifted?
Other than wearing a mask, the biggest change that I made to my daily life was taking various extra precautions when leaving my home, while I'm outside and also when I enter my home again. For example, when I leave my home, I make sure to keep a bottle of hand sanitizer with me, when I am outside I try my best not to touch anything. Before COVID-19 started, I would touch things as I went along, such as items at a store or the stairs as I walk down, but now I usually keep my hands in my pockets or by my sides so that I do not touch anything. If I do happen to touch something, I make sure to sanitize my hands right away since the virus can remain on surfaces for a while and I want to stay safe at all times. When I would enter my home again, I would immediately take my shoes off, wash my hands and then change out of my clothes. These are habits that I am sure will remain even after lockdowns are lifted and the stituation goes back to normal as it was before the pandemic.
Have you learned any new skills during the pandemic?
During the pandemic, when my family and I were trying to figure out ways to keep ourselves busy and distracted, my father and I decided to go out and get some art supplies. We wanted to purchase some paint supplies, but they were unable at the moment so instead, we returned with two packs of coloured pencils and a sketchbook. The first drawing I ever made was of the sunrise, which was inspired during quarantine and after that, I made many other drawings as well. I also did some arabic calligraphy of words inspired by how I was feeling during the pandemic. For example, I wrote the word "sabr", which means patience, when things got hard and I needed a little reminder. I also purchased henna cones and have practiced a lot during quarantine. Therefore, as a result of the pandemic I have learned various art skills (drawing, calligraphy, henna designs).
How do you feel about university education in the last year?
I never could have imagined that my entire first year of university education would be online. I have only been to campus twice, once for a small tour and the second time was to recieve my box for Orientation-Week in the beginning of the school year. I was really scared at first, since I did not even have any friends going to the same university as me and I felt alone. I am a pretty social person in real life but I was frightened that I would not be able to make friends online. However, I am extremely thankful that I have made really amazing friends that I am sure will stick around for more than just first year. I find it amazing how I became very close to some people and have known them for almost a whole year now, yet, I have not met even one of them in person. As for the education experience itself, it got a bit tough since online I had to be responsible and remember all important dates, had to be caught up with all the learning and make sure I did not fall behind and also make sure I understood the content really well since asking for help online was not the same as it would be asking for help in person. The transition from highschool to university definitely is not easy, and when online, it becomes even worse. However, I am thankful for the friends I made, since I was constantly reminded that I am not alone and we helped eachother a lot. Although studying online was difficult, I am thankful for certain aspects of it, such as being able to attend class in my pajamas while eating food, or in bed if I was ever feeling unwell, and most importantly, being surrounded by family.
List one positive thing and one negative thing you'll take away from 2020:
One positive thing that I will take away from 2020 is that despite everything, I have learned to focus on the positive side of things and be thankful. For example, many people lost jobs, don't have a roof over their head or even clean water and food. I realized how lucky I am to have all of these things and be greatful for them instead of constantly complaining about being stuck in quarantine. Almost the entire world was quarantining, but at least it was easier for us than it was for many others.
One negative thing that I will take away from 2020 is that because of the pandemic, unfortunately, I missed out on some important milestones in my life. For example, I did not get the type of high school graduation that I always imagined, nor did I get to attend prom with my friends. I also did not get my first year university experience since it was entirely online, and I wanted to get driving lessons for my G2 license, but that has been delayed as well.
What is the best movie or TV show you've watched, or the best book you've read, in the past 18 months?
I started watching a show called The Office a long time ago, but for some reason I was not able to finish it. So, during quarantine, I started watching it again and I love it. I also got my brothers obsessed with it and we often watch it together. It is so cheerful, funny and just makes us feel really relaxed and happy.
How large of an impact do you think COVID-19 has had on your mental health?
The COVID-19 pandemic really forced me to spend a lot of time self reflecting. I was able to learn a lot about myself and I think it has had a positive effect on my mental health overall. In the beginning, however, I was very disturbed since all I wanted to do was go outside and meet with my friends but of course I could not do that because I would not dare put myself and my family at risk just so that I could meet my friends and have fun. It was kind of frustrating for a bit in the beginning, but later, I realized that this is going to be the situation for a while, so I had to find ways to cope. I started working out at home, doing art, spending quality family time and also became more spiritual over quarantine, and I am thankful for it.
How has technology impacted your life during lockdown?
Technology has impacted my life both negatively and positively during lockdown. It impacted me negatively since I spent way too much time infront of my screen due to school. After a while on my laptop, my head was usually start hurting and I would have to take a break. However, the positive aspect of technology during lockdown was that I was able to make many friends online. Also, we are lucky enough to have technology that we were able to resume our lives, despite all the changes that came with it. For example, yes, online school was difficult for many people, but at least we are fortunate enough to have access to education through techology. Just like that, many businesses took their work online as well. In addition, I was able to call or video chat with my friends and family in different countries whenever I wanted. Technology has definitely made my life much easier during lockdown.
How has the pandemic brought wider acknowledgement to systemic racism in Canada?
The pandemic has brought wider acknowledgement to systemic racism in Canada because it was a hard hit for many minorities, but specifically those of East Asian heritage. It has almost been a trend for people to play the 'blame-game' every time there is a pandemic. Since COVID-19 is known to have originated from China, so unfortunately, people of East Asian heritage were targeted. I remember in highschool it got so bad to the point that there was a letter sent home telling people to be respected and that there is no room for any type of hate allowed. It was very unfortunate and sad because I have many friends from East Asia and I remember them being very frightened.
In what ways do you envision society changing due to the pandemic?
I imagine that once lockdown is lifted, society will change in a number of ways. For example, techonology already played a huge role in our lives, but now we are much more dependent on it than before. I think that many businesses will continue working online because they realized that it saves more money that way and is much easier for people. Working from home is also good for the environment because it means less people on the road, so less air polution due to vehicles. In addition, during lockdown, people appreciated the little things and missed them. For example, going on a casual scroll with friends, or having parties, shopping in malls, going to restaurants, etc., so when lockdown is lifted, people will be outside more and spend time with the people they missed and were unable to meet up with during quarantine. I think people will become more social in person.
Now that you are done with both the course and your additions to the archive, is there anything you'd like to reflect on?
This course gave me the opportunity to reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic and learn about past pandemics as well. I am very greatful that I decided to take this course since I have learned a lot and enjoyed my time as well. It was nice talking to other people about their COVID-19 experiences as well and know that I am not alone. These are unprecedented times that we are living in and it is an honour for me to have the opportunity to share my experience with furutre historians. I hope that it is beneficial to those who come across it.
Other archival items connected to my experience of COVID-19. Click on the text below any image to enlarge.
Arabic Calligraphy - Sabr (Patience)