Several CWRC projects played key roles in helping to develop the Collaboratory.

Founding Project

Thanks to the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s Leading Edge Fund, CWRC builds on the award-winning, successfully commercialized Orlando Project’s innovations in humanities scholarship, manifested in its published texbase (co-edited by Brown, Clements and Grundy, 2006). Orlando: Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present, is a born-digital literary history resource extensively structured with semantic tagging of its interpretive contents. It has been heralded by users as a trailblazer: “because of the ways in which the extensive data can be mined or formulated, Orlando ... serves as a model for similar databases”

(Harner), and praised for its “working method and the multidirectional results” (Bold; see also Booth, Fraiman, Hickman). The Orlando Project’s innovation continues in its ongoing experimentation with methods for advancing literary historical analysis with computers, in its interface research; and in its exploration of data mining, visualization, and more recently linked open data.


Early Adopter Projects

Sincere thanks are due to the following projects that joined CWRC early, and kept both faith and patience through a longer-than-anticipated development period.


Biographies of Canadian Women Playwrights

Canadian Early Women Writers

Canadian Women Writing and Reading

Winnifred Eaton project