CWRC user roles

CWRC users have different levels of access to their projects. This ranges from non-members who can only view the materials on CWRC to project administrators who have complete control over project materials.

User accounts

The type of user account you have as a CWRC member depends on if you are attached to a project. For example, a person who has joined CWRC to view different materials and features available within projects will not be able to add their own objects without creating a project (collections need a place to be organized under.)

Below we have outlined the different types of user accounts along with the tasks they can complete.

Authenticated User/Researcher

Authenticated Users/Researchers can:
  • Has viewing access to all still unpublished materials in the project

Project contributor

Project Contributors have to be added to a project by a project administrator or editor.

Outline of project contributor abilities:
  • Can create/edit objects/collection within a project (handled by XACML permissions)
  • Cannot delete objects/collections anywhere in the repository (handled by XACML permissions)
  • Has editing access to all still unpublished materials in the project
  • Can add a new workflow stamp to all objects belonging to the project
  • Dependant on “manage” XACML policies for object
  • Has equal access to all sub-collections of a project
  • Dependant on XACML policies in general
  • Can view workflow reports for materials managed by the project (see Workflow Scoping)

Project editor

Project editors need to be added by a project administrator or another project editor.

Outline of project editor abilities:
  • Has all permissions granted to a project contributor
  • Has permission to edit project settings
  • Template
  • Default facet/sorts
  • Can publish or withdraw objects in project
  • Can edit objects that have already been published
  • Can accept/reject changes to the document made by project contributors (and see all revisions) (out of scope for phase 1)
  • Can see on the dashboard what objects are locked/unlocked and bulk unlock objects
  • Can see a list of objects assigned to them for editing
  • Can run find and replace queries on objects in project collections
  • Can send group messages to all users associated with the project
  • Can modify Drupal group content (ie homepage, funders, etc)
  • Can manage group users and roles
  • Can set XACML permissions for objects in the project (handled by XACML permissions)
  • Can customize permissions for project roles
  • Can customize workflow stamps for the project
  • This would require a significant rewrite of the workflow module to function in this way
  • Can view, approve, and/or deny membership requests
  • Can set object lock duration for collections in the project

Project Administrator

Project Admin role that has all the privileges of a Project Editor but can also Delete objects.

Note: At present, standard user permissions and Project Editor permissions do not allow deletion of CWRC content. Only CWRC Administrators have that ability.

We are creating a Project Admin role that will allow deletion of content belonging to that project.

In the meantime, please send a list of objects that require deletion from your project to Please provide a list of links to the objects themselves, showing the URLS and providing the exact titles of the objects.