About CWRC
CWRC is an online research environment that brings together scholarly materials and digital tools.
CWRC Introduction
The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC, pronounced “quirk”) / Le Collaboratoire scientifique des écrits du Canada is an online research environment designed to enable unprecedented avenues for studying the words that most move people in and about Canada.
The repository houses born-digital scholarly materials, digitized texts, and metadata (indices, annotations, cross-references). Content and tools are open access wherever possible and designed for interoperability.
Features of the CWRC Homepage
The CWRC homepage (available in both french and english) strives to be a scholarly collaborative learning environment. The CWRC homepage features a variety of content for the user to explore, ranging from upcoming events to news items that concern the CWRC community.
At the other end of the toolbar are links for CWRC members. Users can use these icons to access "help documentation" or "report a bug", language preferences, login, or join CWRC.
For more information about CWRC go to http://www.cwrc.ca/about/
CWRC Collaboratory
You can change the list order of the collaboratory by selecting a Sort By option (either by Title or by Modified) and clicking Change. Selecting Title displays projects in alphabetical order. The Modified option changes the order so that the projects that have been recently updated or changed are first in the list order.
To see the Projects Overview page, go to http://www.beta.cwrc.ca/projects
Visualization Tools
CWRC provides visualization tools for users to explore texts within the site. The tools include Voyant and PlotIt.
CWRC-Writer is a WYSIWYG XML/RDF editor. Users can use CWRC-Writer to view XML documents (uploaded or born-digital within CWRC), annotated with RDF entities and edit the XML/RDF tags. The options available depend on whether the creator has “locked” it from public editing. CWRC-Writer is accessed whenever you open an XML document.
Dynamic Table of Contexts
Currently, the DToC is accessible on CWRC and can be explore through our open-access edition of the scholarly essay collection Regenerations/Régénerations: http://cwrc.ca/voyant/regenerations. We are working to incorporate it more directly into the Collaboratory.
In the meantime, researchers can prepare texts for the DToC and incorporate them afterwards, as with Regenerations .
For information on how to prepare your own editions using DToC, visit Uploading your XML document to DToC.
Contact cwrc support (cwrc@ualberta.ca) if you would like your DToC collection to live within CWRC.
For more information see http://cwrc.ca/Documentation/project-editor/#DToC/OverviewDToC.html
For more information see Accessing PlotIt in CWRC
Huviz works within you browser to visualize linked data (RDF).
Coming Soon!
For more information see http://cwrc.ca/Documentation/project-editor/#huviz/HuViz_Concept.html
CWRC Platform
In the most basic terms, the projects uses the open-source Fedora Commons repository software to store the materials in CWRC collections. Fedora provides a robust environment for digital archives that makes it easier to manage and preserve them.
Between Fedora Commons and the user interface is the Islandora layer of tools and services that manage such things as user logins and functionality such as workflow management.
Islandora is an open-source software project begun at the University of Prince Edward Islandora, and uses a mixture of Drupal, javascript, and PHP.
What you interact with in CWRC is a Drupal user interface based on Islandora but significantly rethemed and enhanced to meet the needs of CWRC users. The interface was developed for CWRC by the Digital Echidna team.
For more information:
Fedora Commons - http://fedorarepository.org/about
Islandora - http://islandora.ca/about
Drupal - https://www.drupal.org/about