Object and Place:1. QMM: ORIG 2. QMM (RB): V.1, 6-8; V.4; V.6; V.13, 14. Other Sources:1. CIHM. Student publication of Mcgill University; Title changes to UNIVERSITY GAZETTE in 1882; Followed by MCGILL FORTNIGHTLY (MGF); Unused Index Nos: 0212; 0222; 0324; 0388; 0454; 0465-0483; 0530-0559; 0660-0669; 0674-0678; 0888; 0894; 1212; 1354; 1355; 1808; Added # S001-S155 [V.1, 6-8; V.4, 1-10], but #S119 was unused; NOTE: Index Number sequencing badly out of order.