  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. CIHM: JUBILEE NUMBER. Other Sources:1. NSWA. Deficiencies:Regular run. Microform:CIHM #04287.
  • Object and Place:1. OTMCL V.1,1-12 2. OTU MF COMPLETE. Other Sources:1. NSHD (AP5.H3) BROKEN 2. NSHP (AK F90 H13) BROKEN 3. NSWA BROKEN. Microform:CIHM #04924.
  • End Run Date unknown....
  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. CIHM (V.1,1). Microform:CIHM #04774. Only one issue; Publication ofthe students of the University of King's College, Windsor, NS.
  • 1883-02-1896-09
    Object and Place:1. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ARCHIVES (OTUK). Other Sources:1. OONL 2. OTArch. Microform:CIHM #05059. Student publication of Knox College, U of T.
  • 1885-01-1886-12
    Object and Place:1. OONL V.3,2-6; V.4,1;4 2. OTMCL COMPLETE. Other Sources:MF OTUV. Microform:CIHM #04629. Publ of Victoria College. Follows V.P. JOURNAL (VPJ); note volume sequence.
  • 1892-08-1893-02
    Object and Place:OKQ MF. Microform:MCLAREN.
  • 1863-09-1864-10
    Object and Place:OTArch: V.1, 4, 7-8. Deficiencies:V.1, 1-3, 5-6, 9+ (SEP 1863 - ? 1864). Followed by New Series (LT2).
  • Object and Place:OTArch: n.s. V.1, 2 & 5. Deficiencies:n.s. V.1, 1, 3-4, 6+ (1864). Preceeded by First Series (LT1).
  • 1868-01-1868-11
    Object and Place:1. OONL: V.1, 1,3,9 2. QMM: V.1, 2,4-8-10-11....
  • 1874-07-1875
    Object and Place:1. NSWA I, 4; 10-11; 14; 21 2. PAPEI: I, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19-22 3. CIHM: I, 4, 10-11, 14, 21-22. Deficiencies:V. I, 1-2; 5; 7; 13; 15; 23+ (1874+). Microform:CIHM #04755.
  • 1838-12-1851-12
  • Object and Place:OKR (F5400 L55). Other Sources:MF DONNER. Microform:SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY (DONNER). Followed by SECOND SERIES (LS2).
  • Object and Place:1. OKR (F5400 L77) ns V.1-20 2. OOC ns V.21-23. Other Sources:MF DONNER. Microform:SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY (DONNER). Precceded by FIRST SERIES (LS1).
  • 1896-07-1897-01
    Object and Place:1. OONL: V.1, 1,4; V.2,1 2. OOA V.1, 1;3-4 [P-586] 3. CIHM: as in 2 above....
  • 1848-03-1848-09
    Object and Place:OONL: MF V.1, 1-6....
  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:OONL (K-29-4): V.1-2 (DEC 1883 - APR 1884). Deficiencies:Anything after V.1,2 (Apr 1884). Microform:CIHM #04304.
  • 1891-12-1893-10
    Object and Place:1. MF: MICROMEDIA 2. OTMCL: V.2,8 (AUG 1893) 3. OTMCL: V.2,10 (OCT 1893). Microform:MICROMEDIA.
  • 1847-1849
    Object and Place:OKQ (SCLP). Other Sources:OTMCL.
  • 1852-07-1854-12
    Object and Place:1. OKQ V.1,2 (AUG 1852) - LPSC F5012.1852.M297 2. OTMCL: V.1,1 - V. 4,5; V.4,7 - V.4,9; V.4,12 3. OTMCL (OSBORNE COLL, BOYS ANDD GIRLS HSE): COMPLETE....
  • Run Date unknown - around 1890. Object and Place:OTMCL. Deficiencies:p. 17-18; 49-50. Microform:CIHM #A00473. Published for the St. Nicholas Home. Reserved Index Numbers: 0006-0010, 0025-0029
  • Object and Place:1. OKQ (SCLP AP5.M25) V.1,1-V. 2,6 2. MF MICROMEDIA (PC). Other Sources:OTLL. Microform:MICROMEDIA. See Stewart, "An Early New Brunswick Magazine," NBM V.1,2 p.79.
  • 1895-12-
    End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. CIHM (V.1,1; 1,4 [DEC 1895; MAR 1896]). Other Sources:1. PANS. Deficiencies:V.1, 2-3 (JAN-FEB 1896); Anything after V.1, 4. Microform:CIHM #04607.
  • 1888-12-1895-12
    Object and Place:OKR MF. Microform:MCLAREN. Absorbed TRIP HAMMER (TRP), DEC 1888. Index No. 2202 was not used - indexing error. Index Nos. run consecutively through both series.
  • 1882-03-1884-12
    Object and Place:OKR MF. Microform:MCLAREN. Followed by SECOND SERIES (MI2) when it absorbed TRIP HAMMER (TRH), DEC 1888.
  • 1896-01-1897-06
    Object and Place:1. OKQ (SCLP AP5.M41) V.1,1-V.2,1-6; V.3,1-2;4-5 2. MF DONNER. Other Sources:1. OTAR 2. OTMCL. Microform:Commonwealth. Absorbed by CANADIAN (CDN) in June 1897.
  • 1851-05-1852-02
    Object and Place:OKQ MF. Microform:PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF NOVA SCOTIA. MF based on OTMCL copy.
  • 1892-10-1898-03
    Object and Place:1. OONL: V.1 - 2 (OCT 1892 - MAR 1894) 2. QMM: V.3,1 - 6,12 (OCT 1894 - MAR 1898) 3. QMM(RB): V.6,1; V.6,11....
  • Object and Place:1. QMM: ORIG 2. QMM (RB): V.1, 6-8; V.4; V.6; V.13, 14....
  • Object and Place:1. OKQ (SCLP AS42.M27t) V.1,1-V.1,8 2. OHM COMPLETE....
  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. OONL (K-29-4): V.1,1 (MAR 1895). Deficiencies:Anything after V.1,1 (Mar 1895). Microform:CIHM #05048.
  • 1834-11-1835-12
    Object and Place:1. OTMCL : V.1,1 2. OKQ: V.1,2. Deficiencies:VOL.1, 3 + ?. Microform:CIHM #04848. Possibly only two issues printed.
  • 1841-01-1841-06
    Object and Place:OTMCL COMPLETE. Microform:CIHM #04521.
  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. OOA (P-667): V.1,1. Deficiencies:Anything after V.1,1 (Sep 1856). Microform:CIHM #04519.
  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. QQLa: MF (ofQQS copy) V.1,1. Other Sources:1. QQS 2. GAGNON. Deficiencies:ANY FURTHER ISSUES AFTER VOL.1,1. Microform:CANADIAN MICROFILMING COMPANY.
  • 1832-12-1834-03
    Object and Place:1. OTMCL: V.1, 1-4,7 2. OOA (P-667): V.1,5-6; V.2, 2-3 3. QQLa: MF V.1 4. QMU: complete (Baby Collection). Other Sources:QMBM: GAGNON COLL. Microform:CANADIAN MICROFILMING COMPANY.
  • Object and Place:1. NBS: V.1,5 (29 FEB 1840); V.1,12 (18 APR 1840) 2. NBSM: V.1, 13 (25 APR 1840)....
  • 1898-06-1906-02
    Object and Place:1. OKQ (F1041.N52) JUN 1898-NOV 1899 2. MF MICROMEDIA. Microform:MICROMEDIA. Collected to end 1899 only. Suspended publication between Jan 1900-Oct 1904; V.4,1 begins Sep 1904.
  • 1867-10-1879-01
    Object and Place:1. OKR MF (INCOMPLETE) 2. OKQ (AP5.N5) OCT 1868-SEP 1869; APR-DEC 1870; JAN-DEC 1872; JUL-DEC 1873 3. OOC JAN-JUN 1873. Microform:COMMONWEALTH.
  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. OKQ Nos.2-4 2. OKR Nos.2-10 3. OTMCL. Collected to end 1899 only.
