  • 2018-05-18
    Elsie Caroline Woodley trained as a teacher, and published a chapbook of poetry in 1930.
  • Emily Augusta McLennan spent her adult life in British Columbia and published her only novel in 1893.
  • 2018-05-18
    Best known as a major Canadian painter, Emily Carr turned to writing in her last years, and issued four volumes of memoirs about her experiences as a landlady and as an artist.
  • Belfast-born Emily Elizabeth Shaw Beavan lived in New Brunswick from 1836 to 1844, an experience that gave rise to her book Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick...
  • Emily McCausland Cummings was best known to her readers as "Mrs. Willoughby Cummings" when she became a professional journalist in Toronto after the death of her husband.
  • 2018-05-18
    Well-known for her ground-breaking position as the first female judge in the British Empire, and for her work on behalf of women's participation in political life, Emily Murphy often wrote under...
  • At the end of the nineteenth century, Emily Pauline Johnson, who also used the name "Tekahionwake," became Canada's best-known Indigenous writer.
  • English-born Emily Poynton Weaver immigrated to Canada as a child and became a career journalist primarily based in Toronto. Most of her books of non-fiction concern Canadian history, while her...
  • Born and raised in Ontario, Emily Spencer Kerby moved to Calgary in 1903, where she became active in many social concerns and was known as an advocate of women's suffrage.
  • 2018-05-18
    Quebec-born opera singer Emma Albani documented her remarkable international career in her autobiography, Forty Years of Song (1911).
  • 2018-08-01
    Born in England, Emma Grant published her poetry in periodicals and issued one book of verse.
  • Emma Jean McDougall published two novels relating to the history of Manitoba.
  • A lifelong resident of various towns in Ontario, Emma Jeffers Graham published a light-hearted collectio of sketches about her experiences as a minister's wife.
  • Emma Naomi Crawford, the beloved younger sister of author Isabella Valancy Crawford, published several stories in family magazines.
  • 2018-05-18
    Mary Emma Veazey, a lifetime resident of New Brunswick, was a teacher known for her poetry and plays for children.
  • Emma Wells Dickson spent most of her life in Nova Scotia and published one novel.
  • Born in the British Isles, Ena Constance Barrett came to Newfoundland after her marriage to a Newfoundlander and became well-known as a poet.
  • 2018-05-18
    Enid McGregor worked as a librarian at McMaster University and contributed articles to the university's magazine.
  • Born in Manitoba and raised in Nova Scotia, Estelle Jean Worfolk spent much of her adult life in Montreal where she was active in the Canadian Authors Association and published one book of poetry.
  • Based in Toronto, journalist Estelle M. Kerr contributed poetry to many periodicals and published several books.
  • Esther Marjorie Hill, the first woman to graduate with an architecture degree in Canada, published several articles, followed by a later book on glove-making.
  • Ethel Audrey Silcox contributed poems and stories to various periodicals and issued two chapbooks of verse.
  • Trained as a teacher, Ethel Hume Patterson Bennett published novels for girls and edited several collections of the stories of Charles G.D. Roberts.
  • A resident of Montreal, Ethel Lenore Gnaedinger published at least one poem in a periodical.
  • A long-time resident of Toronto, Ethel Mary Brodie published one volume of short stories.
  • A trained nurse who spent much of her life in western Canada, Ethel Johns helped professionalize nursing through her publications and editorial work.
  • A professional musician, Ethel O’Neil McKenzie published one volume of poetry.
  • Linnea McNally
  • 2018-05-18
    Vancouver-based Ethel Wilson was British Columbia’s most prominent fiction writer during the 1950s and 1960s, and was honoured posthumously in 1985 with the establishment of the Ethel Wilson Prize...
  • Blind and disabled, Ontario-based Euphemia Russell Bellmore issued an often re-published booklet of verse in as a means of support.
  • Eva Rose York, the twin sister of Ida Fitch Baker (1858-1948), wrote fiction and non-fiction that reflected her strong religious commitment to the Salvation Army.
  • 2018-05-18
    Evah McKowan set her two novels in the Cranbrook area of British Columbia, which was her home for most of her life.
  • A tenacious Canadian woman journalist and occasional poet, Eve Brodlique spent most of her professional life in Chicago.
  • A teacher and musician, Evelyn Craig Rusby published her poetry in several Toronto periodicals and two chapbooks.
  • 2018-05-18
    After Evelyn Durand died of tuberculosis at a young age, a volume of her poems was published by her older sister, journalist Laura B. Durand.
  • Following the lead of her famous mother, Evelyn Gowan Murphy worked as a journalist and also published poetry.
  • After her marriage, English-born Evelyn L. Weller settled in Toronto where she published two novels.
  • Nova Scotia writer Evelyn M. Richardson achieved sudden fame when her account of her family's unique experience as lighthouse-keepers, We Keep a Light (1945), won the Governor General's Award for...
  • Although she spent most of her adult life in the United States, prolific author Evelyn Eaton enjoyed an association with the Bay of Fundy, where she long maintained a summer home.
