Media stories or screen captures that are related to COVID-19, uploaded by the class of Summer 2021.

  • A CTV news article titled, "'Enormous amount of change': New data reveals impact of COVID-19 on Canadians" with a picture of a government official woman holding a news conference.
  • When the global pandemic first began in Canada, the whole province was under a lockdown. All school closed and students had to start attending online classes from their home. Many students and...
  • Christopher Milne ponders the question who should receive the vaccine first in Canada in response to a National Post article discussing the same topic.
  • An article from the site Mashable talking about how their office used VR (virtual reality) technology to overcome Zoom fatigue. The journalist discusses how through VR technology, their company...
  • This is a screenshot taken on the mobile safari app of the wait time to book a COVID-19 vaccine on the Ontario website. This picture shows a white background with black text. At the top of the page...
  • The title of this visual media is "What we Know so Far - COVID & the Brain". There is a lot of information, organized under certain headings. One of the headings is "How Might the Virus be...
  • This is a visualisation of pandemics of diseases throughout the history. A diagram of history of pandemics is displayed at the top of the webpage. On the right side, a timeline is shown and on the...
  • An abstract picture of a person, turned sideways and their face facing to the right side of the picture. They are wearing a light blue facemask, with the same coloured eyeshape outline with a dark...
  • This is a screen capture of a Tweet from Zayn Manji detailing a new text services to Canadians looking to secure a COVID-19 vaccine appointment.
  • The cartoon pictures a person in a state of frantic despair or mental breakdown while sitting on a couch in isolation with objects (pictures, pillows, clothes) around that say “Live, Laugh, Love”....

