A CTV news article titled, "'Enormous amount of change': New data reveals impact of COVID-19 on Canadians" with a picture of a government official woman holding a news conference.
When the global pandemic first began in Canada, the whole province was under a lockdown. All school closed and students had to start attending online classes from their home. Many students and...
Christopher Milne ponders the question who should receive the vaccine first in Canada in response to a National Post article discussing the same topic.
An article from the site Mashable talking about how their office used VR (virtual reality) technology to overcome Zoom fatigue. The journalist discusses how through VR technology, their company...
This is a screenshot taken on the mobile safari app of the wait time to book a COVID-19 vaccine on the Ontario website. This picture shows a white background with black text. At the top of the page...
The title of this visual media is "What we Know so Far - COVID & the Brain". There is a lot of information, organized under certain headings. One of the headings is "How Might the Virus be...
This is a visualisation of pandemics of diseases throughout the history. A diagram of history of pandemics is displayed at the top of the webpage. On the right side, a timeline is shown and on the...
An abstract picture of a person, turned sideways and their face facing to the right side of the picture. They are wearing a light blue facemask, with the same coloured eyeshape outline with a dark...
The cartoon pictures a person in a state of frantic despair or mental breakdown while sitting on a couch in isolation with objects (pictures, pillows, clothes) around that say “Live, Laugh, Love”....