  • Object and Place:1. OKQ: V. 8,3 (DEC 1884); V. 22,3 (DEC 1898); V. 23,3 (1899) 2. OTUV: MICROFICHE 3. OTUV: V. 14,2 (p. 4-5); V. 18,6 (p. 208-09)....
  • Object and Place:1. CHIM (V. 1,1). Other Sources:NBSaM. Deficiencies:anything after V.1,1. Microform:CIHM #04540. Student publication of Mount Allison University.
  • Object and Place:NSWA: Originals. Microform:CIHM #05016. Collected to end of 1899 only; index number not used: 1855 (numbering error).
  • 1826-07-1828-01
    Object and Place:PANS MF(PC). See occasional paprers-RMC:5; Also, CN&Q, No.28, P.11. Number 20 (Feb 1828) not issued.
  • 1841-01-1843-12
    Object and Place:NBSL MF(PC). Microform:CIHM #04643. See occasional papers - RMC:7.
  • 1888-11-
    Object and Place:1. NBSM: V.1,7 (May 1889) 2. CIHM: same....
  • Object and Place:OKR MF. Other Sources:DONNER MF. Microform:CIHM #04640.
  • 1892-05-1893-03
    Object and Place:OKQ MF. Other Sources:McLaren MF. Microform:McLaren.
  • 1880-10-1881-09
    Object and Place:1. MF: McLearn. Other Sources:1. OTMCL 2. OONL. Microform:McLaren.
  • Object and Place:1. QMM: Vol. 1, Nos. 1; 3-7. Deficiencies:Vol. 1,2 (May 1887). Microform:CIHM #04080.
  • 1883-08-
    Object and Place:OTMCL: V.1,1. Deficiencies:Any further issues after Vol 1,1. Microform:CIHM #04340. Publisher was the brother of the editor GRIP.
  • Object and Place:OKQ (LP GV85.5 M6A8). Other Sources:OOA. Microform:CIHM #04022.
  • Object and Place:1. OKQ V.1, 2-12 2. OTAR V.1,1. Microform:CIHM #04173. Index numbers reserved but not used:0018-0050.
  • Object and Place:OKR MF....
  • 1885-01-
    Object and Place:OTMCL: V. 1,2 (FEB 1885). Deficiencies:1. Vol. 1,1 2. Anything after Vol. 1,2. Microform:CIHM #04338. Unused index NOS. #0001-0010.
  • Object and Place:OKR (FS5000 B7). Other Sources:MF Donner. Microform:Micromeida.
  • Object and Place:OKQ V.1,3 (F1028.1863.Br) OPET V.1,1-3 (MF). Other Sources: MF Donner. Microform: Micromedia.
  • Object and Place:1. OKQ (SCLP PR9235.B29) 2. OKQ (photocopy of No.5) 3. PC (no. 24, 17 mar 1853). Other Sources:MF Donner. Microform:Common Wealth.
  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. CIHM (V.1,1). Deficiencies:anything after V.1,1. Microform:CIHM #04546.
  • Object and Place:1. NSHD V.1,1 (AP5.B66) 2. PANS V.1,1 (AK F90 B77). Other Sources:OTU. Deficiencies:V.1, 2-3. Microform:CIHM #04913. May have only been one issue.
  • 1871-01-31-1871-05-30
    Object and Place:1. NSWA: V.1,4; V.1,6 2. UPEI Vol. 1,1-9. Microform:CIHM #04160.
  • 1889-10-1890-09
    Object and Place:OKQ (SCLP AP5.B9). Other Sources:MF Donner. Microform:Common Wealth. Preceeded by First Series (BY1).
  • 1880-01-1883-10
    Object and Place:OKQ (SCLP AP5.B9)....
  • 1838-11-1839-10
    Run Dates were also Bi-Monthly. Object and Place:1. QMM (LANDE COLLECTION): V.1, 1-12. Microform:CIHM #05006. Reprints Wilson's BORDER TALES with a bit of original poetry.
  • 1847-11-1848-10
    Object and Place:1. OKQ V.1,1-24 [p.7-8 missing] (SCLP LH3.B9) 2. OHL (p.7-8). Other Sources:OTAR. Microform:CIHM #05963. Student publication of the Burlington Ladies Academy.
  • 1891-01-1892-08
    Object and Place:1.OTMCL: V.1, 1-11 2.NBFU: MF (V.2, 1-3; 5) 3.NBS: V.1,5 4.NBSM: V.1,1-3 5.CIHM: V.2, 4; 6-8....
  • 1892-11-
    End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. CIHM (V. 1,1). Deficiencies:anything after V.1,1. Microform:CIHM #04060. Preceeded by CANADA (CAN).
  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. OTMCL (BR): DEC 1888 2. OOA (RARE GT 4985 C3 folio): DEC 1889. Deficiencies:anything after Dec 1889. Microform:CIHM #A01564.
  • Run Dates not known, sometime in the 1880's. Object and Place:OTMCL: 1885. Deficiencies:anything before or after 1885. Microform:CIHM #A01699.
  • End Run Date unknown. Object and Place:1. CIHM (V.1,1). Deficiencies:anything after V.1,1. Microform:CIHM #04050.
  • 1831-10-1832-09
    Object and Place:OTMCL V.1,1-4; 8-16; 18 (Nos. 1 & 12 defective)....
  • Object and Place:OKQ V.1,1-3 (SCLP AP5.C137t). Other Sources:OTMCL. Microform:CIHM #04839.
  • Object and Place:1. CIHM (V.1,1). Deficiencies:anything after V.1,1. Microform:CIHM #04071.
  • 1832-09-1833-08
    Object and Place:1. OKR MF (missing V.1,24 AUG 3, 1833) 2. OTMCL (part of V.1,24)....
  • Object and Place:1. OTMCL V.2,1-12 2. MF MCLAREN (has V.1,6 JUN 1848)....
  • Object and Places:OOU (FC1.C2849). Other Sources:OTMCL. Microform:CIHM #04076. Only one issue.
  • 1898-03-1900-12
    Object and Place:1. OONL (K-13-6):NOS. 1-8 (MAR 1898 - DEC 1899). Microform:CIHM #04049. Collected to end of 1899 only.
  • Object and Place:1. OONL MF 2. OTMCL....
  • Object and Place:1. OTAR V.1,1 2. OKQ V.1,1-12 (SCLP AP5.C1945). Other Sources:OTMCL. Microform:CIHM #04226. First item (an illustration) has index no.0000. Followed by CANADIAN MAGAZINE (CMT).
  • Object and Place:1. OTMCL V.1,1-2 2. OTTC [TRINITY COLLEGE] V.1,3 (INCOMPLETE)....

