Most people aren't aware of Health Sciences Libraries. The major issue Health Sciences Libraries are facing is becoming extinct because of lack of funding and support from decision-makers; loss of positions and libraries; increasing cost of materials; license and copyright restrictions and lack of training opportunities for existing, and new, health sciences library professionals. Another important issue with regards to education and professional development is the lack of government funded (or any for that matter) training for Medical Librarians on the use of Medline, PubMed, Docline, QuickDoc, SERHOLD, etc. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) on a regular basis provides librarians in the United States of America with FREE training accredited by MLA. Canadian librarians are not allowed to attend these sessions even if they can afford to travel to the training sites. The Canadian government does not fund this type of education, training, professional development or accreditation opportunities for Canadian medical librarians.