Left column of Dynamic Table of Context
This column allow users to search and browse the document through the use of key terms, tags, and word frequencies.
General Information
The 3 tabs operate similarly in DToC.
Clicking on an index term, tag, or stat displays their location in different ways. The Table of Contents expands, presenting the location of the term in each chapter or section, the Document Model highlights the lines that contain the term in the corpus, and the Reading Pane highlights the selected term in the readable text.
- Index terms are represented by the colour orange.
- Tags are represented in blue.
- Word frequency terms are represented in purple.
To reset any search or filter option you can select the “Clear” button located at the top of the Document Model or unselect the chapter/section filter.
To search for terms in a specific section or chapter, you can choose to “Filter by Chapter.”
Clicking on the “Filter by Chapter” button yields a drop down list of the available sections. Once a particular chapter or section has been selected, the index terms will automatically be narrowed down.
If you’ve selected to filter by chapter in another section of the left column (e.g. Tag or Stats), this choice will not be remembered when you move to a different tab.
Index Tab
If you have terms indexed in your XML document, they will appear in the left column organized under the Index tab. For instructions on how to add an index see the "Adding an index to your XML document" link below. If using a URL or pasted-in text instead of an uploaded XML document, the index will not be available.
The index can contain subsections and cross-references to provide a robust keyword catalogue. The numbers located beside each term refer to the number of instances the term appears in the corpus.
Tags Tab
The “Tags” tab displays any of the tags found in your XML document. If you use a URL or pasted-in text instead of an uploaded XML document, the “Tags” tab will be empty.
You can view specific tags in the other columns by selecting one from the list or searching for it in the filter search box at the top of the column. If you want to see only the tags that are found in a specific chapter or section, then you can choose the “Filter by Chapter” option at the top right of the column.
You can curate and add tags to your document.
- “Add” allows you to add new tags to the list.
- “Remove Selected” allows you to delete any tags in the list.
- “Show Selected” allows you to see in both the Table of Contents and the Reader Pane
where the tags are located (if present).
Once you choose to “Add” a tag there are three options. You can choose from a drop down menu of tags that are found in the document but may not be in the list already.
You can also add new XML tags and labels to apply to them. For example, you can add the ‘quote’ tag to the “Tag/Path” column and then label it “quotation” in the “Label” column.If you would like to add tags that are not found in XML you can add them as targets. For example, if you would like to add a religion tag you can add it as the target of the ‘ref’ tag. It would look like this.
Stats Tab
The “Stats” tab displays word frequencies in your document. You can organize how you view word frequency by different organizational headings, or by chapter.
The Stats information is available whenever you use DToC; it is not dependent on uploading your own XML document.
The preloaded organization options include “Term,” “Count,” and “Trend.” Clicking on the grey dropdown arrow located beside each of these column headings allows further organization options to be applied to the columns themselves. These options are “Sort Ascending,” and “Sort Descending,” which modify the presentation of linguistic data in alphabetical order, and "Columns" wherein each of the available columns (Term, Count, Relative, and Trend) can be either added or removed from the checklist provided.
You can filter terms by chapter or the entire document. At the top left of the column, click the “Filter by Chapter” button. To change back to the default options click on the “Clear” option located above the Document Model.