Select by Search

Select nodes using the Like bar to perform a text search.

The Match function searches the node names in the Dataset for matches. Matching nodes are then Selected to execute a Command.
Note: The search offers full Regex power. For example, searching "19\d\d" will return matches for numbers in the range 1900-1999.
Note: ONLY the node names are searched. The Match function does NOT perform searches on other features like Set/Class types or Snippet text.
  1. Type a term into the search bar.

    By default, All nodes are searched for matches. But you can narrow the search to certain Sets or Classes by clicking on them.
    After typing in a search, the Current Command will update to contain the search term and selected Set/Class type.

  2. Click on the desired Verb to choose an action.

In this example, the user searched for ALL nodes MATCHING "University" and then executed the VERB Activate. As a result, nodes with names containing "University" were pulled into the graph.