Execute Verbs in Commands Tab

Use the Commands Tab to perform actions in the graph. Commands are executed by combining a Set or Class Type with a Verb.
  1. Select nodes, either manually or by clicking on a Set or Class type.

  2. Click on a Verb to complete the formula and execute the action.

    Continue clicking on Verbs to execute a sequence of actions.

In this example, choosing the Set "Graphed" and then clicking the Verb "Label" resulted in the Graphed nodes being labelled.

Once a Set or Class type has been Selected, you can click on multiple Verbs to execute a series of actions. For example, you could choose to Activate → Label → Pin a group of nodes.

Finally, click the nodes manually (or unclick the Set or Class bin) to Unselect.

Once a Set or Class type has been Selected, you can click on multiple Verbs to execute a series of actions. For example, you could choose to Activate → Label → Pin a group of nodes.

Finally, click the nodes manually (or unclick the Set or Class bin) to Unselect.