When food is copious, the Innut are happy, and to celebrate, the women would prepare neuaikan (dried meat) and melt the fat. As Ishkueu prepares the meat, her children come running; a huge wolf was hiding in the trees. She tries to shoo the wolf away but Neuaikaniss responds “I only want a little of your dried meat, you need not be afraid of me.” Ishkueu tells the wolf to leave. The other wolves make fun of him, warning him to stay away “otherwise they will sell your fur to the Hudson Bay Company.” Neuaikaniss visits the woman another time and tells her his name means “the one who likes to eat dried meat.” In exchange for some dried meat the wolf promises to watch over Ishkueu’s children while she works and to pull their sled. Neuaikaniss reamined with the family after that and had all the dried meat he wanted.