The Community Corner collection includes memoires, autobiographies and biographies of missionaries, mission families, and mission endeavors, written mostly by family members themselves (sometimes with the help of others). Here you will find unpublished materials with foundations in family archives and heritage that is not available in public archives (yet). Much of this material has circulated informally within the extended missionary descent community for decades, and some of it is produced more recently by those of third and fourth generation descendents, as well as interested scholars and Chinese collaborators. Members of this community seek new knowledge about the extraordinary movement of American, British and Canadian families who resettled and worked in West China, getting off to a slow start in the 1880s, and ending abruptly between 1949 and 1951 when the People's Republic of China was founded. We invite you to explore this collection, which has been made possible through the generosity of the families who contributed documents from their own family archives. We will be adding content from time to time, so check back to find new entries!