"Receiving refugees: Hidden terrorists?"...Interview with former CSIS agent (Canadian Intelligence and Security Service) and security consultant Michel Juneau-Katsuya regarding hidden terrorists...
"Teenage terrorist: Sentencing postponed until March"...A 16 year old was convicted in youth court of committing a theft for the benefit of a terrorist organization while planning to leave Canada...
"Terrorist plot in Victoria: the RCMP questioned"...John Nuttall, 40, and his wife Amanda Korody, 31, are back in court after being found guilty of conspiracy to commit murder and possession of an...
"Terrorist fears: Elabi released on bail"...Elabi Omar, aged 20 was released on bail after being arrested for threats on social networks. The arrest was a part of of a broad anti-terrorism police...
"Two suspected terrorists arrested in Turkey"...Two suspected members of the Islamic State armed group were arrested at Ataturk Airport in Turkey, which was hit by three suicide bombers last week.
This is a Torontoist online magazine article of June 14, 2016 by Jesse Hawkin. It discusses the coverage in the major Toronto newspapers of the Orlando Pulse Nightlclub mass shooting https:/...
"Terrorist offenses: Lavalloise arrested"...A young woman from Laval, Mouna Diab is facing justice for allegedly committing offenses linked to Hezbollah, a listed terrorist entity in Canada since...
Do tolerance and social peace prevail in Muslim-majority countries which enshrine "Islam" in law? Nowadays in most such countries, atheists, apostates and those who convert to another religion are...
"Khurram Sher acquitted of terrorism charges"...Khurram Syed Sher was acquitted Tuesday of conspiracy to facilitate terrorist activities. Judge Charles Hackland, of the Superior Court, said that...
"Parliament Hill reopened to the public"...Parliament Hill has reopened after the attack at the National War Memorial that killed Corporal Nathan Cirillo.
"Belgian police arrest six terror suspects"...The Belgian forces of order have arrested six people in connection with the failed attack against a high-speed Thalys train.
"Brazilian police arrest 10 suspected terrorists"...Brazilian Federal Police arrested ten people who have sworn allegiance to the Islamic State on social networks and discussed a possible attack...
"Canadian Sikh falsely labeled a terrorist"...Veerender Jubbal was falsely labeled a terrorist after a photo of him was edited to appear as if he was wearing a vest of explosives with the Koran in...
"Simulation of terrorist acts in Montreal"...Montreal, Quebec participated in "Montreal 360", a series of exercises designed to simulate terrorist attacks in an effort to improve the city's response.
"Suspected terrorists: Muslims react"...The Muslim Association of London, Ontario held a press conference to dissociate the alleged actions of Ali and Xristos Medlej Katsiroubas, two young men from...
"A terrorist wants his citizenship"...An Ottawa resident imprisoned for his involvement in a terrorist plot is arguing that the federal government's decision to withdraw his citizenship violates...