“Never let anyone call me a white woman. There are those who think they pay me a compliment in saying that I am just like a white woman. My aim, my joy, my pride is to sing the glories of my own...
WRITINGS BY THE AUTHOR: BOOKSThe White Wampum (London: John Lane / Boston: Lamson, Wolffe, 1895).Canadian Born (Toronto: Morang, 1903).Legends of Vancouver (Vancouver, B.C.: Privately printed, 1911...
Summary: A biography of the nineteenth-century Canadian poet who gained fame through her one-woman shows which brought directly to the people her verses of her Mohawk heritage and of her country.
Early in the twentieth century, Emily Pauline Johnson (1861-1913) had become one of Canada's most celebrated performers, billed as the "Indian Poet-Reciter," "The Mohawk Poetess," or under her own...