Born in China to Canadian parents, Florence Wheelock Asycough devoted much of her life to interpreting Chinese culture. Her many writings include collaborations with her life-long friend, American...
A longtime resident of Toronto, Florence Elizabeth Westacott frequently contributed stories and poems to Canadian periodicals. Her only volume of poetry, The City Dweller and Other Poems (1935),...
A lifetime resident of Ontario, Florence Sherk worked as a teacher and then as a journalist. She published several volumes of non-fiction and one book of poetry.
Despite spending most of her life in the United States, Florence Ralston Werum retained her Canadian identity and published in many Canadian periodicals.
Author of one book of verse, Florence Clark McLaren was a prominent member of the poetry community in Victoria, BC, where she joined with Dorothy Livesay, Anne Marriott, and Doris Ferne to found...
Although Frances Gillmor was born in the US, where she became a university professor, she considered herself a Canadian due to her family’s roots in New Brunswick, where she spent the happy...
An immigrant from the Netherlands, Frances van Hoogenhouck Tulleken lectured about folk culture and crafts, and wrote a chapter for a book on Canadian crafts that was never published.
Georgina Binnie-Clark was an English-born journalist who recounted her efforts as a single woman homesteader in Saskatchewan in her best-known book, Wheat and Woman (1914).
A life-long resident of Victoria, BC, Georgina Seymour Waitt published one book. Her novel Three Girls Under Canvas (1900), is an anecdotal account of the adventures of three independent young...