  • Karyn Huenemann
  • During the 1930s, Laura Vivian Belvadere Arnett contributed poems to a number of venues before issuing several collections of her verse many decades later.
  • Lenore Pratt, who grew up in Ontario and lived for a time in Newfoundland, was a well-recognized poet during the 1940s and 1950s.
  • After she was widowed, Lereine Katherine Ballantyne turned to writing to support her family and published in many genres.
  • Lesley Drummond Ross was a lifelong resident of Montreal, where she published a play and some poetry.
  • 2018-05-18
    Artist Lesley Sirluck both illustrated and wrote magazine stories as well as a book for children.
  • After marrying a Canadian, American-born Leslie Grant published her only book in Canada, and later lived in Ottawa.
  • Scottish-born Letitia Hargrave, one of the first European women to live in the Canadian North, described her experiences in letters that were later published.
  • Letitia Youmans was a prominent Canadian temperance reformer who recounted her experiences in her published autobiography.
  • Lilian Fortier Taylor contributed poetry to newspapers across Canada and published two volumes of verse.
  • Born in England, Lillian Leveridge became an active poet later in life.
  • An English teacher and social reformer, Lillian Mary Faithfull visited Canada on a speaking tour in the early 1920s and included many observations about the country in her subsequent autobiography.
  • One of the first women graduates of Queen's University, Lillian Vaux MacKinnon later preserved her experiences in her only novel, Miriam of Queen's (1921).
  • Lilla Stewart Dunlap Nease wrote journalism, poetry, and fiction throughout a long life that took her to various residences in Ontario and Western Canada.
  • Lillian Beynon Thomas was a suffrage activist in Manitoba as well as the author of many poems, stories, and plays.
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    Lillian Coo was a pioneer sports journalist in Winnipeg.
  • Based in Toronto, Lillie A. Brooks contributed articles and poetry to many periodicals and issued four collections of her verse.
  • Globe-trotting Lily Adams Beck settled in Victoria in 1919 where she then wrote over thirty-five books, some reflecting her interest in Buddhism.
  • Lily Alice Lefevre spent her adult life in Vancouver, BC, where she was a patron of the arts and published several volumes of poetry.
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    Lily E.F. Barry enjoyed a busy career as a Montreal-based journalist, poet, short-story writer, and social activist.
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    Born into a large and prominent Montreal family, Lily Dougall wrote many novels and works of non-fiction that reflect her Christian commitments.
  • 2018-05-18
    Lily Lewis was the Montreal-based journalist who travelled around the world with Sara Jeannette Duncan in 1888-89.
  • The mother of author Mordecai Richler, Lily Rosenberg Richler published some articles in the 1930s and an autobiographical memoir in 1981.
  • A lifelong resident of New Brunswick, Lizzie Estabrooks Palmer expressed her religious feelings in her only book of poetry, The Selected Poems of Lizzie E. Palmer (1889).
  • Both an artist and a writer, Lois Gilpin self-published two pamphlets of poetry in Vancouver.
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    After beginning as a poet in her student days, Toronto-based Lois Darroch went on to write several novels and biographies.
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    While working for many years in the library at Queen's University in Kingston, Lois Saundrs contributed to periodicals and published a book of translated poems.
  • From her home base of Saint John, NB, Loretta Leonard Shaw became a missionary in Japan. Her experiences were documented in her book, Japan in Transition (1922), and many articles.
  • 2018-05-18
    After getting her start in Edmonton, AB, Lotta Dempsey became a prominent print and radio journalist in Toronto.
  • Lottie Plewes McAlister expressed her support for temperance reform and women’s suffrage in her only novel, Clipped Wings (1899).
  • 2018-05-18
    During the last decades of the nineteenth century, Louisa Murray was well known for her contributions to periodicals and for serialized novels that were never issued in book form.
  • Karyn Huenemann
  • Louise McKinney, best known as one of the "Famous Five," published many of her speeches as well as some articles written for Canadian periodicals.
  • Louise Morey Bowman was one of the first Canadians to write imagist poetry.
  • At the end of the nineteenth century, American author Louise Heaven lived in Toronto, where she supported the George P. Morang publishing house, which issued her final novel in 1901.
  • Louise Rorke was an Ontario teacher whose books were mostly intended for children.
  • Poet Lucia Clark Markham spent most of her life in Lexington, KY, and was also a member of the Vancouver Poetry Society.
  • Lucy Bagnall published books about history that reflect her work as a teacher and as a Baptist missionary.
  • Best known as a child performer and later as Mrs. Walter McRaye, Lucy Webling occasionally published poetry and fiction.
  • Lucy Gertrude Clarkin of Charlottetown, PEI, wrote poetry and prose that reflected her Catholic piety.
