  • 2018-05-18
    Montreal-based Catherine McGuire Bagg was long associated with the Canadian Poetry Magazine, one of the periodicals in which her work appeared.
  • Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Catherine MacNiven immigrated to Canada around 1845 and issued her only volume of poems in Ingersoll, ON.
  • An Ojibwa woman who married an Englishman, Catherine Sonego Sutton (Nahnebahwequay) became well known as an advocate of Indigenous rights.
  • Member of a well-educated and literary family, Catherine de Vaux MacKinnon published some poetry in periodicals.
  • Best known as an artist, Cecilia MacKinnon published one volume of poetry.
  • Cecilia McNaughton's publications related to her work as a temperance and and suffrage advocate in British Columbia.
  • Born in Nova Scotia, Cecilia Viets Jamison spent most her life in the United States where she became a well-known author of fiction for children.
  • 2018-05-18
    Montrealer Celeste Belnap published several poems in 1930 in a periodical edited by her sister, Jane Belnap.
  • 2018-05-18
    During the 1840s and 1850s, Celia Eddy published her poetry in the newspapers of St. Catharines, ON.
  • After the death of her husband, painter Charles Wyatt Eaton, Charlotte Eaton published books in various genres.
  • Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna was a prolific British author of religious tracts and children’s stories. The Newfoundland Fishermen (1835) was inspired by her years as a military wife in Nova Scotia,...
  • Best known for her tenure as mayor of Ottawa, Charlotte Whitton expressed her views on social and political issues in ten monographs and many newspaper columns.
  • Karyn Huenemann
  • Charlotte Führer worked as a midwife in Montreal where she self-published her only book, The Mysteries of Montreal: Being Recollections of a Female Physician in 1881.
  • From her home in Halifax, NS, Charlotte Geddie Harrington edited the Message, the major periodical of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.
  • A lifelong resident of Middlesex County, ON, Charlotte Grant MacIntyre published one volume of poetry.
  • Charlotte Bompas wrote several books about her experiences as a missionary in the Northwest Territories.
  • Born in England, Christina Willey immigrated to Saskatchewan, qualified as a pharmacist, and published her writings in the local newspapers and magazines. Her only book, Poems of Christina Willey,...
  • Christine Jenkins co-founded a pioneering newspaper for Black readers in Ontario and wrote much of its content.
  • Christine Lighthall Henderson, member of an illustrious Montreal family, became a poet after the death of her husband.
  • Christine van der Mark wrote journalism, poetry and fiction, much of which depicted life in rural Alberta and showed her concern for the welfare of the Métis.
  • A life-long resident of Nova Scotia, Claire Harris MacIntosh expressed her talents in many published genres, including poetry, drama, and music.
  • 2018-05-18
    In addition to her radio career, Toronto journalist Claire Wallace published two books on etiquette.
  • Clara Armstrong spent most of her life in Saskatchewan, where she produced three collections of verse in the 1930s and 1940s.
  • Clara Bernhardt overcame numerous physical disabilities to forge a significant literary career as a poet and contributor to periodicals for children and adults.
  • The first female lawyer in both Canada and the British Empire, Clara Brett Martin published several items about women and the law.
  • Karyn Huenemann
  • 2018-05-18
    While a student at the University of Alberta, Clara May Bell co-authored a musical in 1916, for which she also composed the score.
  • An art teacher by training, Clara Mountcastle also published poetry and fiction.
  • Clara Emily Rothwell Anderson was best known for authoring more than a dozen light-hearted plays that were first produced as fund-raising events for the Ladies' Aid Societies of her husband's...
  • 2018-05-18
    Based at York University in Toronto, Clara Thomas was a pioneer scholar of Canadian literature whose articles and books did much to establish the status of Canadian literary studies as a primary...
  • An active campaigner, Clementina Fessenden frequently published her views about maintaining Canada's ties with the British Empire.
  • Born in Halifax and later a resident of Montreal, Clotilda Jennings published one novel and several volumes of poetry.
  • A resident of Ottawa, ON, Constance Barbour was an active poet whose work appeared in many periodicals and was aired on CBC radio.
  • Constance Beresford-Howe commenced her writing career as an undergraduate at McGill University in Montreal and later became known for fiction that addresses many concerns of second-wave feminism.
  • Toronto-based poet Constance Davies Woodrow published extensively in magazines and issued many chapbooks of poetry between 1920 and her untimely death at the age of 38.
  • Based in Halifax, NS, Constance Fairbanks Piers was a poet and cultural journalist.
  • Born in British Columbia, Constance Lindsay Skinner developed a multi-facetted literary career in New York.
  • Author of three novels as well as poetry and a play, Constance Travers Sweatman spent much of her adult life in Manitoba, before moving to Toronto.

