  • Best known as one of Canada's first female judges, Helen Gregory MacGill was an active musician and jounalist before she turned her focus to the improvement of laws concerning of women and children.
  • With a doctorate in sociology, Helen MacGill Hughes continued her family's high level of intellectual and social activity and published extensively in her field.
  • One of Canada's first women doctors, Helen MacMurchy wrote extensively about public health, including the now discredited principles of eugenics.
  • During her brief life, Helen Mar Johnson achieved considerable recognition as a poet.
  • 2018-05-18
    Helen Merrill, sister of writer Anne Merrill, published non-fiction about Ontario and one volume of poetry.
  • Member of an elite Nova Scotia family, Helen Morrow Paske Duffus published some of her her novels under pen names that she shared with her sister, Susan Morrow Jones.
  • Helen Robina Foote contributed her writings to local newspapers in southern Ontario and issued one volume of poetry.
  • Durng her years in Canada, Helen Shackleton Brietzke published journalism and poems for children.
  • Born in the US, Helen Slack Wickenden spent much of her adult life in Quebec, a setting that inspired her two books of poetry.
  • A suffrage and labour activitist, Helena Gutteridge edited and wrote for periodicals that promoted these causes.
  • Ontario-based poet Helena Coleman enjoyed a wide circle of literary friends.
  • A lifelong resident of Sydney, NS, Henrietta Burchell Clarke wrote poetry inspired by the local landscape.
  • Henrietta Prescott (Lady Lushington) wrote poetry while living in Newfoundland during her father’s term as governor.
  • Henrietta Muir Edwards, best known as one of the "Famous Five," published two books about the legal status of women in Canada, as well as journal articles.
  • Born in Germany, Henrietta Skelton, published fiction based on her temperance ideals.
  • Dividing her time between Ontario and New England, Hersilia Mitchell Keays supported her children by publishing eight novels.
  • 2018-08-01
    Hester White spent much of her life in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, where she wrote about the history of the region.
  • Hilda Glynn Howard won notoriety for her anti-Oriental novel The Writing on the Wall, written while she was living in Vancouver, BC.
  • 2018-05-18
    A poet, journalist, and women's advocate, Hilda Ridley is best known for co-editing the Crucible literary magazine with her sister, Laura.
  • Hilda van Stockum, author and illustrator of many children’s books, resided in Montreal for several periods of her life despite her American citizenship.
  • American-born poet Hilma Parsons moved to Canada as a child, and after settling in British Columbia became an active member of the Vancouver Poetry Society, appearing in many of their publications.
  • As an Albertan newspaper journalist and editor, Hughena McCorquodale was recognized across Canada for championing freedom of the press.
  • A leader of temperance reform and suffrage in Ontario, Huldah McMullen edited the temperance journal, Canada Citizen from 1893 to 1895.
  • Ida Cecil Moore, of Prince Edward Island, was known for her children’s novel, Lucky Orphan (1947).
  • Twin sister of poet Eva Fitch York, Ida Baker wrote poetry, plays and fiction imbued with her Baptist ideology, much of it intended for young readers.
  • Under the name "Janet Munro," Ida Isabel Thompson published journalism and issued three pamphlets of poetry.
  • Best known for leading the woman's suffrage movement in Quebec, Idola Saint-Jean published a few periodical pieces in English.
  • 2018-05-18
    Irene Baird is best known for her novel, Waste Heritage (1939), about the occupation of the Vancouver Post Office by the unemployed.
  • Irene Chapman Benson was a well-recognized poet during the 1930s and 1940s, when her work appeared in many periodicals and one Ryerson chapbook.
  • Irene Currie Love enjoyed an extensive career as a professional journalist, with some of her issued under the pen name "Margaret Currie."
  • Poet Irene Elder Morton, a lifelong resident of Nova Scotia, was also known for her historical interests.
  • Based primarily in Toronto, Irene McElheran published a biography of her husband and two pamphlets of poetry.
  • 2018-05-18
    Very active in the cultural and civic life of Vancouver, Irene Moody published a novel for children and four volumes of verse.
  • Born in England, Irene Willerton settled in Victoria, BC after her marriage. Although she started to write poetry while in her teens, her only volume, So Little Makes Me Glad, was published...
  • Born in Scotland, Isa Grindlay Jackson homesteaded in Alberta and published her light, witty verse in many periodicals.
  • Isabel C. Armstrong was a career journalist with an interest in art and music; she wrote for many Ontario and Western newspapers, including an extensive association with the Ottawa Citizen.
  • An admired and gregarious author of fiction, poetry, and plays, Isabel Ecclestone MacKay was active in literary organizations in Vancouver, her home from 1909 until her early death in 1928.
  • Isabel Mary Paterson first entered public view as a journalist in British Columbia, before she moved to New York where she developed theories about libertarianism.
  • Isabella Campbell spent most of her life in Quebec, except for the two years in Australia that she described in her best-known book, Rough and Smooth (1865)..
  • A resident of Ontario, Isabella Valancy Crawford achieved belated recognition for her many extraordinary poems and stories following her early death in 1887.

