Filter by Country

Users can filter what country events are located in, by selecting from a list on the left side of the page. This will narrow down the results in both the timeline and the map.

  1. Select the country(ies) you would like to view events from.

    If the event does not have a location attached to it, it still appears in this list only in light grey with the qualifier “(missing this field)”. The numbers listed beside the country names refers to how many events from that location are available in the timeline and map.

  2. If you would like to view multiple countries, check multiple checkboxes.

    The check box at the top of the “Country” field tells the user how many of the filters have been checked.

  3. View the events that occurred in the selected country(ies) in the timeline or map.

    Once the users checks one of these options, the timeline and map will automatically narrow down the results to the events that belong in that category(ies). The map legend will also narrow down to only thoses event types that are in the countries you have selected.

  4. To reset the country filter, uncheck the top checkbox (or individually selected boxes) or select “Reset All Filters” option above the map (see below).