Welcome to CWRC-Writer. In this page we describe how to get started using the editor and what to look out for.
Git-Writer is a web-based XML&LOD editor that supports editing of XML documents storred in GitHub.
In order to edit a document in Git-Writer, you must load it first. You can load a documnet from GitHub or you local machine. You can also start editing from one of the templates provided.
CWRC-Writer provides three options for users to work with their documents. Users can view, annotate or edit documents.
CWRC users can view any uploaded XML documents in CWRC-Writer. If the document is locked by another user, you cannot edit or annotated the document until you get the other users premission.
To create CWRC-Writer compatible documents you can either upload well formed XML files or create a document from existing templates.
There are multiple ways to begin writing text in CWRC-Writer. You can select a tag and then begin to write, or you can place your cursor in the editor and begin to type.
CWRC-Writer templates open with pre-existing text. It may be easier to first delete the text (but not the tags) before adding your own text to the document.
The validation of your XML document against the associated schema. If your document is invalid a list of errors found in the document will appear at the bottom of the page.
There is an option to change the different editor modes for your document. Editor modes control what tagging will be allowed in your document (a combination of XML and RDF).
Show tags allows you to view all the XML tags in the document.
Edit Source is for users who wish to edit the raw XML or RDF code. We do not suggest that you use this option unless you are an expert.
You can edit the TEI header in CWRC-Writer.
CWRC-Writer provides two options to save your changes and document. The first is a general save action, but the second allows users to save and then exit the document.