Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is located at the top of any CWRC page and provides points of navigation into the CWRC site, including (from left to right): CWRC home page, Collaboratory, News, About, Projects, Help icon, Language Settings icon, Notifications icon, and Profile icon.

CWRC home page

You can redirect to the CWRC homepage by clicking either CWRC or CWRC's logo on the top left corner of any page. CWRC's homepage includes a range of content, from CWRC and partner project-related News and Events, to What We Are Writing, What We Are Collecting, and What We Are Sharing feeds.


The Collaboratory is where all of CWRC's content lives in the form of top-level collections. You may browse these collections in either List or Grid mode (icons at the top right corner), and sort by Title or date last Modified (top left).


Click News to go to a page that lists all news items published in CWRC, ranging from book, project, and tool launches, to workshops and conferences.


Click on About to find answers to questions relating to the CWRC project, its team members, contributors, and sponsors.


Click on Projects for an overview of all featured projects within CWRC. You can filter projects presented here by selecting categories located on the far left.


Click the Help ? icon to access either the Help Documentation (in which you find yourself now) or Report a Bug within CWRC.

Language Settings

CWRC navigation is either presented in english or french, where the default has been set to english. Click on the Language Settings icon (which is either EN for english or FR for french) to select a language option.
Note: This language setting only changes the language of the Drupal content within CWRC, not the content within the Collaboratory. English and french translations are provided, whenever possible, by project admins.


Click the Notifications bell icon to view and manage your messages within CWRC.
Note: The number indicates how many new, unread messages you have.


Click the Profile icon to open a drop-down menu that includes the following: Login/Log out, My Dashboard, My Research Space, Project Dashboards (if any), and My Profile.