NationalityCategory is an attribute applied to the CWRCdocument as a whole, and specifies nationality information about the individual who is the subject of the document; for example,if she or he is British or Canadian. Note: more than one value can be selected for this attribute -- each attribute value shouldbe separated by a blank space.
Person is an attribute applied to the CWRC document as awhole, and specifies information about the type of person who is the subject of the document, and specifically, if they are a writer ora nonwriter.
union of(xs:string, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token)
Sex is an attribute applied to the CWRCdocument as a whole, and specifies whether the individual who is the subject of the document is female, male, transgendered,transgendered male-to-female, transgendered female-to-male, or undefined.
<xs:element name="CWRC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>CWRC is the large, all-encompassing root element found in all documents.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="rdf:RDF"/><xs:element ref="CWRCHEADER"/><xs:element ref="ENTRY"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/><xs:attribute name="SEX"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Sex is an attribute applied to the CWRC document as a whole, and specifies whether the individual who is the subject of the document is female, male, transgendered, transgendered male-to-female, transgendered female-to-male, or undefined.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:string"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED FEMALE-TO-MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED MALE-TO-FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UNDEFINED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:union></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="PERSON"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Person is an attribute applied to the CWRC document as a whole, and specifies information about the type of person who is the subject of the document, and specifically, if they are a writer or a nonwriter.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="NON-WRITER"/><xs:enumeration value="WRITER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="NATIONALITYCATEGORY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NationalityCategory is an attribute applied to the CWRC document as a whole, and specifies nationality information about the individual who is the subject of the document; for example, if she or he is British or Canadian. Note: more than one value can be selected for this attribute -- each attribute value should be separated by a blank space.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction><xs:simpleType><xs:list><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="BRITISH"/><xs:enumeration value="CANADIAN"/><xs:enumeration value="INTERNATIONAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:list></xs:simpleType><xs:minLength value="1"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Equivalent to TEI's TEIHeader, CWRCHeader supplies thedescriptive and declarative information making up an electronic title page prefixed to every TEI-conformant text.
union of(xs:NCName, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token)
Type specifies the kind of document to which theheader is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text. Sample values include: 1] text; 2]corpus.
<xs:element name="CWRCHEADER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Equivalent to TEI's TEIHeader, CWRCHeader supplies the descriptive and declarative information making up an electronic title page prefixed to every TEI-conformant text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element ref="FILEDESC"/><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="PROFILEDESC"/><xs:element ref="REVISIONDESC"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute name="TYPE" default="text"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text. Sample values include: 1] text; 2] corpus.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:NCName"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="text"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="corpus"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:union></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="FILEDESC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>fileDesc contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element ref="TITLESTMT"/><xs:element ref="PUBLICATIONSTMT"/><xs:element ref="SOURCEDESC"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="TITLESTMT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>titleStmt groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its intellectual content.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="DOCTITLE"/><xs:element ref="DOCAUTHOR"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
DocTitle is an element in the CWRCHeader thatcontains the title of the document at hand for cataloguing purposes. This title will be in the templates for most of thedocuments created for the CWRC repository, but will need to be filled in for certain documents, such as events documents anddocuments created without a template.
<xs:element name="DOCTITLE" type="xs:string"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>DocTitle is an element in the CWRCHeader that contains the title of the document at hand for cataloguing purposes. This title will be in the templates for most of the documents created for the CWRC repository, but will need to be filled in for certain documents, such as events documents and documents created without a template.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
DocAuthor is an element in the CWRCHeaderthat contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page (often but not always contained in abyline).
<xs:element name="DOCAUTHOR" type="xs:string"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>DocAuthor is an element in the CWRCHeader that contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page (often but not always contained in a byline).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
<xs:element name="PUBLICATIONSTMT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>publicationStmt groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="AUTHORITY"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="AUTHORITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The authority element contains the name of the person or organization responsible for the construction of an XML file.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
ResearchNote is available everywhere, and it allows us tocomment among ourselves on the work at hand; not to be confused with scholarNotes that will be readable by end users, the contents ofthis element will be seen only by project members.
<xs:element name="RESEARCHNOTE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ResearchNote is available everywhere, and it allows us to comment among ourselves on the work at hand; not to be confused with scholarNotes that will be readable by end users, the contents of this element will be seen only by project members.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="FIGURE"/><xs:element ref="GRAPHIC"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="XREF"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="BIBCITS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>bibCits is a container for one or more bibcit tag(s).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCIT"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The element named bibCit is designed to capturebibliographical information in much the same way as an MLA parenthetical citation and should always reside within a bibCitscontainer tag.
<xs:element name="BIBCIT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The element named bibCit is designed to capture bibliographical information in much the same way as an MLA parenthetical citation and should always reside within a bibCits container tag.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBLSCOPE"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="IDNO"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="XREF"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/><xs:attribute name="PLACEHOLDER"/><xs:attribute name="QTDIN"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="QTDINYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>
BiblScope (scope of bibliographic reference)defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a largerwork.
<xs:element name="BIBLSCOPE" type="xs:string"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>BiblScope (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
Date is one of two elements, along with dateRange,used to systematize the capture of dates across project documents. Date is used to tag all singular dates (not ranges). Accurateand systematic tagging of dates by CWRC projects is a high priority both for the role that dates play in sorting and properly displayingchronology events, but also for facilitating the search and retrieval of non-chronology material across project documents.
Value is used to record a formatted date-relatedvalue.
<xs:element name="DATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Date is one of two elements, along with dateRange, used to systematize the capture of dates across project documents. Date is used to tag all singular dates (not ranges). Accurate and systematic tagging of dates by CWRC projects is a high priority both for the role that dates play in sorting and properly displaying chronology events, but also for facilitating the search and retrieval of non-chronology material across project documents.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TIME"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="CALENDAR" default="NEWSTYLE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>An attribute of date and dateRange, calendar is used to indicate when a given date took place.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="NEWSTYLE"/><xs:enumeration value="BC"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="CERTAINTY" default="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certainty is an attribute of date and dateRange, and is used to indicate the nature of certainty that you have about a given date.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certain</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="C"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Circa</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="BY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>By this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="AFTER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>After this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Unknown date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ROUGHLYDATED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rough certainty</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/><xs:attribute name="VALUE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Value is used to record a formatted date-related value.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:date xs:gYearMonth xs:gYear"/></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element is left over from the TEI set of elements and ismeant to be used in the same way that you would use a [sic] tag in regular prose. For our purposes, we have devised a set of practicedirectives to guide you in your use of this element. It is primarily a formatting tag which inserts the word [sic] in renderedtext.
<xs:element name="SIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element is left over from the TEI set of elements and is meant to be used in the same way that you would use a [sic] tag in regular prose. For our purposes, we have devised a set of practice directives to guide you in your use of this element. It is primarily a formatting tag which inserts the word [sic] in rendered text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="CORR"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Used to record the standard name by which a person,organization, or topic is known
<xs:element name="NAME"><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="COMPANION"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="STANDARD"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Used to record the standard name by which a person, organization, or topic is known</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Ref (or reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The Companion element is to include information aroundsignificant relationships which the person had during the course of her education. It is intended to trace important contacts formedthrough her education.
<xs:element name="COMPANION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The Companion element is to include information around significant relationships which the person had during the course of her education. It is intended to trace important contacts formed through her education.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Socalled contains a word or phrase for which the author ornarrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics.
<xs:element name="SOCALLED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Socalled contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="CAUSE"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="EMPLOYER"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="GENDER"/><xs:element ref="JOBTITLE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALITY"/><xs:element ref="NICKNAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="POLITICALAFFILIATION"/><xs:element ref="PSEUDONYM"/><xs:element ref="PTYPEOFPRESS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RACECOLOUR"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="SCHOOL"/><xs:element ref="SEXUALIDENTITY"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SIGNIFICANTACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Cause is the element in which we capture all informationconcerning the causes of death. Death often is treated with silence in traditional biographies and we do not want to repeat this silence;thus, we emphasize the conditions of a writer's death, in particular, the cause of her death. This element will generate a list ofall the known causes of death and therefore we emphasize that the researcher, to the best of their ability, try to include a cause ofdeath. We wish to be able to compare writers who died from similar causes and trace significant historical factors contributing towomen's deaths. For example, we are interested in which writers died of breast cancer and when and which women committedsuicide.
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="CAUSE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Cause is the element in which we capture all information concerning the causes of death. Death often is treated with silence in traditional biographies and we do not want to repeat this silence; thus, we emphasize the conditions of a writer's death, in particular, the cause of her death. This element will generate a list of all the known causes of death and therefore we emphasize that the researcher, to the best of their ability, try to include a cause of death. We wish to be able to compare writers who died from similar causes and trace significant historical factors contributing to women's deaths. For example, we are interested in which writers died of breast cancer and when and which women committed suicide.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Direct is an attribute of the quote element and isintended to indicate whether a source is being quoted directly or indirectly. For display purposes, it will be necessary to setoff direct quotations (double quotation marks) from indirect ones (single quotation marks).
This attribute distinguishes between the differentkinds of awards: "scholarship," "prize," and "other." An entrance scholarship to Oxford isdifferent from winning first prize in a Spelling Bee and distinguishing between awards will help understand the materialconditions affecting women's access to education.
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="AWARDSNONLITERARY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element captures important educational awards given to women writers.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOOL"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/><xs:element ref="TEXT"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="AWARDTYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute distinguishes between the different kinds of awards: "scholarship," "prize," and "other." An entrance scholarship to Oxford is different from winning first prize in a Spelling Bee and distinguishing between awards will help understand the material conditions affecting women's access to education.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SCHOLARSHIP"/><xs:enumeration value="PRIZE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This optional attribute of the foreign elementcontains the name of the language that foreign word or phrase has been written in. Having such information will allow us toisolate different languages for checking and searching purposes.
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="FOREIGN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The foreign element identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="LANG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute of the foreign element contains the name of the language that foreign word or phrase has been written in. Having such information will allow us to isolate different languages for checking and searching purposes.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="EMPH"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Short for emphasis, emph is an element that marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Denomination captures the names of religious denominationsassociated with a person's life. We are defining denomination very broadly to include a wide range of categories from Christian toatheist to Seekers to Clapham Sect. While we recognize that many of the denominations listed below are conceptually different (forexample, Buddhhierarchicalism is on a different hierarchical, conceptual level than Calvinist), for the purposes of this Project we areoverlooking these distinctions.
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:element name="DENOMINATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Denomination captures the names of religious denominations associated with a person's life. We are defining denomination very broadly to include a wide range of categories from Christian to atheist to Seekers to Clapham Sect. While we recognize that many of the denominations listed below are conceptually different (for example, Buddhhierarchicalism is on a different hierarchical, conceptual level than Calvinist), for the purposes of this Project we are overlooking these distinctions.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="ETHNICITY"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALHERITAGE"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM"/><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This optional attribute is attached to variouscategories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the elementapplies.
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:element name="ETHNICITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Ethnicity captures information about a person's ethnic position. See raceAndEthnicity for a detailed description of the complexities of this element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="GEOGHERITAGE"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALHERITAGE"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALITY"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RACECOLOUR"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="FOREBEAR" default="FAMILY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute is attached to various categories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the element applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="PARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDPARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
GeogHeritage captures information about the geographicalorigins of a person's family which often contributes to an understanding of their racial and ethnic background. It offers a way tocapture women identified as "South-Asian," for example, when no more precise national heritage is indicated. SeeraceAndEthnicity for a detailed description of the complexities of this element.
This optional attribute is attached to variouscategories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the elementapplies.
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:element name="GEOGHERITAGE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>GeogHeritage captures information about the geographical origins of a person's family which often contributes to an understanding of their racial and ethnic background. It offers a way to capture women identified as "South-Asian," for example, when no more precise national heritage is indicated. See raceAndEthnicity for a detailed description of the complexities of this element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="CLASS"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="ETHNICITY"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALHERITAGE"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALITY"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RACECOLOUR"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="FOREBEAR" default="FAMILY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute is attached to various categories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the element applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="PARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDPARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This sub-element within culturalFormation and classIssuecaptures the specific class category of the subject of the biography. Unlike classIssue which contains detailed discussion of her classposition, class is meant to capture an identifying word or phrase. We hope to provide our end-users with a list of women writers who wereworking-class or aristocratic and this tag will allow us to generate such a list.
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
Socialrank, an optional attribute for class, providesa structured vocabulary for class position. Systematizing class position by using the social rank attribute, allows the taggerthe freedom to use whatever term is most applicable in the prose.
<xs:element name="CLASS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This sub-element within culturalFormation and classIssue captures the specific class category of the subject of the biography. Unlike classIssue which contains detailed discussion of her class position, class is meant to capture an identifying word or phrase. We hope to provide our end-users with a list of women writers who were working-class or aristocratic and this tag will allow us to generate such a list.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALHERITAGE"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALITY"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RACECOLOUR"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SOCIALRANK" default="OTHER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Socialrank, an optional attribute for class, provides a structured vocabulary for class position. Systematizing class position by using the social rank attribute, allows the tagger the freedom to use whatever term is most applicable in the prose.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="NOBILITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>nobility: holding a title or close family relation to someone holding a title (LMWM, Lord Byron, Nancy Mitford)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="GENTRY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>gentry: property-owning or related to same, can be in stocks and bonds. Begins in the idea of owning arms and having a coat of arms. Distinguished from Nobility in so far as money is not necessarily related to blood and title. Disinterested gentlemen are of this class (ie Jane Austen).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="MANAGERIAL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>managerial: station in life comes from the fact that they are running something but not putting their money into it, e.g. salaried civil service, bankers, hospital administrators.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="PROFESSIONAL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>professional: Professional: Doctors, lawyers, guild, high calling, social respect, intellectual requirements, clergy (Church of England) (ie Ann Hunter [married to a surgeon], Virginia Woolf).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ENTREPRENEURIAL-INDUSTRIALIST"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>entrepreneurial-industrialist: Running factories, investing money (ie Elizabeth Gaskell, Elizabeth Montagu, Beatrice Webb).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="SHOPKEEPERS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>shopkeepers: owns and runs a pub or shop. Similar to an industrialist but to a lesser degree of magnitude.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="LOWER-MIDDLECLASS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>lower-middleClass: employees, clerical workers, teachers, governesses. Note, however, that some teachers go into Professional (Mr. Chips) and women starting schools and then managing them also go into Professional.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="YEOMAN-FARMER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>yeoman-farmer: own just enough land to support themselves if they do most of the work themselves (ie Elizabeth Ham, Mary Webb).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="SKILLEDCRAFTPERSON-ARTISAN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>skilledCraftperson-Artisan: goldsmith, tailor, shoemaker, milliner, dressmaker.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="URBAN-INDUSTRIALUNSKILLED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>urban-industrialUnskilled: (industrial/service possible attributes): any form of production line, service industry.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="RURAL-UNSKILLED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>rural-unskilled: farm laborers (mostly male).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="SERVANTS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>servants: Mainly female, but fairly self-explanatory.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="INDIGENT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>indigent: poor, destitute, unemployed, on social security.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
NationalityHeritage captures information about the nationalityof a person's family which contributes to an understanding of their racial and ethnic background. It gestures towards hyphenatedidentities such as "Japanese-Canadian." While Joy Kogawa's nationality is Canadian, her national heritage is Japanese. SeeraceAndEthnicity for a detailed description of the complexities of this element.
This optional attribute is attached to variouscategories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the elementapplies.
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:element name="NATIONALHERITAGE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NationalityHeritage captures information about the nationality of a person's family which contributes to an understanding of their racial and ethnic background. It gestures towards hyphenated identities such as "Japanese-Canadian." While Joy Kogawa's nationality is Canadian, her national heritage is Japanese. See raceAndEthnicity for a detailed description of the complexities of this element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="CLASS"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="ETHNICITY"/><xs:element ref="GEOGHERITAGE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALITY"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RACECOLOUR"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM"/><xs:attribute name="FOREBEAR" default="FAMILY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute is attached to various categories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the element applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="PARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDPARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This sub-element within culturalFormation and NationalityIssuecaptures specific information concerning a person's nationality. Include multiple times to capture multiple nationalities andchanges in her citizenship.
This attribute allows you to capture changes interminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes andtherefore needs explanation.
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:element name="NATIONALITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This sub-element within culturalFormation and NationalityIssue captures specific information concerning a person's nationality. Include multiple times to capture multiple nationalities and changes in her citizenship.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="GEOGHERITAGE"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALHERITAGE"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="POLITICALAFFILIATION"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows you to capture changes in terminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes and therefore needs explanation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Latitude in decimal degrees of the place entity. Example: for the place entity Edmonton, the latitude in decimal degrees is "53.55014" (WGS [WorldGeodetic System] 84 reference coordinate system).
Longitude in decimal degrees of the place entity. Example: for the place entity Edmonton, the longitude in decimal degrees is "-113.46871" (WGS[World Geodetic System] 84 reference coordinate system).
Ref (or reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entitybeing named by means of a URI.
<xs:element name="PLACE"><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOOL"/><xs:element ref="SEPARATION"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/><xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Ref (or reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="LAT" type="xs:decimal"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Latitude in decimal degrees of the place entity. Example: for the place entity Edmonton, the latitude in decimal degrees is "53.55014" (WGS [World Geodetic System] 84 reference coordinate system).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="LONG" type="xs:decimal"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Longitude in decimal degrees of the place entity. Example: for the place entity Edmonton, the longitude in decimal degrees is "-113.46871" (WGS [World Geodetic System] 84 reference coordinate system).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This content sub-element can record either the specific nameor a description of an institution and includes numerous attributes to identify the gender, class, level, type of schoolattended.
This optional attribute attached to school records thesignificant differences between types of institutions. We are interested in the effect of institutional structures onwomen's lives and hope to capture, for example, how institutional differences between trade schools and boarding schoolsinfluenced women. Because of the complicated range of educational insitutions, this attribute has numerousvalues.
This optional attribute attached to school allows usto gather information about the level of educational status achieved by a person. We are interested in how many women writerswent to university, how many had access to primary education but not secondary, and the difference institutional levels ofwomen's education across historical periods.
This optional attribute attached to school registerswhether or not the school attended was a religious school and tracks the changing historical significance of organized religionto women's education.
This optional attribute attached to school recordswhether or not the school is a single sex school. This attribute helps us to interpret the influence of single sex education onwomen writers across historical periods.
<xs:element name="SCHOOL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This content sub-element can record either the specific name or a description of an institution and includes numerous attributes to identify the gender, class, level, type of school attended.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="INSTRUCTOR"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="INSTITUTION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to school records the significant differences between types of institutions. We are interested in the effect of institutional structures on women's lives and hope to capture, for example, how institutional differences between trade schools and boarding schools influenced women. Because of the complicated range of educational insitutions, this attribute has numerous values.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="BOARDING"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>boarding: a boarding school is a school at which the students sleep. Common in the fee-paying system, less common in the state or free system, though in some areas like the Highlands and Islands of Scotland boarding schools are (or maybe were) standard at secondary level because of far-flung nature of terrain. Often weekly boarding (home for weekends) rather than for whole term. You can call them boarding schools even if they take some day pupils as well.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="GRAMMAR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>grammar: Grammar schools date back to the middle ages; grammar in title means education in Latin (occasionally Greek as well). They were for boys only, though some took a few girls almost without noticing. Grammar schools for girls began in the nineteenth century; academic education was thought of as needing single-sex environment. Entrance exam from 19?? was exam called the "Eleven Plus" from age at which children sat it. Grammar schools creamed off the top 10% or so of the population. They gradually died out after Comprehensive Schools were set up by act of 19??. Presently making a come-back.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="PRIVATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>private: The broad category private (or fee-paying) includes the subcategory of public schools which are a particular group of high-status, now private schools with a particular history.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="STATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>state: Schools provided for out of the taxes for free education are called state schools.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="DAMESCHOOL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>dameSchool: A totally informal school run by a woman on her own initiative, usually at a primary level: teaching elementary alphabet, etc. Dr. Johnson went to one.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="DAYSCHOOL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>day school: a day school applies in contexts where boarding schools are common. Attending a day school is different from being a day pupil at a boarding school.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="COMPREHENSIVE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>comprehensive: Brave new idea of putting whole ability range in same (therefore typically larger) school. In many communities the grammar school and the secondary modern were each converted into a comprehensive and the teachers had to spend a decade convincing the local residents that the one that used to be the secondary modern was now as good as the one that used to be the grammar school.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="SECONDARYMODERN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>secondaryModern: These replaced trade or vocational schools when another Education Act went through, as the schools for those who failed the 11+ exam. A well-meant system but children felt rejected. Harrowing tales of those who actually made it to university in the end despite having failed the 11+ and attended a Secondary Modern.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="TRADESCHOOL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>tradeSchool: A secondary or post secondary institution where people learn a trade.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="PREP"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="INSTITUTIONLEVEL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to school allows us to gather information about the level of educational status achieved by a person. We are interested in how many women writers went to university, how many had access to primary education but not secondary, and the difference institutional levels of women's education across historical periods.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="PRIMARY"/><xs:enumeration value="SECONDARY"/><xs:enumeration value="POST-SECONDARY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="RELIGIOUS" default="RELIGIOUSYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to school registers whether or not the school attended was a religious school and tracks the changing historical significance of organized religion to women's education.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="RELIGIOUSYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="STUDENTBODY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to school records whether or not the school is a single sex school. This attribute helps us to interpret the influence of single sex education on women writers across historical periods.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SINGLESEX"/><xs:enumeration value="CO-ED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This content sub-element within Education captures informationregarding influential instructors in a person's life. Placing tags around instructors will allow us to discover whether a number ofwomen writers had the same instructor and whether or not a specific teacher supported and encouraged writing in women.
<xs:element name="INSTRUCTOR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This content sub-element within Education captures information regarding influential instructors in a person's life. Placing tags around instructors will allow us to discover whether a number of women writers had the same instructor and whether or not a specific teacher supported and encouraged writing in women.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This content sub-element in Education records areas of studywhich are significant to a woman writer's education. We are particularly interested in subjects which influenced her writing (forexample, she studied archeology and her first novel was set at an archeological dig), language studies for women writers in the earlyperiod (in order to record importance of Classical Greek and the ability to translate), and subjects which were non-traditional for women(for example, she studied engineering at a Mechanical school in 1910).
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="SUBJECT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This content sub-element in Education records areas of study which are significant to a woman writer's education. We are particularly interested in subjects which influenced her writing (for example, she studied archeology and her first novel was set at an archeological dig), language studies for women writers in the early period (in order to record importance of Classical Greek and the ability to translate), and subjects which were non-traditional for women (for example, she studied engineering at a Mechanical school in 1910).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TEXT"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This sub-element within Education records significant textsinfluencing a writer's educational development. Texts which were major influences on her writing and which she wrote about are notto be entered here but will be entered within her Writing document.
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="TEXT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This sub-element within Education records significant texts influencing a writer's educational development. Texts which were major influences on her writing and which she wrote about are not to be entered here but will be entered within her Writing document.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
union of(xs:string, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token)
Captures generic organization types. Based on EAC-CPF's@localType
URI (uniform resource identifier) references theunderlying concept of which the parent is a representation by means of some external identifier
<xs:element name="ORGNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The orgName element is used to identify schools, companies, and any other type of recognized organization.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="POLITICALAFFILIATION"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOOL"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="ORGTYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Captures generic organization types. Based on EAC-CPF's @localType</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:string"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="labour"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="club or society"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="political"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="academic"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="research"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="corporate"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="activist"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="governmental"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="military"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="law-enforcement"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="professional"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="sporting"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="medical"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="altruistic"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="non-profit"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="artistic"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="dramatic"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ethnic"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="literary"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="musical"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="religious"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="publishing"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="school"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:union></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="STANDARD"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Used to record the standard name by which a person, organization, or topic is known</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="URI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>URI (uniform resource identifier) references the underlying concept of which the parent is a representation by means of some external identifier</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Ref (or reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This sub-element within politics and culturalFormation tracksthe affiliations, connections and associations which designate a person's political involvement. These affiliations can be bothformal connections to a party or organization and informal political positions held by the writer. We hope to point our readers towardswomen writers associated with different political positions and help researchers make links between political beliefs and writing. Forthis reason, we are defining political affiliations broadly and include things like "against capital punishment" or"strong supporter of the Empire" in addition to more straightforward affiliations such as "marxist" or"conservative." The Project thesaurus will relate different terms for similar affiliations--for example, vivisection and animalrights--but taggers must facilitate such thesaural linking by tagging affiliations.
This attribute attached to politicalAffiliationdenotes the highest level of political involvement in a particular area. Using this attribute will help us distinguish betweenwomen who were clearly political activists and other women whose activities were less proactive. It includes such activities assuffragists chaining themselves to railings or women camping out at Greenham Common. Generally a founding or very activeleadership role in a political organization would qualify as activism. Thus Josephine Butler, founder of the Ladies'National Association Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, qualifies as activist for having founded the organization, directedits activities, and for speaking publicly at meetings at considerable personal risk.
This optional attribute attached topoliticalAffiliation in Biography and PLiterarySchools in Writing, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates thedegree of political engagement with the political affiliation or literary school specified. Involvement denotes an intermediatelevel of activity between activism and membership; the political activities involves more than simply being a member of theLabour Party but does not entail sustained activism. Examples might include participating (but not in a leadership role) in alabour strike or a WSPU march, holding a position within an organization's executive, writing letters or canvassing forGreenpeace.
This optional attribute attached topoliticalAffiliation in Biography, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates the lowest degree of politicalengagement with the political affiliation specified. Use this attribute where there is clear evidence of a link with anorganization but no indication of more active participation: she may have been a member of the WSPU, or donated money for awomen's shelter, or written a poem for the Anti-Corn Law League.
<xs:element name="POLITICALAFFILIATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This sub-element within politics and culturalFormation tracks the affiliations, connections and associations which designate a person's political involvement. These affiliations can be both formal connections to a party or organization and informal political positions held by the writer. We hope to point our readers towards women writers associated with different political positions and help researchers make links between political beliefs and writing. For this reason, we are defining political affiliations broadly and include things like "against capital punishment" or "strong supporter of the Empire" in addition to more straightforward affiliations such as "marxist" or "conservative." The Project thesaurus will relate different terms for similar affiliations--for example, vivisection and animal rights--but taggers must facilitate such thesaural linking by tagging affiliations.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="ETHNICITY"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RACECOLOUR"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="ACTIVISM" default="ACTIVISTYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to politicalAffiliation denotes the highest level of political involvement in a particular area. Using this attribute will help us distinguish between women who were clearly political activists and other women whose activities were less proactive. It includes such activities as suffragists chaining themselves to railings or women camping out at Greenham Common. Generally a founding or very active leadership role in a political organization would qualify as activism. Thus Josephine Butler, founder of the Ladies' National Association Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, qualifies as activist for having founded the organization, directed its activities, and for speaking publicly at meetings at considerable personal risk.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ACTIVISTYES"/><xs:enumeration value="ACTIVISTNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM"/><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/><xs:attribute name="INVOLVEMENT" default="INVOLVEMENTYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to politicalAffiliation in Biography and PLiterarySchools in Writing, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates the degree of political engagement with the political affiliation or literary school specified. Involvement denotes an intermediate level of activity between activism and membership; the political activities involves more than simply being a member of the Labour Party but does not entail sustained activism. Examples might include participating (but not in a leadership role) in a labour strike or a WSPU march, holding a position within an organization's executive, writing letters or canvassing for Greenpeace.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="INVOLVEMENTYES"/><xs:enumeration value="INVOLVEMENTNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="MEMBERSHIP" default="MEMBERSHIPYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to politicalAffiliation in Biography, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates the lowest degree of political engagement with the political affiliation specified. Use this attribute where there is clear evidence of a link with an organization but no indication of more active participation: she may have been a member of the WSPU, or donated money for a women's shelter, or written a poem for the Anti-Corn Law League.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MEMBERSHIPYES"/><xs:enumeration value="MEMBERSHIPNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WOMAN-GENDERISSUE" default="GENDERYES"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="GENDERYES"/><xs:enumeration value="GENDERNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Along with date, dateRange is one of two elementsused for systematizing dates across project documents. Use dateRange for all events that occurred over a span of time or for alldates that are uncertain but that certainly occurred within a specified span of time.
To is used to record a formatted date-relatedvalue.
<xs:element name="DATERANGE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Along with date, dateRange is one of two elements used for systematizing dates across project documents. Use dateRange for all events that occurred over a span of time or for all dates that are uncertain but that certainly occurred within a specified span of time.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute name="CALENDAR" default="NEWSTYLE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>An attribute of date and dateRange, calendar is used to indicate when a given date took place.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="NEWSTYLE"/><xs:enumeration value="BC"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="CERTAINTY" default="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certainty is an attribute of date and dateRange, and is used to indicate the nature of certainty that you have about a given date.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certain</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="C"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Circa</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="BY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>By this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="AFTER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>After this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Unknown date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ROUGHLYDATED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rough certainty</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="EXACT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>An attribute of dateRange, exact is used in conjunction with the to and from attributes to express the certainty of each end of a dateRange.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TO"/><xs:enumeration value="FROM"/><xs:enumeration value="BOTH"/><xs:enumeration value="NEITHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="FROM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>From is used to record a formatted date-related value.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:date xs:gYearMonth xs:gYear"/></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/><xs:attribute name="TO"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>To is used to record a formatted date-related value.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:date xs:gYearMonth xs:gYear"/></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This optional attribute is attached to variouscategories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the elementapplies.
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:element name="RACECOLOUR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>RaceColour captures information about a person's race. See raceAndEthnicity for a detailed description of the complexities of this element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="CLASS"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="ETHNICITY"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALITY"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RACECOLOUR"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="FOREBEAR" default="FAMILY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute is attached to various categories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the element applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="PARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDPARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Used to record the standard name by which a person,organization, or topic is known
<xs:element name="TITLE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The title element contains the title of a work, whether article, book, journal (newspaper, magazine), series, or unpublished.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="EMPLOYER"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="JOBTITLE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="POLITICALAFFILIATION"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/><xs:element ref="XREF"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REND"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rend (or rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="STANDARD"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Used to record the standard name by which a person, organization, or topic is known</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="LEVEL" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>An attribute of title, level indicates whether a title is a part of another work, an entire work, a journal, or a series.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MONOGRAPHIC"/><xs:enumeration value="ANALYTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="JOURNAL"/><xs:enumeration value="SERIES"/><xs:enumeration value="UNPUBLISHED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Ref (or reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This sub-element within occupation captures the names of aperson's employers. We are interested in tracking if particular kinds of organizations and institutions supported women's workor attracted women writers more than others.
<xs:element name="EMPLOYER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This sub-element within occupation captures the names of a person's employers. We are interested in tracking if particular kinds of organizations and institutions supported women's work or attracted women writers more than others.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="JOBTITLE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
JobTitle is meant to capture the types of employment done by womenwriters and their families. We are interested in comparing the kinds of jobs women did in different historical periods and the kinds ofjobs family members did. We want to facilitate research, for example, on the influence of living in a parsonage on women writers andwould therefore like to track women who had fathers and mothers who were preachers.
This attribute allows you to capture changes interminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes andtherefore needs explanation.
This optional attribute allows us to track the extentto which women's work took place within a family business (meaning the economic, bread-winning business carried on within thefamily and not, unfortunately, domestic work).
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="JOBTITLE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>JobTitle is meant to capture the types of employment done by women writers and their families. We are interested in comparing the kinds of jobs women did in different historical periods and the kinds of jobs family members did. We want to facilitate research, for example, on the influence of living in a parsonage on women writers and would therefore like to track women who had fathers and mothers who were preachers.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPLOYER"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="REMUNERATION"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIGNIFICANTACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows you to capture changes in terminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes and therefore needs explanation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="FAMILYBUSINESS" default="FAMILYBUSINESSYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute allows us to track the extent to which women's work took place within a family business (meaning the economic, bread-winning business carried on within the family and not, unfortunately, domestic work).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FAMILYBUSINESSYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="HISTORICALTERM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>HistoricalTerm is an optional attribute that allows you to indicate a now- outdated name for a job.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="HISTORICALTERMCONTEXTDATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>HistoricalTermContextDate specifies the date at which the historical term for a job circulated.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element captures all unpaid work, volunteer work, orother significant activity that a person was engaged in. We hope to counter the ideological assumption which does not recognizewomen's unpaid work as work; for example, parenting and unpaid domestic labour are not included when the International Monetary Fundcalculates the gross national product of a country. We hope to counter this ideological assumption by emphasizing the need tosystematically capture women's exclusion from the paid workforce and their participation in the unpaid workforce.
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="SIGNIFICANTACTIVITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element captures all unpaid work, volunteer work, or other significant activity that a person was engaged in. We hope to counter the ideological assumption which does not recognize women's unpaid work as work; for example, parenting and unpaid domestic labour are not included when the International Monetary Fund calculates the gross national product of a country. We hope to counter this ideological assumption by emphasizing the need to systematically capture women's exclusion from the paid workforce and their participation in the unpaid workforce.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPLOYER"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="JOBTITLE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="PHILANTHROPYVOLUNTEER" default="PHILANTHROPYVOLUNTEERYES"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="PHILANTHROPYVOLUNTEERYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Used to record the standard name by which a person,organization, or topic is known
<xs:element name="TOPIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element is designed to designate the name of a topic document or entry. For the topic or theme of a text, use TTHEMETOPIC.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALHERITAGE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="STANDARD"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Used to record the standard name by which a person, organization, or topic is known</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element allows you to capture information about the societalroles played by characters. If the character is noteworthy for being married, single, a fallen woman, a teacher/governess, a professional, an invalid, adown-trodden housewife, or a mother, record it here.
This attribute defines the type of character whereuseful.
<xs:element name="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element allows you to capture information about the societal roles played by characters. If the character is noteworthy for being married, single, a fallen woman, a teacher/governess, a professional, an invalid, a down-trodden housewife, or a mother, record it here.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="PROTAGONIST"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute defines the type of character where useful.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MALE"/><xs:enumeration value="FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The rs element is a general purpose name element for allnames that merit tagging for either display purposes or for search and retrieval, but that are not adequately covered by the name,orgName, place, or title elements.
Type characterizes the element in some sense, usingany convenient classification scheme or typology.
<xs:element name="RS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The rs element is a general purpose name element for all names that merit tagging for either display purposes or for search and retrieval, but that are not adequately covered by the name, orgName, place, or title elements.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="NAME"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute name="REG" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="TYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="TCHARACTERNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element allows us to tag the names of significant characters.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
GenreName is an optional attribute that provides apick-list of possible genre names to modify the element tGenre. It will prove especially useful in situations where the prosedoes not allow the concise naming of a genre that would be easily understood by a simpler name. Ultimately, this attribute willhelp us systematize and index references to various genre names.
<xs:element name="TGENRE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>GenreName (or tGenre) is used to tag the name of the genre according to a project-generated list of genre names.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="GENRENAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>GenreName is an optional attribute that provides a pick-list of possible genre names to modify the element tGenre. It will prove especially useful in situations where the prose does not allow the concise naming of a genre that would be easily understood by a simpler name. Ultimately, this attribute will help us systematize and index references to various genre names.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ABRIDGEMENT"/><xs:enumeration value="ACLEF"/><xs:enumeration value="ACROSTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="ADAPTATION"/><xs:enumeration value="ADVENTUREWRITING"/><xs:enumeration value="ADVERTISINGCOPY"/><xs:enumeration value="AFTERPIECE"/><xs:enumeration value="AFTERWORD"/><xs:enumeration value="AGITPROP"/><xs:enumeration value="ALLEGORY"/><xs:enumeration value="ALMANAC"/><xs:enumeration value="ANACREONTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="ANAGRAM"/><xs:enumeration value="ANNOTATION"/><xs:enumeration value="ANSWER"/><xs:enumeration value="ANTHEM"/><xs:enumeration value="ANTHOLOGY"/><xs:enumeration value="ANTIROMANCE"/><xs:enumeration value="APHORISM"/><xs:enumeration value="APOLOGY"/><xs:enumeration value="ARTCRITICISM"/><xs:enumeration value="AUTOBIOGRAPHY"/><xs:enumeration value="BALLAD"/><xs:enumeration value="BALLADE"/><xs:enumeration value="BALLADOPERA"/><xs:enumeration value="BALLET"/><xs:enumeration value="BERGAMASQUE"/><xs:enumeration value="BESTIARY"/><xs:enumeration value="BIBLICALPARAPHRASE"/><xs:enumeration value="BILDUNGSROMAN"/><xs:enumeration value="BIOGRAPHICALDICTIONARY"/><xs:enumeration value="BIOGRAPHY"/><xs:enumeration value="BISEXUALFICTION"/><xs:enumeration value="BLACKCOMEDY"/><xs:enumeration value="BOUTSRIMES"/><xs:enumeration value="BROADSIDE"/><xs:enumeration value="BURLETTA"/><xs:enumeration value="CABARET"/><xs:enumeration value="CAPTIVITYNARRATIVE"/><xs:enumeration value="CATECHISM"/><xs:enumeration value="CHAPBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="CHARACTER"/><xs:enumeration value="CHARADE"/><xs:enumeration value="CHILDRENSLITERATURE"/><xs:enumeration value="CLERIHEW"/><xs:enumeration value="CLOSETDRAMA"/><xs:enumeration value="COLLECTIVECREATION"/><xs:enumeration value="COLOURINGBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="COMEDY"/><xs:enumeration value="COMEDYOFHUMOURS"/><xs:enumeration value="COMEDYOFINTRIGUE"/><xs:enumeration value="COMEDYOFMANNERS"/><xs:enumeration value="COMEDYOFMENACE"/><xs:enumeration value="COMICBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="COMINGOUT"/><xs:enumeration value="COMMONPLACEBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="COMPANION"/><xs:enumeration value="COMPUTERPROGRAM"/><xs:enumeration value="CONDITIONOFENGLANDNOVEL"/><xs:enumeration value="CONDUCTLITERATURE"/><xs:enumeration value="COOKBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="COURTSHIPFICTION"/><xs:enumeration value="CRIMINOLOGY"/><xs:enumeration value="DANCE"/><xs:enumeration value="DEDICATION"/><xs:enumeration value="DETECTIVE"/><xs:enumeration value="DEVOTIONAL"/><xs:enumeration value="DIALOGUEORDEBATE"/><xs:enumeration value="DIARY"/><xs:enumeration value="DIALOGUEOFTHEDEAD"/><xs:enumeration value="DICTIONARY"/><xs:enumeration value="DIDACTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="DIRECTORY"/><xs:enumeration value="DISSERTATION"/><xs:enumeration value="DOCUDRAMA"/><xs:enumeration value="DOCUMENTARY"/><xs:enumeration value="DOMESTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="DRAMA"/><xs:enumeration value="DRAMATICMONOLOGUE"/><xs:enumeration value="DREAMVISION"/><xs:enumeration value="DYSTOPIA"/><xs:enumeration value="ECLOGUE"/><xs:enumeration value="EDITING"/><xs:enumeration value="ELEGY"/><xs:enumeration value="ENCYCLOPAEDIA"/><xs:enumeration value="EPIC"/><xs:enumeration value="EPICTHEATRE"/><xs:enumeration value="EPIGRAM"/><xs:enumeration value="EPILOGUE"/><xs:enumeration value="EPISODICLITERATURE"/><xs:enumeration value="EPISTLE"/><xs:enumeration value="EPISTOLARY"/><xs:enumeration value="EPITAPH"/><xs:enumeration value="EPITHALAMIUM"/><xs:enumeration value="EPYLLION"/><xs:enumeration value="EROTICAPORNOGRAPHY"/><xs:enumeration value="ESSAY"/><xs:enumeration value="EULOGY"/><xs:enumeration value="EXHIBITIONCATALOGUE"/><xs:enumeration value="EXPRESSIONISTWRITING"/><xs:enumeration value="FABLE"/><xs:enumeration value="FABLIAU"/><xs:enumeration value="FAIRYTALE"/><xs:enumeration value="FANTASY"/><xs:enumeration value="FARCE"/><xs:enumeration value="FEMINIST"/><xs:enumeration value="FEMINISTTHEORY"/><xs:enumeration value="FICTION"/><xs:enumeration value="FILMTVSCRIPT"/><xs:enumeration value="FOLKSONG"/><xs:enumeration value="GARDENINGBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="GENEALOGY"/><xs:enumeration value="GEORGIC"/><xs:enumeration value="GHOSTSTORY"/><xs:enumeration value="GIFTBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="GOTHIC"/><xs:enumeration value="GOVERNMENTREPORT"/><xs:enumeration value="GRAMMAR"/><xs:enumeration value="GRAVEYARDPOETRY"/><xs:enumeration value="GUERILLATHEATRE"/><xs:enumeration value="GUIDEBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="HAGIOGRAPHY"/><xs:enumeration value="HAIKU"/><xs:enumeration value="HARLEQUINADE"/><xs:enumeration value="HEROIC"/><xs:enumeration value="HISTORICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="HISTORY"/><xs:enumeration value="HYMN"/><xs:enumeration value="IMITATION"/><xs:enumeration value="IMPROVISATION"/><xs:enumeration value="INDUSTRIALNOVEL"/><xs:enumeration value="INTRODUCTION"/><xs:enumeration value="JOURNALISM"/><xs:enumeration value="JUVENILIA"/><xs:enumeration value="KITCHENSINKDRAMA"/><xs:enumeration value="KUNSTLERROMAN"/><xs:enumeration value="LAIS"/><xs:enumeration value="LAMPOON"/><xs:enumeration value="LEGALWRITING"/><xs:enumeration value="LEGENDFOLKTALE"/><xs:enumeration value="LESBIAN"/><xs:enumeration value="LETTER"/><xs:enumeration value="LETTERSFROMTHEDEADTOTHELIVING"/><xs:enumeration value="LIBRETTO"/><xs:enumeration value="LITERARYCRITICISM"/><xs:enumeration value="LITURGY"/><xs:enumeration value="LOVE"/><xs:enumeration value="LYRIC"/><xs:enumeration value="MAGICREALIST"/><xs:enumeration value="MANIFESTO"/><xs:enumeration value="MANUAL"/><xs:enumeration value="MAP"/><xs:enumeration value="MASQUE"/><xs:enumeration value="MEDICALWRITING"/><xs:enumeration value="MELODRAMA"/><xs:enumeration value="MIXEDMEDIA"/><xs:enumeration value="MOCKFORMS"/><xs:enumeration value="MONOLOGUE"/><xs:enumeration value="MORALITYMYSTERYPLAY"/><xs:enumeration value="MULTIMEDIA"/><xs:enumeration value="MUSICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="MUSICOLOGY"/><xs:enumeration value="MYSTERY"/><xs:enumeration value="MYTH"/><xs:enumeration value="NARRATIVEPOETRY"/><xs:enumeration value="NATIONALISTFICTION"/><xs:enumeration value="NATIONALTALE"/><xs:enumeration value="NOTEBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="NOVEL"/><xs:enumeration value="NOVELLA"/><xs:enumeration value="NURSERYRHYME"/><xs:enumeration value="OBITUARY"/><xs:enumeration value="OCCASIONALPOETRY"/><xs:enumeration value="ODE"/><xs:enumeration value="ONEACTPLAY"/><xs:enumeration value="OPERA"/><xs:enumeration value="ORATORIO"/><xs:enumeration value="ORIENTAL"/><xs:enumeration value="PAGEANT"/><xs:enumeration value="PANEGYRIC"/><xs:enumeration value="PANTOMIME"/><xs:enumeration value="PARABLE"/><xs:enumeration value="PARATEXTS"/><xs:enumeration value="PARLIAMENTARYREPORT"/><xs:enumeration value="PARODY"/><xs:enumeration value="PASTORAL"/><xs:enumeration value="PEDAGOGY"/><xs:enumeration value="PERFORMANCEPOETRY"/><xs:enumeration value="PERIODICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="PETITION"/><xs:enumeration value="PHILOSOPHICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="PHILOSOPHY"/><xs:enumeration value="PHYSICALTHEATRE"/><xs:enumeration value="PICARESQUE"/><xs:enumeration value="PINDARIC"/><xs:enumeration value="PODPLAY"/><xs:enumeration value="POETRY"/><xs:enumeration value="POLEMIC"/><xs:enumeration value="POLITICALWRITING"/><xs:enumeration value="POPULAR"/><xs:enumeration value="PRAYER"/><xs:enumeration value="PREFATORYPIECE"/><xs:enumeration value="PROGRAMNOTES"/><xs:enumeration value="PROLETARIANWRITING"/><xs:enumeration value="PROLOGUE"/><xs:enumeration value="PROPAGANDA"/><xs:enumeration value="PROPHECY"/><xs:enumeration value="PSALM"/><xs:enumeration value="PSYCHOANALYTICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="QUIZ"/><xs:enumeration value="RADIODRAMA"/><xs:enumeration value="REALIST"/><xs:enumeration value="REGIONAL"/><xs:enumeration value="RELIGIOUS"/><xs:enumeration value="REVIEW"/><xs:enumeration value="REVUE"/><xs:enumeration value="RIDDLE"/><xs:enumeration value="ROMANCE"/><xs:enumeration value="SAGEWRITING"/><xs:enumeration value="SATIRE"/><xs:enumeration value="SCHOLARSHIP"/><xs:enumeration value="SCHOOLFICTION"/><xs:enumeration value="SCIENCEFICTION"/><xs:enumeration value="SCIENTIFICWRITING"/><xs:enumeration value="SCRAPBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="SENSATIONNOVEL"/><xs:enumeration value="SENSIBILITY"/><xs:enumeration value="SENTIMENTAL"/><xs:enumeration value="SEQUEL"/><xs:enumeration value="SERMON"/><xs:enumeration value="SEXUALAWAKENINGFICTION"/><xs:enumeration value="SHORTSTORY"/><xs:enumeration value="SILVERFORKNOVEL"/><xs:enumeration value="SKETCH"/><xs:enumeration value="SKETCHBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="SLAVENARRATIVE"/><xs:enumeration value="SOCIALSCIENCE"/><xs:enumeration value="SONG"/><xs:enumeration value="SONNET"/><xs:enumeration value="SPEECH"/><xs:enumeration value="STAGEREVIEW"/><xs:enumeration value="TESTIMONY"/><xs:enumeration value="TEXTBOOK"/><xs:enumeration value="THEATREFORYOUNGAUDIENCES"/><xs:enumeration value="THEATREOFCRUELTY"/><xs:enumeration value="THEATREOFTHEABSURD"/><xs:enumeration value="THEOLOGY"/><xs:enumeration value="THESAURUS"/><xs:enumeration value="THRILLER"/><xs:enumeration value="TOPOGRAPHICALPOETRY"/><xs:enumeration value="TRACTPAMPHLET"/><xs:enumeration value="TRAGEDY"/><xs:enumeration value="TRAGICOMEDY"/><xs:enumeration value="TRANSLATION"/><xs:enumeration value="TRAVELWRITING"/><xs:enumeration value="TREATISE"/><xs:enumeration value="UTOPIA"/><xs:enumeration value="VERBATIM"/><xs:enumeration value="VERSENOVEL"/><xs:enumeration value="VIGNETTE"/><xs:enumeration value="VILLANELLE"/><xs:enumeration value="WESTERN"/><xs:enumeration value="YOUNGADULTWRITING"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Meant to capture commentary on literary or artistic movements ofthought that influenced her writing or with which she had significant contact and especially those in which she was a participant. Make sure to capturethe name of the movement throughout.
This optional attribute attached topoliticalAffiliation in Biography and PLiteraryMovements in Writing, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates thedegree of political engagement with the political affiliation or literary school specified. Involvement denotes an intermediatelevel of activity between activism and membership; the political activities involves more than simply being a member of theLabour Party but does not entail sustained activism. Examples might include participating (but not in a leadership role) in alabour strike or a WSPU march, holding a position within an organization's executive, writing letters or canvassing forGreenpeace.
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Meant to capture commentary on literary or artistic movements of thought that influenced her writing or with which she had significant contact and especially those in which she was a participant. Make sure to capture the name of the movement throughout.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="INVOLVEMENT" default="INVOLVEMENTYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to politicalAffiliation in Biography and PLiteraryMovements in Writing, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates the degree of political engagement with the political affiliation or literary school specified. Involvement denotes an intermediate level of activity between activism and membership; the political activities involves more than simply being a member of the Labour Party but does not entail sustained activism. Examples might include participating (but not in a leadership role) in a labour strike or a WSPU march, holding a position within an organization's executive, writing letters or canvassing for Greenpeace.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="INVOLVEMENTYES"/><xs:enumeration value="INVOLVEMENTNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element applies to both theme and topic. Theme is thecentral idea in a text stated either directly or indirectly; topic applies to interesting subjects appearing in a work that might notaspire to the status of a "theme" and is useful in genres such as educational or non-fictional texts.
This attribute allows for the addition of an alternative or standardized labelfor a theme or topic if this is not sufficiently conveyed by contents of the tag.
<xs:element name="TTHEMETOPIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element applies to both theme and topic. Theme is the central idea in a text stated either directly or indirectly; topic applies to interesting subjects appearing in a work that might not aspire to the status of a "theme" and is useful in genres such as educational or non-fictional texts.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows for the addition of an alternative or standardized label for a theme or topic if this is not sufficiently conveyed by contents of the tag.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element attends to the details surrounding the sales andpromotion of a work. For instance, you may want to discuss examples of interesting publicity or promotional stunts.
This element collects information about where significantcopies/manuscripts (of her work) or evidence about her resides. These can include existing collections, dated known locations of copies andcollections, or historical information about lost/found copies.
<xs:element name="PARCHIVALLOCATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element collects information about where significant copies/manuscripts (of her work) or evidence about her resides. These can include existing collections, dated known locations of copies and collections, or historical information about lost/found copies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/><xs:element ref="XREF"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element creates a record of a work's appearance and selection inanthologies; it contains relevant details surrounding significant instances when a text is anthologized (how framed; how described; how frequently itoccurs); the appearance of the text in significant or major anthologies (Gilbert and Gubar, Palgrave, Norton).
<xs:element name="PANTHOLOGIZATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element creates a record of a work's appearance and selection in anthologies; it contains relevant details surrounding significant instances when a text is anthologized (how framed; how described; how frequently it occurs); the appearance of the text in significant or major anthologies (Gilbert and Gubar, Palgrave, Norton).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The part attribute specifies whether or not its parentelement is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided betweentwo or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between twospeakers.
<xs:element name="L"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Verse line contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="PART" default="N"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The part attribute specifies whether or not its parent element is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between two speakers.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="N"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(no) either the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Y"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="I"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="M"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="F"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(final) this is the final part of a fragmented element</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="RHYME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rhyme marks the rhyming part of a metrical line.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Birth is one of the 16 major biographyelements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It captures information concerning the date, place,birth position and context of a person's birth. Birthdates should be entered in chronology form and will beextracted from individual biography documents to be placed within other general chronologies.
<xs:element name="BIRTH"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Birth is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It captures information concerning the date, place, birth position and context of a person's birth. Birthdates should be entered in chronology form and will be extracted from individual biography documents to be placed within other general chronologies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/><xs:element ref="BIRTHPOSITION"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The Subtype attribute allows you to indicate the headinglevel, with values from 1-5.
<xs:element name="HEADING"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>heading contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="POLITICALAFFILIATION"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOOL"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="SUBTYPE" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The Subtype attribute allows you to indicate the heading level, with values from 1-5.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="1"/><xs:enumeration value="2"/><xs:enumeration value="3"/><xs:enumeration value="4"/><xs:enumeration value="5"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="DATASTRUCT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>A dataStruct is a container element for one or more individual pieces of tabular data in the document.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="INDEXED"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SELFCONSTRUCTED"/><xs:element ref="DATAITEM"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Indexed names are names that are standard to either theBritish Library or the Library of Congress but that the Project has chosen not to use as the writer's standard name. In order toensure that a researcher does not use the Project-identified standard name when looking for their writer in indexes of librarycatalogues, we include this element.
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="INDEXED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Indexed names are names that are standard to either the British Library or the Library of Congress but that the Project has chosen not to use as the writer's standard name. In order to ensure that a researcher does not use the Project-identified standard name when looking for their writer in indexes of library catalogues, we include this element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="MARRIED"/><xs:element ref="PSEUDONYM"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="INDEXSOURCE" default="LC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to indexed name, allows us to distinguish between the Library of Congress' and the British Library's indexed names.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="LC"/><xs:enumeration value="BL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The Married element within a personName captures the surnamethat a woman adopted in marriage. We will be interested in tracking to what extent women adopted their married names for publishing;therefore, remember to apply the attribute if they did publish under their married name. Unless research proves to the contrary, do notassume that twentieth-century women adopted their husband's surname upon marriage. Be aware that Scotswomen from certain historicalperiods did not take their husbands' names legally, though they might socially. In other words, do not make assumptions aboutmarried names.
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="MARRIED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The Married element within a personName captures the surname that a woman adopted in marriage. We will be interested in tracking to what extent women adopted their married names for publishing; therefore, remember to apply the attribute if they did publish under their married name. Unless research proves to the contrary, do not assume that twentieth-century women adopted their husband's surname upon marriage. Be aware that Scotswomen from certain historical periods did not take their husbands' names legally, though they might socially. In other words, do not make assumptions about married names.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="TITLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The titled element should be placed around all names of theBritish peerage. Include as titled anyone who is a duke, duchess and on down until knights and knights' wives and dames (the lastthree are Sir Joe and Lady Bloggs and Dame Jo Bloggs). We should also tag present-day life peers (for example, Lady Thatcher) as titledbecause it is a real title.
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="TITLED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The titled element should be placed around all names of the British peerage. Include as titled anyone who is a duke, duchess and on down until knights and knights' wives and dames (the last three are Sir Joe and Lady Bloggs and Dame Jo Bloggs). We should also tag present-day life peers (for example, Lady Thatcher) as titled because it is a real title.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This sub-element of personName is to be used for allpseudonyms used by a writer. Pseudonym includes all names -- both proper names and descriptive phrases (for example, "A Lover of HerSex" is a pseudonym for Mary Astell) -- used in publishing only.
NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elementsnickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example,whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romancetradition.
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="PSEUDONYM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This sub-element of personName is to be used for all pseudonyms used by a writer. Pseudonym includes all names -- both proper names and descriptive phrases (for example, "A Lover of Her Sex" is a pseudonym for Mary Astell) -- used in publishing only.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="MARRIED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="NAMESIGNIFIER" default="CRYPTIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elements nickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example, whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romance tradition.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CRYPTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="LOCAL"/><xs:enumeration value="ROMANCE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
SelfConstructed is to capture names which a person uses in hereveryday life in addition to using it as her pseudonym. Like the element name suggests, these are names she applies to herself and, forexample, writes on her checks as well as signs her books with.
NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elementsnickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example,whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romancetradition.
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="SELFCONSTRUCTED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>SelfConstructed is to capture names which a person uses in her everyday life in addition to using it as her pseudonym. Like the element name suggests, these are names she applies to herself and, for example, writes on her checks as well as signs her books with.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="PSEUDONYM"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="NAMESIGNIFIER" default="CRYPTIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elements nickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example, whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romance tradition.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CRYPTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="LOCAL"/><xs:enumeration value="ROMANCE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="BIRTHNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Birthname captures all the names a person was assigned at birth.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="STYLED"/><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SELFCONSTRUCTED"/><xs:element ref="TITLED"/><xs:element ref="GIVEN"/><xs:element ref="SURNAME"/></xs:choice><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="NICKNAME"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Styled is a sub-element within personName that refers totitles which are called courtesy titles, for example, the eldest son of the Duke of Marlborough is called Marquess of Blandford but it isjust a courtesy title as he does not sit in the House of Lords. No peeresses, strictly speaking, are titled but their titles are styled(with the exception of a peeress who holds the title "in her own right"). Use styled for all those people whose title resultsfrom their father's title. In brief, tag all peers and peeresses as titled and all children of same as styled.
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="STYLED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Styled is a sub-element within personName that refers to titles which are called courtesy titles, for example, the eldest son of the Duke of Marlborough is called Marquess of Blandford but it is just a courtesy title as he does not sit in the House of Lords. No peeresses, strictly speaking, are titled but their titles are styled (with the exception of a peeress who holds the title "in her own right"). Use styled for all those people whose title results from their father's title. In brief, tag all peers and peeresses as titled and all children of same as styled.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="GIVEN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Given is the name applied to all of a person's first and middle names (everything but their surname/s and/or nickname/s).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="STYLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="SURNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>It is the last name of a person at birth.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="MARRIED"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Nickname, a sub-element within personName, records thenicknames applied to a person by others. Nicknames include both casual and familiar family names and professional nicknames. Theattributes attached to this element allow us to distinguish the different types of nicknames. We are particularly interested in honorificor abusive nicknames that are gendered, for example, "Queen of Romance," for Barbara Cartland.
NameConnotation is an optional attribute attached tonickname which distinguishes between nicknames for women writers that were either meant to satirize and abuse or were intended tohonour. For example, Constance Gore-Booth was known in the press by the nickname of "Red Countess" and this nicknamehad negative connotations. We hope to help researchers trace the way gender operates to both abuse and honour women writersthrough the application of nicknames.
NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elementsnickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example,whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romancetradition.
NameType, an optional attribute attached to nickname,distinguishes between familiar nicknames (those her friends and family gave to her) and literary nicknames (names applied to herin reviews or in public which orginate in her status as a writer).
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="NICKNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Nickname, a sub-element within personName, records the nicknames applied to a person by others. Nicknames include both casual and familiar family names and professional nicknames. The attributes attached to this element allow us to distinguish the different types of nicknames. We are particularly interested in honorific or abusive nicknames that are gendered, for example, "Queen of Romance," for Barbara Cartland.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/><xs:attribute name="NAMECONNOTATION" default="ABUSIVE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameConnotation is an optional attribute attached to nickname which distinguishes between nicknames for women writers that were either meant to satirize and abuse or were intended to honour. For example, Constance Gore-Booth was known in the press by the nickname of "Red Countess" and this nickname had negative connotations. We hope to help researchers trace the way gender operates to both abuse and honour women writers through the application of nicknames.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ABUSIVE"/><xs:enumeration value="HONORIFIC"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="NAMESIGNIFIER" default="CRYPTIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elements nickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example, whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romance tradition.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CRYPTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="LOCAL"/><xs:enumeration value="ROMANCE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="NAMETYPE" default="LITERARY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameType, an optional attribute attached to nickname, distinguishes between familiar nicknames (those her friends and family gave to her) and literary nicknames (names applied to her in reviews or in public which orginate in her status as a writer).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="LITERARY"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILIAR"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Childlessness, a sub-element within Family, captures the factthat a woman had no children. We hope to facilitate research on the material effects of having or not having children on a womanwriter's life. In order to do so, we must systematize information about women who did not have children. This element also allows usto capture discussions of significant issues such as infertility that led to life-long childlessness and how that affected thewriter's life.
<xs:element name="CHILDLESSNESS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Childlessness, a sub-element within Family, captures the fact that a woman had no children. We hope to facilitate research on the material effects of having or not having children on a woman writer's life. In order to do so, we must systematize information about women who did not have children. This element also allows us to capture discussions of significant issues such as infertility that led to life-long childlessness and how that affected the writer's life.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="CHILDREN"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DIVORCE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Children, a sub-element available within Family, systematizesinformation concerning the number of children a woman had and is meant to capture issues around children rather than a discussion ofspecific children. It allows us to discuss her children in general outside the context of one child member.
<xs:element name="CHILDREN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Children, a sub-element available within Family, systematizes information concerning the number of children a woman had and is meant to capture issues around children rather than a discussion of specific children. It allows us to discuss her children in general outside the context of one child member.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="CHILDLESSNESS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="JOBTITLE"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIGNIFICANTACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="NUMBER" type="xs:integer"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The divorce element is used to indicate that a woman wasdivorced from her husband. Use separation when she was separated but did not divorce him. Appearance of the divorce element in abiography document will signify that the subject of the biography was divorced.
<xs:element name="DIVORCE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The divorce element is used to indicate that a woman was divorced from her husband. Use separation when she was separated but did not divorce him. Appearance of the divorce element in a biography document will signify that the subject of the biography was divorced.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="JOBTITLE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SEPARATION"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Separation captures information concerning the maritalconditions of the subject of your biography. Use this element to indicate that a woman separated from her husband but did not divorcehim. Appearance of this element in a biography document will mean that the subject was separated from her spouse. Also seedivorce.
<xs:element name="SEPARATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Separation captures information concerning the marital conditions of the subject of your biography. Use this element to indicate that a woman separated from her husband but did not divorce him. Appearance of this element in a biography document will mean that the subject was separated from her spouse. Also see divorce.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="CHILDLESSNESS"/><xs:element ref="CHILDREN"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="DIVORCE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="JOBTITLE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The Contested Behaviour element records instances ofsignificant behaviour in school which is perceived as negative. This element particularly tracks women's struggles againstrestrictive educational institutions.
<xs:element name="CONTESTEDBEHAVIOUR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The Contested Behaviour element records instances of significant behaviour in school which is perceived as negative. This element particularly tracks women's struggles against restrictive educational institutions.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="COMPANION"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="INSTRUCTOR"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOOL"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/><xs:element ref="TEXT"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Status is an attribute of the element Degree to recordthe status of the degree: completed, incomplete, or in progress.
<xs:element name="DEGREE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The degree element captures all degrees (BA, MA, PhD), diplomas, certificates, etc. received by the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="SCHOOL"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="STATUS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Status is an attribute of the element Degree to record the status of the degree: completed, incomplete, or in progress.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="COMPLETED"/><xs:enumeration value="INCOMPLETE"/><xs:enumeration value="IN PROGRESS"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="FIGURE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The figure element groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEAD"/><xs:element ref="FIGDESC"/><xs:element ref="GRAPHIC"/><xs:element ref="P"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="HEAD" type="xs:string"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>head contains a heading for the lg (line group) element and the figure (graphic information) element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
FigDesc (description of figure) contains a brief prose descriptionof the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it.
<xs:element name="FIGDESC" type="xs:string"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>FigDesc (description of figure) contains a brief prose description of the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
URL (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL fromwhich the media concerned may be obtained.
<xs:element name="GRAPHIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Graphic indicates the location of an inline graphic, illustration, or figure.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:attribute name="URL" use="required" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>URL (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The gender element is designed to record gender-relatedinformation. See the gender attribute which is attached to the gender element for more detailed information.
This attribute allows you to capture changes interminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes andtherefore needs explanation.
list of union of(xs:string, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token)
This attribute is designed to capture the gender of the subjectit is being applied to. Gender is a historically constructed and linguistically complex category that can shift over the course of a person'slifetime, in which case multiple values can be applied to this element. The values associated with this element are meant to capture the mostcommon forms of gender identity; other terms may be provided in the prose content of the element. The values are the following: female,male, transgendered, transgendered male-to-female, transgendered female-to-male, undefined, ungendered, or unknown.
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:element name="GENDER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The gender element is designed to record gender-related information. See the gender attribute which is attached to the gender element for more detailed information.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="GENDER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute is designed to capture the gender of the subject it is being applied to. Gender is a historically constructed and linguistically complex category that can shift over the course of a person's lifetime, in which case multiple values can be applied to this element. The values associated with this element are meant to capture the most common forms of gender identity; other terms may be provided in the prose content of the element. The values are the following: female, male, transgendered, transgendered male-to-female, transgendered female-to-male, undefined, ungendered, or unknown.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:list><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:string"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED FEMALE-TO-MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED MALE-TO-FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UNDEFINED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UNGENDERED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:union></xs:simpleType></xs:list></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows you to capture changes in terminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes and therefore needs explanation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Using livesWith denotes the material living arrangements ofthe subject of the biography. It does not assume that the person with whom she is living is her sexual partner nor does it assume thatsexual partners are excluded. Using this sub-element will help to capture the material conditions of a woman's writing (i.e., didshe have a room of her own?) and women's non-traditional living arrangements.
<xs:element name="LIVESWITH"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Using livesWith denotes the material living arrangements of the subject of the biography. It does not assume that the person with whom she is living is her sexual partner nor does it assume that sexual partners are excluded. Using this sub-element will help to capture the material conditions of a woman's writing (i.e., did she have a room of her own?) and women's non-traditional living arrangements.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SEXUALIDENTITY"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element captures one word or phrase identifications ofsexuality (i.e., "lesbian," "monogamous," "heterosexual") and from this information we will be able topoint our reader towards women writers whom they may be interested in studying in a critical analysis of these identifications. Capturingthe term "lesbian" in a sexualIdentity tag does not signify that the subject of the biography was a lesbian; suchidentifications are often impossible for reasons of historical gaps and silences. It does suggest to our readers that if they areinterested in studying lesbian issues, they may wish to look at this particular writer. We assume that sexual identity does not functionin an essentialist manner and that to act monogomously does not reflect an essential, ontological state of being. But we are alsoassuming that issues of sexual identity influence a woman's relationship to her writing and to her life and therefore, we emphasizethe importance of capturing this information in a systematic way.
This attribute allows you to capture changes interminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes andtherefore needs explanation.
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:element name="SEXUALIDENTITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element captures one word or phrase identifications of sexuality (i.e., "lesbian," "monogamous," "heterosexual") and from this information we will be able to point our reader towards women writers whom they may be interested in studying in a critical analysis of these identifications. Capturing the term "lesbian" in a sexualIdentity tag does not signify that the subject of the biography was a lesbian; such identifications are often impossible for reasons of historical gaps and silences. It does suggest to our readers that if they are interested in studying lesbian issues, they may wish to look at this particular writer. We assume that sexual identity does not function in an essentialist manner and that to act monogomously does not reflect an essential, ontological state of being. But we are also assuming that issues of sexual identity influence a woman's relationship to her writing and to her life and therefore, we emphasize the importance of capturing this information in a systematic way.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="GENDER"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows you to capture changes in terminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes and therefore needs explanation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This attribute attached to pAuthorship allows us to distinguishbetween different kinds of authorship problems such as anonymous and pseudonymous texts, and texts whose authorship is only alludedto.
This optional attribute attached to pAuthorship designates thecurrent standing of a controversy surrounding authorship.
<xs:element name="PAUTHORSHIP"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This elements elicits discussion of controversy surrounding a text's authorship.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="PTYPEOFPRESS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="AUTHORNAMETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to pAuthorship allows us to distinguish between different kinds of authorship problems such as anonymous and pseudonymous texts, and texts whose authorship is only alluded to.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ANONYMOUS"/><xs:enumeration value="PSEUDONYMOUS"/><xs:enumeration value="ALLUSIVEAUTHORSHIP"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="AUTHORSHIPCONTROVERSY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to pAuthorship reflects the difficulties scholars sometimes encounter when trying to identify the authorship of a text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FORGERY"/><xs:enumeration value="SPURIOUS"/><xs:enumeration value="MISATTRIBUTION"/><xs:enumeration value="DOUBTFUL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="COLLABORATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to pAuthorship allows us to distinguish those texts authored by more than a single author.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="COLLABORATIONYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="CONTROVERSYDATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to pAuthorship designates the current standing of a controversy surrounding authorship.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="PRESENT"/><xs:enumeration value="HISTORICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="ONGOING"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element discusses the way in which a work was distributed tothe wider world and the breadth of its reach: this is the place to discuss print-runs or comments about best-sellers.
<xs:element name="PCIRCULATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element discusses the way in which a work was distributed to the wider world and the breadth of its reach: this is the place to discuss print-runs or comments about best-sellers.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="PCOPYRIGHT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element captures all information about the nature of the copyright of the text and the relationship of the text to copyright.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element captures information about the nature of the editionsthat a text went through. This can also provide a space to talk about bowdlerization, revisions, emendations, the author's preference for certaineditions, or which edition is preferable from a scholarly point of view because of completeness.
<xs:element name="PEDITIONS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element captures information about the nature of the editions that a text went through. This can also provide a space to talk about bowdlerization, revisions, emendations, the author's preference for certain editions, or which edition is preferable from a scholarly point of view because of completeness.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="PTYPEOFPRESS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/><xs:element ref="XREF"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element in the Production component captures the firstsignificant writing activity, published or otherwise. However, do not use this for publications unless there's strong evidence that the publication islinked to the actual first literary activity.
This element from the Production component names the specificpeople, texts, events or places that formed (developed) the writer's thinking as an artist. Influences can pertain to individual texts or her work as awhole.
InfluenceType is an attribute affiliated with the elementpInfluencesHer and is used to indicate how someone or something influenced a woman writer.
<xs:element name="PINFLUENCESHER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element from the Production component names the specific people, texts, events or places that formed (developed) the writer's thinking as an artist. Influences can pertain to individual texts or her work as a whole.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONVALUE"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="INFLUENCETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>InfluenceType is an attribute affiliated with the element pInfluencesHer and is used to indicate how someone or something influenced a woman writer.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="LITERARY"/><xs:enumeration value="INTELLECTUAL"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILIAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element, found in the Production component, details thepre-publication history of a text: how and if it circulated before and after its publication. Note that this element refers to the circulation of themanuscript and not the published text.
<xs:element name="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element, found in the Production component, details the pre-publication history of a text: how and if it circulated before and after its publication. Note that this element refers to the circulation of the manuscript and not the published text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element in the Production component records the last significantwriting activity, published or otherwise, and should be used with all authors where applicable.
<xs:element name="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element in the Production component records the last significant writing activity, published or otherwise, and should be used with all authors where applicable.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element in the Production component describes the physical andeconomic circumstances that governed a woman's writing. This category is meant to answer questions like: did she have a room of her own? Was itthe laundry room or a posh cabin on the French Riviera? Was she losing her eyesight while writing a particular work? Did she hide the manuscriptwhile writing?
<xs:element name="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element in the Production component describes the physical and economic circumstances that governed a woman's writing. This category is meant to answer questions like: did she have a room of her own? Was it the laundry room or a posh cabin on the French Riviera? Was she losing her eyesight while writing a particular work? Did she hide the manuscript while writing?</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="DISPLACEMENT"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DISPLACEMENTYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element deals with the specific ways in which a book is broughtto print; it does not address issues of circulation. It should capture issues around the publisher (or details about the printer where pertinent anddifferent from the publisher).
This optional attribute allows you to identify how a text waspublished.
<xs:element name="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element deals with the specific ways in which a book is brought to print; it does not address issues of circulation. It should capture issues around the publisher (or details about the printer where pertinent and different from the publisher).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="PTYPEOFPRESS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="PUBLICATIONMODE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute allows you to identify how a text was published.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELF-PUBLICATION"/><xs:enumeration value="PRIVATELYPRINTED"/><xs:enumeration value="LIMITEDEDITION"/><xs:enumeration value="PIRATED"/><xs:enumeration value="SUBSCRIPTION"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Motives describes a woman writer's purposes and reasons for writingwhich may be ascribed or self-identified, and may refer to textual motives or personal motives. See attitudes for comparison.
This element addresses texts that we do not have today for somereason or another. Describes any mishaps or disasters that happen on the road to publication. If the manuscript was in a tree, burned, or flew outthe stage coach window; if the publishers went bankrupt and lost her manuscript, all of these incidents can be recorded here.
<xs:element name="PNONSURVIVAL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element addresses texts that we do not have today for some reason or another. Describes any mishaps or disasters that happen on the road to publication. If the manuscript was in a tree, burned, or flew out the stage coach window; if the publishers went bankrupt and lost her manuscript, all of these incidents can be recorded here.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="TYPEOFNONSURVIVAL"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ACCIDENT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element refers to a non-textual packaging/format of a writtenwork. If someone adapts a woman's book into a opera, a film, a sound recording or a dance, record it here.
union of(xs:string, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token)
The MediaType attribute captures the media type for non-bookmeida; possible values include digital, multimedia, oral, and performance.
<xs:element name="PNONBOOKMEDIA"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element refers to a non-textual packaging/format of a written work. If someone adapts a woman's book into a opera, a film, a sound recording or a dance, record it here.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RFICTIONALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="MEDIATYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The MediaType attribute captures the media type for non-book meida; possible values include digital, multimedia, oral, and performance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:string"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DIGITAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MULTIMEDIA"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ORAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="PERFORMANCE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:union></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element contains all the specifics of the performance of a womanwriter's work in cases where the work is a stage play, a radio drama, or a television film script. Significant performances should be included here withall known details about where or how the work was performed.
<xs:element name="PPERFORMANCE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element contains all the specifics of the performance of a woman writer's work in cases where the work is a stage play, a radio drama, or a television film script. Significant performances should be included here with all known details about where or how the work was performed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RFICTIONALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element focuses only on what needs to be said about the placeof publication over and above the simple bibliographic reference and would be useful in those instances where censorable books were published withan imprint of Amsterdam but actually published in London.
<xs:element name="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element focuses only on what needs to be said about the place of publication over and above the simple bibliographic reference and would be useful in those instances where censorable books were published with an imprint of Amsterdam but actually published in London.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="PTYPEOFPRESS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/><xs:element ref="XREF"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="PPRESSRUN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Records the number of copies of a printed text; this can be expressed in numeric form or in prose, such as "a short run."</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="PPRICE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element defines the price of a book, pamphlet, or other piece of writing.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element deals with the positive results and consequences ofwriting. These awards might be described numerically (in terms of the value), descriptively, or in terms of the prize title.
This element is designed to capture the mainly professionalrelationship between a writer and her publisher (or, in the case of dramatists, her producer).
This element describes all the details about the serial appearance of awork either on its own or in a periodical (multiple instalments); refers to those complete works which were published in bits.
This attribute is attached to the element pSerialization andspecifies whether the work appeared in "volumeForm" or "periodicalForm."
<xs:element name="PSERIALIZATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element describes all the details about the serial appearance of a work either on its own or in a periodical (multiple instalments); refers to those complete works which were published in bits.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="FORMOFSERIALIZATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute is attached to the element pSerialization and specifies whether the work appeared in "volumeForm" or "periodicalForm."</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="VOLUMEFORM"/><xs:enumeration value="PERIODICALFORM"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="PTYPEOFPRESS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>When significant, use this element to record specifics about the printing operation/publisher.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element refers to the single work whose reputation greatlyexceeds all others, according to external criteria (best known in literary circles), and can occur once per genre for some writers.
This element addresses reactions to the literary work, the oeuvre ingeneral, or the writer's role as an author/artist which are either written or event centred.
Formality is an attribute attached to rResponses which allowsyou to indicate whether a response to a work was formal or informal. "Formal" means that the response was written or otherwise made public;"informal" refers to those incidents more difficult to define: a hearty slap on the back, rude looks from strangers on buses, a snubbing by hersocial set.
ResponseType is an optional attribute that specifiesthe historical timing of a response to a written work through its values of "recent," "re-evaluation," or"initial."
<xs:element name="RRESPONSES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element addresses reactions to the literary work, the oeuvre in general, or the writer's role as an author/artist which are either written or event centred.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RFICTIONALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/><xs:element ref="XREF"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="FORMALITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Formality is an attribute attached to rResponses which allows you to indicate whether a response to a work was formal or informal. "Formal" means that the response was written or otherwise made public; "informal" refers to those incidents more difficult to define: a hearty slap on the back, rude looks from strangers on buses, a snubbing by her social set.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FORMAL"/><xs:enumeration value="INFORMAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="GENDEREDRESPONSE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to rResponses indicates whether or not a response to a work was predicated on the writer's gender.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ADFEMINAM"/><xs:enumeration value="GENDEREDYES"/><xs:enumeration value="GENDEREDNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="RESPONSETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ResponseType is an optional attribute that specifies the historical timing of a response to a written work through its values of "recent," "re-evaluation," or "initial."</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="RE-EVALUATION"/><xs:enumeration value="RECENT"/><xs:enumeration value="INITIAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element marks destruction of a work by the author herself, herreaders, or others. This category can include the conscious destruction or requests for destruction whether or not the destruction was carriedout.
This attribute, attached to rDestructionOfWork, allows you toindicate who destroyed the work.
<xs:element name="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element marks destruction of a work by the author herself, her readers, or others. This category can include the conscious destruction or requests for destruction whether or not the destruction was carried out.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="DESTROYEDBY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute, attached to rDestructionOfWork, allows you to indicate who destroyed the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELF"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
If a book is censored, we consider that action a type of penalty.This attribute flags when censorship has been one of the penalizing responses to a work.
<xs:element name="RPENALTIES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element discusses the negative effects and consequences of writing.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RFICTIONALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="XREF"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="CENSORSHIP"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>If a book is censored, we consider that action a type of penalty. This attribute flags when censorship has been one of the penalizing responses to a work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CENSORSHIPYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="CONTROVERSY"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element refers to fictionalized (written) responses to the womanauthor or her work which indicate her literary influence. It is to be used when you encounter the fictionalized life of a woman writer, such as a onewoman show about Virginia Woolf's life.
<xs:element name="RFICTIONALIZATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element refers to fictionalized (written) responses to the woman author or her work which indicate her literary influence. It is to be used when you encounter the fictionalized life of a woman writer, such as a one woman show about Virginia Woolf's life.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element has to do with the author's influence on other writers,other women writers, other women, the literary tradition, and society as a whole. When discussing her influence, please provide evidence of herlegacy, not just opinion.
<xs:element name="RSHEINFLUENCED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element has to do with the author's influence on other writers, other women writers, other women, the literary tradition, and society as a whole. When discussing her influence, please provide evidence of her legacy, not just opinion.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RFICTIONALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="RRECOGNITIONNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Closely related to the Recognitions element, this element defines the name of a particular award or prize given to an author.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONVALUE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="RRECOGNITIONVALUE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element defines a numeric or descriptive (intangible) value of the recognition given to her work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element allows you to talk generally about the genre issuesraised by a specific text. It may also be used in situations where there is an unusual mixture of genre forms.
<xs:element name="TGENREISSUE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element allows you to talk generally about the genre issues raised by a specific text. It may also be used in situations where there is an unusual mixture of genre forms.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
genderOfAuthor is an optional attribute modifying the elementtIntertextuality; therefore, it allows you to identify the sex of the author who wrote the intertext. It will prove useful for researching howwomen responded to other texts written by male or female authors.
IntertextType is an attribute used to modify the elementtIntertextuality. It allows greater specificity to indicate how an intertext has been used in connection with any one text.
<xs:element name="TINTERTEXTUALITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element provides a place to talk about all those textual markers that acknowledge the existence of other texts.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RFICTIONALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="GENDEROFAUTHOR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>genderOfAuthor is an optional attribute modifying the element tIntertextuality; therefore, it allows you to identify the sex of the author who wrote the intertext. It will prove useful for researching how women responded to other texts written by male or female authors.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FEMALE"/><xs:enumeration value="MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="INTERTEXTTYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>IntertextType is an attribute used to modify the element tIntertextuality. It allows greater specificity to indicate how an intertext has been used in connection with any one text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ALLUSIONACKNOWLEDGED"/><xs:enumeration value="ALLUSIONUNACKNOWLEDGED"/><xs:enumeration value="QUOTATION"/><xs:enumeration value="MISQUOTATION"/><xs:enumeration value="PARODY"/><xs:enumeration value="SATIRE"/><xs:enumeration value="IMITATION"/><xs:enumeration value="ADAPTATION-UPDATE"/><xs:enumeration value="PREQUEL"/><xs:enumeration value="CONTINUATION"/><xs:enumeration value="ANSWER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The motif element pertains to those discussions of a significantscene, episode, or idea in the text where these are not coterminal with the entire text. Motifs are localized or contained within the plot and may recurin multiple works or multiple times in the same work.
Atribute on tMotif used to regularize discussions of motifs toone of the descriptors listed under Motif.
<xs:element name="TMOTIF"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The motif element pertains to those discussions of a significant scene, episode, or idea in the text where these are not coterminal with the entire text. Motifs are localized or contained within the plot and may recur in multiple works or multiple times in the same work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="MOTIFNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Atribute on tMotif used to regularize discussions of motifs to one of the descriptors listed under Motif.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element pertains to the real or fictive time in which a text is setrelative to the writer's time, not the reader's. It can be specific, "1789," or general "in the future," or relative to a non-dateable event "after thewar."
SettingDateType is an optional attribute that specifies thehistorical era of a setting.
<xs:element name="TSETTINGDATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element pertains to the real or fictive time in which a text is set relative to the writer's time, not the reader's. It can be specific, "1789," or general "in the future," or relative to a non-dateable event "after the war."</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="SETTINGDATETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>SettingDateType is an optional attribute that specifies the historical era of a setting.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="PAST"/><xs:enumeration value="PRESENT"/><xs:enumeration value="FUTURE"/><xs:enumeration value="AMBIGUOUS"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
SettingPlaceType is an optional attribute that specifies the realor imaginary location of textual events.
<xs:element name="TSETTINGPLACE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element addresses the real or fictive place in which a text is set.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="SETTINGCLASS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>SettingClass is an optional attribute that specifies the socio-economic status of a settingPlace.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UPPERCLASS"/><xs:enumeration value="WORKINGCLASS"/><xs:enumeration value="MIDDLECLASS"/><xs:enumeration value="WIDERANGE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="SETTINGPLACETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>SettingPlaceType is an optional attribute that specifies the real or imaginary location of textual events.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FICTIVE"/><xs:enumeration value="REAL"/><xs:enumeration value="IDENTIFIABLE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
TechniqueType is an optional attribute that addresses thedifferent kinds of literary techniques that an author might use in their work.
<xs:element name="TTECHNIQUES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element applies to the structural components of language used to create literary effects: these are devices such as assonance and metaphor.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EMPH"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="L"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RFICTIONALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONVALUE"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RS"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SIC"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="TECHNIQUETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>TechniqueType is an optional attribute that addresses the different kinds of literary techniques that an author might use in their work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DICTION"/><xs:enumeration value="VERSIFICATION"/><xs:enumeration value="NONSTANDARDENGLISH"/><xs:enumeration value="IMAGERY"/><xs:enumeration value="AURALEFFECTS"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This element applies to the "characteristic manner of expression; howa particular writer says things; the reflection of a writer's attitude, manner, mood, and moral outlook" and the means of expressing that manner ormood. (Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms.)
This element discusses how a story gets told and not what order thestory is told in. Addresses characteristics of the voice of the narrator in the work.
<xs:element name="TVOICENARRATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This element discusses how a story gets told and not what order the story is told in. Addresses characteristics of the voice of the narrator in the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
URL (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL fromwhich the media concerned may be obtained.
<xs:element name="XREF"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The xref element surrounds a url which you wish to make into a hyperlink.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroup ref="RESP-attribute"/><xs:attribute name="URL" use="required" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>URL (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="PROGRAM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The program element captures other types of education that don't culminate in a degree (e.g., workshops, summer schools, etc.).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="SCHOOL"/><xs:element ref="SUBJECT"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
ReligiousName is asub-element available within personName which captures all names a person acquired through religion.For example, her name change on entering a convent or a name she used for religiousreasons.
WroteOrPublishedAsis an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within theirbiography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names womenwriters published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standardname and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance,to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in thebibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of theperson.
<xs:element name="RELIGIOUSNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ReligiousName is a sub-element available within personName which captures all names a person acquired through religion. For example, her name change on entering a convent or a name she used for religious reasons.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="FOREIGN"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The role element is designed to record role-relatedinformation. See the role attribute which is attached to the role element for more detailed information.
The role attribute designates the role of of an individual. If therole is tied to an event, than the role is specific to that individual's role in that particular event. The list of role values is the MARC Code List forRelators, a list of terms with their associated codes that designates the relationship between a name and a resource (i.e., roles) in bibliographicdescriptions; the MARC Code List for Relators has been supplemented with values that were developed by the CWRC ResearchBoard.
<xs:element name="ROLE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The role element is designed to record role-related information. See the role attribute which is attached to the role element for more detailed information.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="ROLE" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The role attribute designates the role of of an individual. If the role is tied to an event, than the role is specific to that individual's role in that particular event. The list of role values is the MARC Code List for Relators, a list of terms with their associated codes that designates the relationship between a name and a resource (i.e., roles) in bibliographic descriptions; the MARC Code List for Relators has been supplemented with values that were developed by the CWRC Research Board.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="Acting coach"/><xs:enumeration value="Actor [act]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who principally exhibits acting skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Adapter [adp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who 1) reworks a musical composition, usually for a different medium, or 2) rewrites novels or stories for motion pictures or other audiovisual medium.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Agent"/><xs:enumeration value="Analyst [anl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that reviews, examines and interprets data or information in a specific area.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Animator [anm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who draws the two-dimensional figures, manipulates the three dimensional objects and/or also programs the computer to move objects and images for the purpose of animated film processing. Animation cameras, stands, celluloid screens, transparencies and inks are some of the tools of the animator.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Annotator [ann]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who writes manuscript annotations on a printed item.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Applicant [app]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the submission of an application or who is named as eligible for the results of the processing of the application (e.g., bestowing of rights, reward, title, position).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Appraiser"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>kah: in archives context appraisers assess monetary values of donations</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Architect [arc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who designs structures or oversees their construction.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Arranger [arr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who transcribes a musical composition, usually for a different medium from that of the original; in an arrangement the musical substance remains essentially unchanged.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Art copyist [acp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person (e.g., a painter or sculptor) who makes copies of works of visual art.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Artist [art]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person (e.g., a painter) or organization who conceives, and perhaps also implements, an original graphic design or work of art, if specific codes (e.g., [egr], [etr]) are not desired. For book illustrators, prefer Illustrator [ill].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Artistic director [ard]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for controlling the development of the artistic style of an entire production, including the choice of works to be presented and selection of senior production staff.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Assignee [asg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to whom a license for printing or publishing has been transferred.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Assistant director"/><xs:enumeration value="Associated name [asn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization associated with or found in an item or collection, which cannot be determined to be that of a Former owner [fmo] or other designated relator indicative of provenance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Attributed name [att]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an author, artist, etc., relating him/her to a work for which there is or once was substantial authority for designating that person as author, creator, etc. of the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Auctioneer [auc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization in charge of the estimation and public auctioning of goods, particularly books, artistic works, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author [aut]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work, usually printed text. This term may also be used when more than one person or body bears such responsibility.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author in quotations or text extracts [aqt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization whose work is largely quoted or extracted in works to which he or she did not contribute directly. Such quotations are found particularly in exhibition catalogs, collections of photographs, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author of afterword, colophon, etc. [aft]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for an afterword, postface, colophon, etc. but who is not the chief author of a work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author of dialog [aud]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the dialog or spoken commentary for a screenplay or sound recording.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author of introduction, etc. [aui]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for an introduction, preface, foreword, or other critical introductory matter, but who is not the chief author.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author of screenplay, etc. [aus]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for a motion picture screenplay, dialog, spoken commentary, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Bibliographic antecedent [ant]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for a work upon which the work represented by the catalog record is based. This may be appropriate for adaptations, sequels, continuations, indexes, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Binder [bnd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the binding of printed or manuscript materials.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Binding designer [bdd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the binding design of a book, including the type of binding, the type of materials used, and any decorative aspects of the binding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Blurb writer [blw]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the named entity responsible for writing a commendation or testimonial for a work, which appears on or within the publication itself, frequently on the back or dust jacket of print publications or on advertising material for all media.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Book designer [bkd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Book producer [bkp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the production of books and other print media, if specific codes (e.g., [bkd], [egr], [tyd], [prt]) are not desired.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Bookjacket designer [bjd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the design of flexible covers designed for or published with a book, including the type of materials used, and any decorative aspects of the bookjacket.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Bookplate designer [bpd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the design of a book owner's identification label that is most commonly pasted to the inside front cover of a book.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Bookseller [bsl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes books and other bibliographic materials available for purchase. Interest in the materials is primarily lucrative.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Calligrapher [cll]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who writes in an artistic hand, usually as a copyist and or engrosser.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Cartographer [ctg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the creation of maps and other cartographic materials.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Censor [cns]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a censor, bowdlerizer, expurgator, etc., official or private.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Choreographer [chr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who composes or arranges dances or other movements (e.g., master of swords) for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Cinematographer [cng]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is in charge of the images captured for a motion picture film. The cinematographer works under the supervision of a director, and may also be referred to as director of photography. Do not confuse with videographer.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Client [cli]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization for whom another person or organization is acting.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Clown"/><xs:enumeration value="Collaborator [clb]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that takes a limited part in the elaboration of a work of another person or organization that brings complements (e.g., appendices, notes) to the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Collector [col]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who has brought together material from various sources that has been arranged, described, and cataloged as a collection. A collector is neither the creator of the material nor a person to whom manuscripts in the collection may have been addressed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Collotyper [clt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the production of photographic prints from film or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Colorist [clr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the named entity responsible for applying color to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Commentator [cmm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who provides interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, motion picture, or other audiovisual medium.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Commentator for written text [cwt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the commentary or explanatory notes about a text. For the writer of manuscript annotations in a printed book, use Annotator [ann].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Compiler [com]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who produces a work or publication by selecting and putting together material from the works of various persons or bodies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Complainant [cpl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who applies to the courts for redress, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Complainant-appellant [cpt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a complainant who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Complainant-appellee [cpe]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a complainant against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Composer [cmp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who creates a musical work, usually a piece of music in manuscript or printed form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Compositor [cmt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the creation of metal slug, or molds made of other materials, used to produce the text and images in printed matter.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Conceptor [ccp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the original idea on which a work is based, this includes the scientific author of an audio-visual item and the conceptor of an advertisement.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Conductor [cnd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who directs a performing group (orchestra, chorus, opera, etc.) in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Conservator [con]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the named entity responsible for documenting, preserving, or treating printed or manuscript material, works of art, artifacts, or other media.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Consultant [csl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who is called upon for professional advice or services in a specialized field of knowledge or training.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Consultant to a project [csp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who is engaged specifically to provide an intellectual overview of a strategic or operational task and by analysis, specification, or instruction, to create or propose a cost-effective course of action or solution.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestant [cos]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who opposes, resists, or disputes, in a court of law, a claim, decision, result, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestant-appellant [cot]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a contestant who takes an appeal from one court of law or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestant-appellee [coe]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a contestant against whom an appeal is taken from one court of law or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestee [cts]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party defending a claim, decision, result, etc. being opposed, resisted, or disputed in a court of law.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestee-appellant [ctt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a contestee who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestee-appellee [cte]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a contestee against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contractor [ctr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who enters into a contract with another person or organization to perform a specific task.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contributor [ctb]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization one whose work has been contributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or other compilation of individual works. Do not use if the sole function in relation to a work is as author, editor, compiler or translator.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Copyright claimant [cpc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization listed as a copyright owner at the time of registration. Copyright can be granted or later transferred to another person or organization, at which time the claimant becomes the copyright holder.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Copyright holder [cph]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to whom copy and legal rights have been granted or transferred for the intellectual content of a work. The copyright holder, although not necessarily the creator of the work, usually has the exclusive right to benefit financially from the sale and use of the work to which the associated copyright protection applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Corrector [crr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is a corrector of manuscripts, such as the scriptorium official who corrected the work of a scribe. For printed matter, use Proofreader.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Correspondent [crp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who was either the writer or recipient of a letter or other communication.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Costume designer [cst]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who designs or makes costumes, fixes hair, etc., for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Cover designer [cov]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the graphic design of a book cover, album cover, slipcase, box, container, etc. For a person or organization responsible for the graphic design of an entire book, use Book designer; for book jackets, use Bookjacket designer.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Creator [cre]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Crew"/><xs:enumeration value="Curator of an exhibition [cur]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for conceiving and organizing an exhibition.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dancer [dnc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who principally exhibits dancing skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Data contributor [dtc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that submits data for inclusion in a database or other collection of data.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Data manager [dtm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for managing databases or other data sources.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dedicatee [dte]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to whom a book, manuscript, etc., is dedicated (not the recipient of a gift).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dedicator [dto]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the author of a dedication, which may be a formal statement or in epistolary or verse form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Defendant [dfd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party defending or denying allegations made in a suit and against whom relief or recovery is sought in the courts, usually in a legal action.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Defendant-appellant [dft]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a defendant who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal action.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Defendant-appellee [dfe]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a defendant against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal action.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Degree grantor [dgg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the organization granting a degree for which the thesis or issertation described was presented.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Delineator [dln]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization executing technical drawings from others' designs.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Depicted [dpc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an entity depicted or portrayed in a work, particularly in a work of art.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Depositor [dpt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization placing material in the physical custody of a library or repository without transferring the legal title.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Designer [dsr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the design if more specific codes (e.g., [bkd], [tyd]) are not desired.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Director [drt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is responsible for the general management of a work or who supervises the production of a performance for stage, screen, or sound recording.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dissertant [dis]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who presents a thesis for a university or higher-level educational degree.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Distribution place [dbp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of a place from which a resource, e.g., a serial, is distributed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Distributor [dst]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that has exclusive or shared marketing rights for an item.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Donor [dnr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is the donor of a book, manuscript, etc., to its present owner. Donors to previous owners are designated as Former owner [fmo] or Inscriber [ins].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Draftsman [drm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prepares artistic or technical drawings.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dramaturge"/><xs:enumeration value="Dubious author [dub]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to which authorship has been dubiously or incorrectly ascribed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Editor [edt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prepares for publication a work not primarily his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an editorial staff.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Electrician [elg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for setting up a lighting rig and focusing the lights for a production, and running the lighting at a performance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Electrotyper [elt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who creates a duplicate printing surface by pressure molding and electrodepositing of metal that is then backed up with lead for printing.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Engineer [eng]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that is responsible for technical planning and design, particularly with construction.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Engraver [egr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who cuts letters, figures, etc. on a surface, such as a wooden or metal plate, for printing.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Etcher [etr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who produces text or images for printing by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface to acid or the corrosive action of some other substance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Event place [evp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of the place where an event such as a conference or a concert took place.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Expert [exp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization in charge of the description and appraisal of the value of goods, particularly rare items, works of art, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Facsimilist [fac]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that executed the facsimile.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Field director [fld]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that manages or supervises the work done to collect raw data or do research in an actual setting or environment (typically applies to the natural and social sciences).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Film editor [flm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is an editor of a motion picture film. This term is used regardless of the medium upon which the motion picture is produced or manufactured (e.g., acetate film, video tape).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Filmmaker"/><xs:enumeration value="First party [fpy]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is identified as the only party or the party of the first part. In the case of transfer of right, this is the assignor, transferor, licensor, grantor, etc. Multiple parties can be named jointly as the first party</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Forger [frg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes or imitates something of value or importance, especially with the intent to defraud.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Former owner [fmo]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who owned an item at any time in the past. Includes those to whom the material was once presented. A person or organization giving the item to the present owner is designated as Donor [dnr]</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Funder [fnd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that furnished financial support for the production of the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Geographic information specialist [gis]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for geographic information system (GIS) development and integration with global positioning system data.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Ghostwriter"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation/></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Honoree [hnr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization in memory or honor of whom a book, manuscript, etc. is donated.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Host [hst]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is invited or regularly leads a program (often broadcast) that includes other guests, performers, etc. (e.g., talk show host).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Illuminator [ilu]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the decoration of a work (especially manuscript material) with precious metals or color, usually with elaborate designs and motifs.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Illustrator [ill]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who conceives, and perhaps also implements, a design or illustration, usually to accompany a written text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Inscriber [ins]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who signs a presentation statement.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Instrumentalist [itr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who principally plays an instrument in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Interviewee [ive]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is interviewed at a consultation or meeting, usually by a reporter, pollster, or some other information gathering agent.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Interviewer [ivr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who acts as a reporter, pollster, or other information gathering agent in a consultation or meeting involving one or more individuals.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Inventor [inv]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who first produces a particular useful item, or develops a new process for obtaining a known item or result.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Laboratory [lbr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an institution that provides scientific analyses of material samples.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Laboratory director [ldr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that manages or supervises work done in a controlled setting or environment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Landscape architect [lsa]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization whose work involves coordinating the arrangement of existing and proposed land features and structures.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lead [led]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use to indicate that a person or organization takes primary responsibility for a particular activity or endeavor. Use with another relator term or code to show the greater importance this person or organization has regarding that particular role. If more than one relator is assigned to a heading, use the Lead relator only if it applies to all the relators.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lender [len]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization permitting the temporary use of a book, manuscript, etc., such as for photocopying or microfilming.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelant [lil]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who files a libel in an ecclesiastical or admiralty case.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelant-appellant [lit]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a libelant who takes an appeal from one ecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelant-appellee [lie]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a libelant against whom an appeal is taken from one ecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelee [lel]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a party against whom a libel has been filed in an ecclesiastical court or admiralty.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelee-appellant [let]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a libelee who takes an appeal from one ecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelee-appellee [lee]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a libelee against whom an appeal is taken from one ecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Librettist [lbt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is a writer of the text of an opera, oratorio, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Licensee [lse]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is an original recipient of the right to print or publish.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Licensor [lso]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for person or organization who is a signer of the license, imprimatur, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lighting designer [lgd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who designs the lighting scheme for a theatrical presentation, entertainment, motion picture, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lithographer [ltg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prepares the stone or plate for lithographic printing, including a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lyricist [lyr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is a writer of the text of a song.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Manufacture place [mfp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of the place of manufacture (e.g., printing, duplicating, casting, etc.) of a resource in a published form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Manufacturer [mfr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that makes an artifactual work (an object made or modified by one or more persons). Examples of artifactual works include vases, cannons or pieces of furniture.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Marbler [mrb]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the named entity responsible for marbling paper, cloth, leather, etc. used in construction of a resource.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Markup editor [mrk]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization performing the coding of SGML, HTML, or XML markup of metadata, text, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Mask designer"/><xs:enumeration value="Metadata contact [mdc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization primarily responsible for compiling and maintaining the original description of a metadata set (e.g., geospatial metadata set).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Metal-engraver [mte]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for decorations, illustrations, letters, etc. cut on a metal surface for printing or decoration.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Moderator [mod]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who leads a program (often broadcast) where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Monitor [mon]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that supervises compliance with the contract and is responsible for the report and controls its distribution. Sometimes referred to as the grantee, or controlling agency.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Music copyist [mcp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who transcribes or copies musical notation</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Musical director [msd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for basic music decisions about a production, including coordinating the work of the composer, the sound editor, and sound mixers, selecting musicians, and organizing and/or conducting sound for rehearsals and performances.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Musician [mus]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who performs music or contributes to the musical content of a work when it is not possible or desirable to identify the function more precisely.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Narrator [nrt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is a speaker relating the particulars of an act, occurrence, or course of events.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Opponent [opn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for opposing a thesis or dissertation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Organizer of meeting [orm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for organizing a meeting for which an item is the report or proceedings.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Originator [org]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization performing the work, i.e., the name of a person or organization associated with the intellectual content of the work. This category does not include the publisher or personal affiliation, or sponsor except where it is also the corporate author.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Other [oth]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for relator codes from other lists which have no equivalent in the MARC list or for terms which have not been assigned a code.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Owner [own]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that currently owns an item or collection.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Papermaker [ppm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the production of paper, usually from wood, cloth, or other fibrous material.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Patent applicant [pta]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that applied for a patent.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Patent holder [pth]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that was granted the patent referred to by the item.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Patron [pat]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for commissioning a work. Usually a patron uses his or her means or influence to support the work of artists, writers, etc. This includes those who commission and pay for individual works.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Performance artist"/><xs:enumeration value="Performer [prf]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who exhibits musical or acting skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment, if specific codes for those functions ([act], [dnc], [itr], [voc], etc.) are not used. If specific codes are used, [prf] is used for a person whose principal skill is not known or specified.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Permitting agency [pma]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an authority (usually a government agency) that issues permits under which work is accomplished.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Photographer [pht]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for taking photographs, whether they are used in their original form or as reproductions.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Plaintiff [ptf]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who complains or sues in court in a personal action, usually in a legal proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Plaintiff-appellant [ptt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a plaintiff who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Plaintiff-appellee [pte]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a plaintiff against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Platemaker [plt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the production of plates, usually for the production of printed images and/or text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Playwright"/><xs:enumeration value="Printer [prt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prints texts, whether from type or plates.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Printer of plates [pop]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prints illustrations from plates.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Printmaker [prm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Process contact [prc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization primarily responsible for performing or initiating a process, such as is done with the collection of metadata sets.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Producer [pro]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the productions, and the commercial success of the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Production manager [pmn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for all technical and business matters in a production.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Production personnel [prd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization associated with the production (props, lighting, special effects, etc.) of a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Production place [prp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of the place of production (e.g., inscription, fabrication, construction, etc.) of a resource in an unpublished form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Programmer [prg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the creation and/or maintenance of computer program design documents, source code, and machine-executable digital files and supporting documentation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Project director [pdr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization with primary responsibility for all essential aspects of a project, or that manages a very large project that demands senior level responsibility, or that has overall responsibility for managing projects, or provides overall direction to a project manager.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Projection designer"/><xs:enumeration value="Proofreader [pfr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who corrects printed matter. For manuscripts, use Corrector [crr].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Publication place [pup]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of the place where a resource is published.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Publisher [pbl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that makes printed matter, often text, but also printed music, artwork, etc. available to the public.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Publishing director [pbd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who presides over the elaboration of a collective work to ensure its coherence or continuity. This includes editors-in-chief, literary editors, editors of series, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Puppeteer [ppt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who manipulates, controls, or directs puppets or marionettes in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Recipient [rcp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to whom correspondence is addressed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Recording engineer [rce]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who supervises the technical aspects of a sound or video recording session.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Redactor [red]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who writes or develops the framework for an item without being intellectually responsible for its content.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Renderer [ren]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prepares drawings of architectural designs (i.e., renderings) in accurate, representational perspective to show what the project will look like when completed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Reporter [rpt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who writes or presents reports of news or current events on air or in print.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Repository [rps]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an agency that hosts data or material culture objects and provides services to promote long term, consistent and shared use of those data or objects.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Research team head [rth]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who directed or managed a research project.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Research team member [rtm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who participated in a research project but whose role did not involve direction or management of it.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Researcher [res]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for performing research.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Respondent [rsp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who makes an answer to the courts pursuant to an application for redress, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Respondent-appellant [rst]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a respondent who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Respondent-appellee [rse]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a respondent against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Responsible party [rpy]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization legally responsible for the content of the published material.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Restager [rsg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization, other than the original choreographer or director, responsible for restaging a choreographic or dramatic work and who contributes minimal new content.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Reviewer [rev]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the review of a book, motion picture, performance, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Rubricator [rbr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for parts of a work, often headings or opening parts of a manuscript, that appear in a distinctive color, usually red.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Scenarist [sce]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is the author of a motion picture screenplay.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Scientific advisor [sad]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who brings scientific, pedagogical, or historical competence to the conception and realization on a work, particularly in the case of audio-visual items.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Scribe [scr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is an amanuensis and for a writer of manuscripts proper. For a person who makes pen-facsimiles, use Facsimilist [fac].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Sculptor [scl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who models or carves figures that are three-dimensional representations.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Second party [spy]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is identified as the party of the second part. In the case of transfer of right, this is the assignee, transferee, licensee, grantee, etc. Multiple parties can be named jointly as the second party.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Secretary [sec]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is a recorder, redactor, or other person responsible for expressing the views of a organization.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Set designer [std]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who translates the rough sketches of the art director into actual architectural structures for a theatrical presentation, entertainment, motion picture, etc. Set designers draw the detailed guides and specifications for building the set.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Signer [sgn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person whose signature appears without a presentation or other statement indicative of provenance. When there is a presentation statement, use Inscriber [ins].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Singer [sng]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who uses his/her/their voice with or without instrumental accompaniment to produce music. A performance may or may not include actual words.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Sound designer [sds]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who produces and reproduces the sound score (both live and recorded), the installation of microphones, the setting of sound levels, and the coordination of sources of sound for a production.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Speaker [spk]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who participates in a program (often broadcast) and makes a formalized contribution or presentation generally prepared in advance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Special effects designer"/><xs:enumeration value="Sponsor [spn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that issued a contract or under the auspices of which a work has been written, printed, published, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Stage crew"/><xs:enumeration value="Stage manager [stm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is in charge of everything that occurs on a performance stage, and who acts as chief of all crews and assistant to a director during rehearsals.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Standards body [stn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an organization responsible for the development or enforcement of a standard.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Stereotyper [str]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who creates a new plate for printing by molding or copying another printing surface.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Storyteller [stl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person relaying a story with creative and/or theatrical interpretation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Supporting host [sht]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that supports (by allocating facilities, staff, or other resources) a project, program, meeting, event, data objects, material culture objects, or other entities capable of support.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Surveyor [srv]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who does measurements of tracts of land, etc. to determine location, forms, and boundaries.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Teacher [tch]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who, in the context of a resource, gives instruction in an intellectual subject or demonstrates while teaching physical skills.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Technical director [tcd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is ultimately in charge of scenery, props, lights and sound for a production.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Thesis advisor [ths]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person under whose supervision a degree candidate develops and presents a thesis, mémoire, or text of a dissertation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Transcriber [trc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who prepares a handwritten or typewritten copy from original material, including from dictated or orally recorded material. For makers of pen-facsimiles, use Facsimilist [fac].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Translator [trl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who renders a text from one language into another, or from an older form of a language into the modern form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Type designer [tyd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who designed the type face used in a particular item.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Typographer [tyg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization primarily responsible for choice and arrangement of type used in an item. If the typographer is also responsible for other aspects of the graphic design of a book (e.g., Book designer [bkd]), codes for both functions may be needed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UFPerformer of research"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation/></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UFPlates, Printer of"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation/></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Understudy"/><xs:enumeration value="University place [uvp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of a place where a university that is associated with a resource is located, for example, a university where an academic dissertation or thesis was presented.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="USE Expert"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation/></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Videographer [vdg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization in charge of a video production, e.g. the video recording of a stage production as opposed to a commercial motion picture. The videographer may be the camera operator or may supervise one or more camera operators. Do not confuse with cinematographer.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Vocalist [voc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who principally exhibits singing skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Witness [wit]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who verifies the truthfulness of an event or action.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Wood-engraver [wde]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes prints by cutting the image in relief on the end-grain of a wood block.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Woodcutter [wdc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes prints by cutting the image in relief on the plank side of a wood block.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Writer of accompanying material [wam]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who writes significant material which accompanies a sound recording or other audiovisual material.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Royal is a type of name available with personName. It refersto names, such as "Queen" or "Princess", which a person has because of their royal status. This element does notcapture information about noble titles in general (cf. titled) but includes specifically royal names.
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="ROYAL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Royal is a type of name available with personName. It refers to names, such as "Queen" or "Princess", which a person has because of their royal status. This element does not capture information about noble titles in general (cf. titled) but includes specifically royal names.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:attribute name="REG" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Value is used to record a formatted date- ortime-related value.
<xs:element name="TIME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>time contains a phrase defining a time of day in any format.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:attribute name="CERTAINTY" default="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certainty is an attribute of date and dateRange, and is used to indicate the nature of certainty that you have about a given date.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certain</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="C"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Circa</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="BY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>By this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="AFTER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>After this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Unknown date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ROUGHLYDATED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rough certainty</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="TYPE" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="VALUE" type="xs:NMTOKEN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Value is used to record a formatted date- or time-related value.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="CHRONEVENT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>chronEvent is an element that holds together all relevant information pertaining to an individual chronology entry as well as its explanatory material.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/></xs:choice></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
ChronColumn is an attribute which designates a givenchronology item as belonging to a particular type of event: bibliographical, biographical, cultural, literary, political, andsocial. Note: more than one value can be selected for this attribute -- each attribute value should be separated by a blankspace.
Relevance is a sister attribute to chronColumn, attached toeach and every chronStruct. This element assignes importance to the chronstruct you have just created with categories for comprehensive,period, decade, and selective (in order of increasing importance).
<xs:element name="LISTBIBCIT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ListBibcit (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCIT"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
This sub-element within birth captures information about awoman writer's position within her family. In systematically capturing information about birth position, we are suggesting positionswithin families, specifically in relation to gender position, influence the material conditions of a woman's life.
This optional attribute attached to birthPositionallows us to systematize information concerning women writers who were the eldest, youngest and only children in theirfamilies.
<xs:element name="BIRTHPOSITION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This sub-element within birth captures information about a woman writer's position within her family. In systematically capturing information about birth position, we are suggesting positions within families, specifically in relation to gender position, influence the material conditions of a woman's life.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="POSITION" default="ELDEST"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to birthPosition allows us to systematize information concerning women writers who were the eldest, youngest and only children in their families.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ELDEST"/><xs:enumeration value="YOUNGEST"/><xs:enumeration value="ONLY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
CulturalFormation is one of the 16major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It refers to the constitution of aBritish Woman Writer's subjectivity and includes a number of different ways for you to talk about thepertinent issues. This element addresses the imbrication of the triad race/class/gender; it allows you to say"She came from a Scottish dissenting family" without having to separate the different elements thatwould be systematized as religion or raceEthnicity. We imagine that our use of the element will be consonant withthe direction that scholarship is taking in its treatment of race, nationality, etc.: not treating them astranshistorical or isolated categories but looking at the way two or more categories intersect for a particulargroup at a particular historical period. We hope to provide our readers with two ways of accessing informationaround issues of a writer's subject positioning. Placing the identifying category elements around herreligious denomination ("Quaker"), sexual identity ("lesbian") or nationality("Scottish"), for example, will point our end users toward writers whom they may be interested inresearching if they were doing a project on any of these issues (for example, "Contemporary Scottishwomen's writing"). Placing a larger discussion within the general sub-elements (i.e., ClassIssue,Religion, etc.) will allow us to extract and merge all significant discussions of certain issues, providing ourend users with a complex weave of information through which to analyse the construction ofsubjectivity.
<xs:element name="CULTURALFORMATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>CulturalFormation is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It refers to the constitution of a British Woman Writer's subjectivity and includes a number of different ways for you to talk about the pertinent issues. This element addresses the imbrication of the triad race/class/gender; it allows you to say "She came from a Scottish dissenting family" without having to separate the different elements that would be systematized as religion or raceEthnicity. We imagine that our use of the element will be consonant with the direction that scholarship is taking in its treatment of race, nationality, etc.: not treating them as transhistorical or isolated categories but looking at the way two or more categories intersect for a particular group at a particular historical period. We hope to provide our readers with two ways of accessing information around issues of a writer's subject positioning. Placing the identifying category elements around her religious denomination ("Quaker"), sexual identity ("lesbian") or nationality ("Scottish"), for example, will point our end users toward writers whom they may be interested in researching if they were doing a project on any of these issues (for example, "Contemporary Scottish women's writing"). Placing a larger discussion within the general sub-elements (i.e., ClassIssue, Religion, etc.) will allow us to extract and merge all significant discussions of certain issues, providing our end users with a complex weave of information through which to analyse the construction of subjectivity.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:choice><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/><xs:element ref="CLASS"/><xs:element ref="RACECOLOUR"/><xs:element ref="CLASSISSUE"/><xs:element ref="DISABILITY"/><xs:element ref="NATIONALITYISSUE"/><xs:element ref="RACEANDETHNICITY"/><xs:element ref="RELIGION"/><xs:element ref="SEXUALITY"/></xs:choice></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
ClassIssue, a significantsub-element within culturalFormation, is used to discuss the importance of class within aperson's life. In conjunction with the class element, classIssue allows us to captureinformation about how the socio-economic conditions of her family and herself affected her life andwriting. We understand that class is a shifting category and that a person's class positionchanges over the course of her life, for example, on marriage. We also understand that classcategories are historically and culturally specific. The classIssue element is meant to capturediscussions of these complexities and allow for the historical and biographical specificities ofone's relation to class.
<xs:element name="CLASSISSUE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ClassIssue, a significant sub-element within culturalFormation, is used to discuss the importance of class within a person's life. In conjunction with the class element, classIssue allows us to capture information about how the socio-economic conditions of her family and herself affected her life and writing. We understand that class is a shifting category and that a person's class position changes over the course of her life, for example, on marriage. We also understand that class categories are historically and culturally specific. The classIssue element is meant to capture discussions of these complexities and allow for the historical and biographical specificities of one's relation to class.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="P"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
NationalityIssue is asignificant sub-element within culturalFormation which captures a discussion about her nationality.It works in conjunction with the nationality element to structure the national subject positions ofwomen writers. Use to discuss issues of importance around a woman's nationality as it impingesupon identity. For the most part, writers will have geog, national or ethnic heritage of note, and inthe element "nationalityIssue," we can discuss or name a writer's nationality asEnglish, Irish, Scottish, Welsh. Avoid using British in the nationality tag, and use more specificdesignations when you can because these probably mattered more.
<xs:element name="NATIONALITYISSUE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NationalityIssue is a significant sub-element within culturalFormation which captures a discussion about her nationality. It works in conjunction with the nationality element to structure the national subject positions of women writers. Use to discuss issues of importance around a woman's nationality as it impinges upon identity. For the most part, writers will have geog, national or ethnic heritage of note, and in the element "nationalityIssue," we can discuss or name a writer's nationality as English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh. Avoid using British in the nationality tag, and use more specific designations when you can because these probably mattered more.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="P"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
RaceAndEthnicity is asignificant sub-element within culturalFormation. It captures information and discussions of aperson's subject position with regards to race and ethnicity by working in conjunction withsubject specific sub-elements (raceColour, nationalHeritage, geogHeritage, ethnicity). The followingdiscussion applies to both the general discursive discussion of raceAndEthnicity as well as thespecific sub-element categories. Despite the anxieties of the ways in which categories of race orethnicity circulate and serve various kinds of undesirable interests, to ignore or go the totallyfree-text route is not a responsible solution for this project, though it would certainly be easierand simpler. The trick here is to make the complexities of the question of race and ethnicity emerge,and to make it clear that these are shifting, historically constituted, and interestedly deployedcategories whose use must be understood contextually. The discursiveness with which we will presentthese categories will, hopefully, help to do this and also allay the anxiety we feel about"labelling" in a vacuum. In other words, the project has no notion that we could or shouldcome up with what is in any way an exact, fully defined, or mutually exclusive set of categories: thepoint is the overlap within them. Within this system, counting per se becomes highly problematic andthe user has to do some work (and some thinking/active defining) before arriving at any kind of listor count, and will hopefully arrive at it with a sense of how problematic such an activity is. Wewant, as we go, to build carefully sets of associations for either the thesaurus or a specializedsearch function, gradually building a set of lists, eventually with fleshed-out definitions, tobecome glossary items attached to the terms that are hard to understand. People tagging will use whatterms seem to them to be right for the context, tagging with the category or categories within whichthey seem to fit, but they should be encouraged not to let race/ethnicity become invisible or only anissue in relation to the marginalized. If we think it will look silly if there is a statement inentry after entry on British women writers saying that she was (presumably) white, I thinkthat's an indication of the force of biographical conventions and we should not let them dictateour practices. And we should, as stressed by those concerned about "white" and"black" as homogenizing categories, encourage people to reach for specificity throughmultiplicity: i.e. generally attempt to include at least two of: "race/colour";"ethnicity"; "nationality" or "national-heritage." Beginning with thelist started by the race-ethnicity subgroup, we have devised a structured vocabulary for these tags,though the lists need not be mutually exclusive or even internally consistent. Thus"Jewish" will appear in both "race/colour" and "ethnicity" tag lists,"Ukrainian" may appear in both "national-heritage" and "ethnicity" taglists.
<xs:element name="RACEANDETHNICITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>RaceAndEthnicity is a significant sub-element within culturalFormation. It captures information and discussions of a person's subject position with regards to race and ethnicity by working in conjunction with subject specific sub-elements (raceColour, nationalHeritage, geogHeritage, ethnicity). The following discussion applies to both the general discursive discussion of raceAndEthnicity as well as the specific sub-element categories. Despite the anxieties of the ways in which categories of race or ethnicity circulate and serve various kinds of undesirable interests, to ignore or go the totally free-text route is not a responsible solution for this project, though it would certainly be easier and simpler. The trick here is to make the complexities of the question of race and ethnicity emerge, and to make it clear that these are shifting, historically constituted, and interestedly deployed categories whose use must be understood contextually. The discursiveness with which we will present these categories will, hopefully, help to do this and also allay the anxiety we feel about "labelling" in a vacuum. In other words, the project has no notion that we could or should come up with what is in any way an exact, fully defined, or mutually exclusive set of categories: the point is the overlap within them. Within this system, counting per se becomes highly problematic and the user has to do some work (and some thinking/active defining) before arriving at any kind of list or count, and will hopefully arrive at it with a sense of how problematic such an activity is. We want, as we go, to build carefully sets of associations for either the thesaurus or a specialized search function, gradually building a set of lists, eventually with fleshed-out definitions, to become glossary items attached to the terms that are hard to understand. People tagging will use what terms seem to them to be right for the context, tagging with the category or categories within which they seem to fit, but they should be encouraged not to let race/ethnicity become invisible or only an issue in relation to the marginalized. If we think it will look silly if there is a statement in entry after entry on British women writers saying that she was (presumably) white, I think that's an indication of the force of biographical conventions and we should not let them dictate our practices. And we should, as stressed by those concerned about "white" and "black" as homogenizing categories, encourage people to reach for specificity through multiplicity: i.e. generally attempt to include at least two of: "race/colour"; "ethnicity"; "nationality" or "national-heritage." Beginning with the list started by the race-ethnicity subgroup, we have devised a structured vocabulary for these tags, though the lists need not be mutually exclusive or even internally consistent. Thus "Jewish" will appear in both "race/colour" and "ethnicity" tag lists, "Ukrainian" may appear in both "national-heritage" and "ethnicity" tag lists.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element ref="P"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Religion is one of theissues (along with sexuality, race and ethnicity, language, class, and nationality) we have definedas significant in discussing the cultural formation of a person. This element captures discussions ofher religion as an identity, as an issue in her life and her religious beliefs and affiliations. Weare interested in the effect of a religious upbringing on a woman writer and emphasize the inclusionof her family's religion inside either a religion or culturalFormation element whether or notshe practised that religion for her life. We are interested in women's relationships withinstitutions and therefore wish to capture in this element information regarding religiousinstitutions. We are also interested in the crucial role religious movements have had in women'swriting, particularly in the early modern periods, and envision our end users being able to trace theinfluence of Quakerism, for example, on women's writing and lives.
<xs:element name="RELIGION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Religion is one of the issues (along with sexuality, race and ethnicity, language, class, and nationality) we have defined as significant in discussing the cultural formation of a person. This element captures discussions of her religion as an identity, as an issue in her life and her religious beliefs and affiliations. We are interested in the effect of a religious upbringing on a woman writer and emphasize the inclusion of her family's religion inside either a religion or culturalFormation element whether or not she practised that religion for her life. We are interested in women's relationships with institutions and therefore wish to capture in this element information regarding religious institutions. We are also interested in the crucial role religious movements have had in women's writing, particularly in the early modern periods, and envision our end users being able to trace the influence of Quakerism, for example, on women's writing and lives.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:choice><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/></xs:choice><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DENOMINATION"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Sexuality is one of theissues (along with religion, race and ethnicity, language, class, and nationality) we have defined assignificant in discussing the cultural formation of a woman. This element captures discussions of hersexuality as an identity or as an issue in her life. It is not meant to capture individual sexualexperiences and relationships (see intimateRelationships). Relationships with others should bediscussed here within the context of the effect on her life and the effect on her understanding ofher own sexuality. But descriptions of those relationships should be captured inintimateRelationships. We are attempting, within this element, to gesture towards some of thecomplicated issues around sexuality, for example, the politics of outing, the historical specificityof some categories such as "congenital invert," or the multiple forms of relating toone's own sexuality. Capturing discussions of her sexuality within this element, will helpresearchers interested in the historical, ideological and gendered constructions ofsexuality.
<xs:element name="SEXUALITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Sexuality is one of the issues (along with religion, race and ethnicity, language, class, and nationality) we have defined as significant in discussing the cultural formation of a woman. This element captures discussions of her sexuality as an identity or as an issue in her life. It is not meant to capture individual sexual experiences and relationships (see intimateRelationships). Relationships with others should be discussed here within the context of the effect on her life and the effect on her understanding of her own sexuality. But descriptions of those relationships should be captured in intimateRelationships. We are attempting, within this element, to gesture towards some of the complicated issues around sexuality, for example, the politics of outing, the historical specificity of some categories such as "congenital invert," or the multiple forms of relating to one's own sexuality. Capturing discussions of her sexuality within this element, will help researchers interested in the historical, ideological and gendered constructions of sexuality.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="P"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Death is one of the 16 major biographyelements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It captures information concerning the date, place,and cause of a person's death. Death dates should be entered in chronology form and will be extracted fromindividual biography documents to be placed within other general chronologies.
<xs:element name="DEATH"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Death is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It captures information concerning the date, place, and cause of a person's death. Death dates should be entered in chronology form and will be extracted from individual biography documents to be placed within other general chronologies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Economics is one of the 16 major biographyelements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. This element captures information about a person'seconomic standing that cannot be adequately conveyed using the class and occupation elements. We are particularlyinterested in whether her financial status provided the material conditions necessary for writing and thereforeemphasize inclusion of her financial status. Information concerning inheritance, pensions and personal financialdisasters should be captured here.
<xs:element name="ECONOMICS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Economics is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. This element captures information about a person's economic standing that cannot be adequately conveyed using the class and occupation elements. We are particularly interested in whether her financial status provided the material conditions necessary for writing and therefore emphasize inclusion of her financial status. Information concerning inheritance, pensions and personal financial disasters should be captured here.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Education is one of the 16 majorbiography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Education contains all information about aperson's educational background. Particular emphasis is placed on where and when she went to school (contenttagging here will provide important links between different women writers who had the same teacher or went to thesame school), gender issues (the conditions affecting women's access to education), and subjects studied(making connections between a subject studied by the writer and topics of her writing).
This optional attributeattached to Education records the mode of education and allows us to distinguish the important materialeffects between a domestic and an institutional education. This attribute allows us to trace thehistorical developments in women's access to education, for example, the informal domestic educationof women writers in the early periods versus women's entrance to post-secondary education in thetwentieth century.
<xs:element name="EDUCATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Education is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Education contains all information about a person's educational background. Particular emphasis is placed on where and when she went to school (content tagging here will provide important links between different women writers who had the same teacher or went to the same school), gender issues (the conditions affecting women's access to education), and subjects studied (making connections between a subject studied by the writer and topics of her writing).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="MODE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to Education records the mode of education and allows us to distinguish the important material effects between a domestic and an institutional education. This attribute allows us to trace the historical developments in women's access to education, for example, the informal domestic education of women writers in the early periods versus women's entrance to post-secondary education in the twentieth century.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DOMESTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="INSTITUTIONAL"/><xs:enumeration value="SELF-TAUGHT"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The element genericRange is specially designed to work only inconjunction with authorSummary statements. It applies to discussions of a woman writer's whole oeuvre and the kind of generic choices she madeover a lifetime of writing.
<xs:element name="GENERICRANGE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The element genericRange is specially designed to work only in conjunction with authorSummary statements. It applies to discussions of a woman writer's whole oeuvre and the kind of generic choices she made over a lifetime of writing.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element ref="DATERANGE"/><xs:element ref="EXTENTOFOEUVRE"/><xs:element ref="FOREIGN"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="ORGNAME"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOCALLED"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/><xs:element ref="TOPIC"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Family is one of the 16 majorbiography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Family contains all information about aperson's family life (both her birth family and her married family) and, when no member sub-element is used,captures general family information and allows for a discussion of multiple family members at the same time. Ifyou wish to discuss a specific family member (for example, husband or mother) open a member sub-element in orderto structure information like the names and jobs of British women writers' mothers. For the purposes ofOrlando, we are defining "family" in the strict sense of the state-sanctioned institution. Weacknowledge the politically offensive nature of constructing the "family" as including only biological,by-marriage and by-adoption members. But, in order to ensure that we do not erase the material and ideologicaleffects of this construction, we do not want to merge alternative families with state sanctioned families,thereby hiding their very real differences. By including alternative families under "IntimateRelationships," we hope to facilitate research on the politics of the family. If the woman had a lifelongrelationship with a lover whom she did not marry, but the relationship played itself out in a family-like manner,then tag family MEMBER="partner." If they defined their relationship in opposition to the heterosexualfamily, then it probably should be tagged in the IntimateRelationship element.
<xs:element name="FAMILY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Family is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Family contains all information about a person's family life (both her birth family and her married family) and, when no member sub-element is used, captures general family information and allows for a discussion of multiple family members at the same time. If you wish to discuss a specific family member (for example, husband or mother) open a member sub-element in order to structure information like the names and jobs of British women writers' mothers. For the purposes of Orlando, we are defining "family" in the strict sense of the state-sanctioned institution. We acknowledge the politically offensive nature of constructing the "family" as including only biological, by-marriage and by-adoption members. But, in order to ensure that we do not erase the material and ideological effects of this construction, we do not want to merge alternative families with state sanctioned families, thereby hiding their very real differences. By including alternative families under "Intimate Relationships," we hope to facilitate research on the politics of the family. If the woman had a lifelong relationship with a lover whom she did not marry, but the relationship played itself out in a family-like manner, then tag family MEMBER="partner." If they defined their relationship in opposition to the heterosexual family, then it probably should be tagged in the IntimateRelationship element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:choice><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/><xs:element ref="FAMILYMEMBER"/><xs:element ref="MARRIAGE"/></xs:choice></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:NCName"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>
FamilyMember, asignificant sub-element within Family, captures a discussion of a specific family member. Forgeneral discussions of family life, do not open a FamilyMember sub-element but remain withinFamily. FamilyMember allows us to structure information concerning particular family relations;for example, by including a FamilyMember element for the mother of a British woman writer, wewill be able to generate a list for our end users of all the jobs of these mothers. We hope tomake interesting connections between women writer's relationships to particular familymembers (for example, group information concerning the relationship of eighteenth-century womenwriters to their aunts) but in order to do so we must systematize the discussions of thesespecific family members.
Relation is arequired attribute attached to FamilyMember. It specifies how the family member discussed withinthe FamilyMember element is related to the person.
<xs:element name="FAMILYMEMBER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>FamilyMember, a significant sub-element within Family, captures a discussion of a specific family member. For general discussions of family life, do not open a FamilyMember sub-element but remain within Family. FamilyMember allows us to structure information concerning particular family relations; for example, by including a FamilyMember element for the mother of a British woman writer, we will be able to generate a list for our end users of all the jobs of these mothers. We hope to make interesting connections between women writer's relationships to particular family members (for example, group information concerning the relationship of eighteenth-century women writers to their aunts) but in order to do so we must systematize the discussions of these specific family members.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="CHILDREN"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="NAME"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="PLACE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="RELATION" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Relation is a required attribute attached to FamilyMember. It specifies how the family member discussed within the FamilyMember element is related to the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="SISTER"/><xs:enumeration value="BROTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDDAUGHTER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDSON"/><xs:enumeration value="NEPHEW"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPSISTER"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPBROTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="COUSIN"/><xs:enumeration value="FOREBEAR"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="SON"/><xs:enumeration value="DAUGHTER"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPSON"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPDAUGHTER"/><xs:enumeration value="GUARDIAN"/><xs:enumeration value="NIECE"/><xs:enumeration value="HUSBAND"/><xs:enumeration value="WIFE"/><xs:enumeration value="CHILD"/><xs:enumeration value="SIBLING"/><xs:enumeration value="PARTNER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Themarriage element is used to capture the event of a person's wedding ceremony orthe fact of her marriage. Marriage is often a central and defining moment in a womanwriter's life and we want to systematize this event. Because of the institutionaldefinition of marriage, we want to separate out the legal act of marriage from thedetails of married life. For this reason, do not use this element for a detaileddiscussion of her married life but place such discussions within the general family/member=husband element.
<xs:element name="MARRIAGE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The marriage element is used to capture the event of a person's wedding ceremony or the fact of her marriage. Marriage is often a central and defining moment in a woman writer's life and we want to systematize this event. Because of the institutional definition of marriage, we want to separate out the legal act of marriage from the details of married life. For this reason, do not use this element for a detailed discussion of her married life but place such discussions within the general family/ member=husband element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:choice><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="P"/></xs:choice><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
FriendsAssociates is one of the 16major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Because of the ability of ourelectronic literary history to make links between people, mapping the friendships and personal connections ofwomen's writers is a very high priority. Systematizing the people that a woman writer knew will allow us tomake connections between writers hitherto unknown. This original research will provide end users with a wealth ofinformation about personal, political, intellectual, and other relationships. To the best of your ability, try toinclude summary statements about her friendships and associations, paying particular attention to her connectionswith notable literary and/or historical figures. The title of Friendship and Associates is meant to reflect thefact that not all of a woman's associates may be friends. Therefore, you may, within this element, discussenmities or associations that are not strictly friendships. It also provides a way to indicate that a womanwriter had coffee with Samuel Johnson on one notable day, but that they weren't necessarily friends.Discussions of friendships or relationships that impinged upon the woman's sense of her own sexuality, wouldbe best captured within either sexuality or intimateRelationships.
<xs:element name="FRIENDSASSOCIATES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>FriendsAssociates is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Because of the ability of our electronic literary history to make links between people, mapping the friendships and personal connections of women's writers is a very high priority. Systematizing the people that a woman writer knew will allow us to make connections between writers hitherto unknown. This original research will provide end users with a wealth of information about personal, political, intellectual, and other relationships. To the best of your ability, try to include summary statements about her friendships and associations, paying particular attention to her connections with notable literary and/or historical figures. The title of Friendship and Associates is meant to reflect the fact that not all of a woman's associates may be friends. Therefore, you may, within this element, discuss enmities or associations that are not strictly friendships. It also provides a way to indicate that a woman writer had coffee with Samuel Johnson on one notable day, but that they weren't necessarily friends. Discussions of friendships or relationships that impinged upon the woman's sense of her own sexuality, would be best captured within either sexuality or intimateRelationships.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Health is one of the 16 majorbiography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Within this element, discuss all eventsand issues associated with her health, both mental and physical. We are particularly interested in women'shealth issues and this element has an associated attribute value to indicate such. We hope to make connectionsbetween social, political and historical health issues (for example, the gendered nature of mental health) andthe personal lives of women writers (the experience of a woman writer being incarcerated in a mentalinstitution). While we are not interested in listing all health problems a woman writer encountered, we areinterested in analyzing the effect of her health on her life and writing.
Issue denotes the specifictype of health issue described within a biography section. Its attribute values will allow us toseparate health issues pertaining to physical and mental health and to specifically female healthconcerns. We are interested in facilitating research on the gendered nature of women's relation tothe medical institution, female illnesses such as breast cancer, and women's oppression by mentalhealth institutions, to name only a few.
<xs:element name="HEALTH"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Health is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Within this element, discuss all events and issues associated with her health, both mental and physical. We are particularly interested in women's health issues and this element has an associated attribute value to indicate such. We hope to make connections between social, political and historical health issues (for example, the gendered nature of mental health) and the personal lives of women writers (the experience of a woman writer being incarcerated in a mental institution). While we are not interested in listing all health problems a woman writer encountered, we are interested in analyzing the effect of her health on her life and writing.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="ISSUE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Issue denotes the specific type of health issue described within a biography section. Its attribute values will allow us to separate health issues pertaining to physical and mental health and to specifically female health concerns. We are interested in facilitating research on the gendered nature of women's relation to the medical institution, female illnesses such as breast cancer, and women's oppression by mental health institutions, to name only a few.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DISABILITY"/><xs:enumeration value="FEMALEBODY"/><xs:enumeration value="MENTAL"/><xs:enumeration value="PHYSICAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
IntimateRelationships is one of the 16major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. An intimate relationship is defined,for the purposes of this Project, as a relationship that involves any type of intimacy ranging from emotional topsychological to material and to sexual. This element seeks to counter the traditional assumption thatwomen's only intimate relations happen within the context of marriage or heterosexual relations betweensexual partners. It understands lifelong female friendships, defining psychological connections orerotically-charged same sex or opposite sex relationships as important to a woman's life. This elementcaptures information concerning both brief sexual affairs and lifelong non-sexual relationships (see attributeerotic for distinguishing between the two). This element also seeks to redress the historical and ideologicalsilence placed upon women's same-sex relationships; it recognizes that biographical information concerningthese relationships often is impossible to uncover; therefore this element allows us to recognize these relationsas significant while not assuming, in the absence of biographical proof, that they were sexual.
This attribute attached tointimateRelationships allows us to distinguish intimate relationships that were erotic and/or explicitlysexual from intimate relationships that were not. Erotic in this context suggests that sexuality was anissue in the relationship, whether or not it was acted upon in both same sex and opposite sex relations.In not wishing to assume that heterosexual relations between sexual partners are the only standard forintimate relationships, we include both erotic and non-erotic relations as central to a woman's lifeand use this attribute to distinguish between the two. This attribute also seeks to redress thehistorical and ideological silence placed upon women's same sex relationships; it recognizes thatbiographical information concerning these relationships often is impossible to uncover, and thereforeallows for an attribute value of "eroticPossibly" that registers the possibility of a sexualrelationship, when, in the absence of biographical proof, it is impossible to claim such asfact.
<xs:element name="INTIMATERELATIONSHIPS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>IntimateRelationships is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. An intimate relationship is defined, for the purposes of this Project, as a relationship that involves any type of intimacy ranging from emotional to psychological to material and to sexual. This element seeks to counter the traditional assumption that women's only intimate relations happen within the context of marriage or heterosexual relations between sexual partners. It understands lifelong female friendships, defining psychological connections or erotically-charged same sex or opposite sex relationships as important to a woman's life. This element captures information concerning both brief sexual affairs and lifelong non-sexual relationships (see attribute erotic for distinguishing between the two). This element also seeks to redress the historical and ideological silence placed upon women's same-sex relationships; it recognizes that biographical information concerning these relationships often is impossible to uncover; therefore this element allows us to recognize these relations as significant while not assuming, in the absence of biographical proof, that they were sexual.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="EROTIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to intimateRelationships allows us to distinguish intimate relationships that were erotic and/or explicitly sexual from intimate relationships that were not. Erotic in this context suggests that sexuality was an issue in the relationship, whether or not it was acted upon in both same sex and opposite sex relations. In not wishing to assume that heterosexual relations between sexual partners are the only standard for intimate relationships, we include both erotic and non-erotic relations as central to a woman's life and use this attribute to distinguish between the two. This attribute also seeks to redress the historical and ideological silence placed upon women's same sex relationships; it recognizes that biographical information concerning these relationships often is impossible to uncover, and therefore allows for an attribute value of "eroticPossibly" that registers the possibility of a sexual relationship, when, in the absence of biographical proof, it is impossible to claim such as fact.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="EROTICYES"/><xs:enumeration value="EROTICNO"/><xs:enumeration value="EROTICPOSSIBLY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Language is an element within culturalFormation which capturesthe names of languages the person knew. This tag is for specific names such as "German", "Gaelic." We are interestedin the various languages women writers used, knew, and how different mother tongues effect writing. We are interested in capturinginformation about British women writer's whose first language was not English and, in particular, how Gaelic and Irish relate toEnglish women's writing.
This attribute attached to language name allows thetagger to express whether or not the specified language was the person's mothertongue. We hope to facilitate researchersinterested in studying women writers who wrote in English but whose first language was not English.
Reg (orregularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in somesense.
<xs:element name="LANGUAGE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Language is an element within culturalFormation which captures the names of languages the person knew. This tag is for specific names such as "German", "Gaelic." We are interested in the various languages women writers used, knew, and how different mother tongues effect writing. We are interested in capturing information about British women writer's whose first language was not English and, in particular, how Gaelic and Irish relate to English women's writing.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="ETHNICITY"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="COMPETENCE" default="OTHER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to language name allows the tagger to express whether or not the specified language was the person's mothertongue. We hope to facilitate researchers interested in studying women writers who wrote in English but whose first language was not English.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Leisure and Society is one of the 16 majorbiography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It captures information concerning thecultural and social activities of a person, including hobbies, sporting life and non-literary cultural life.Individual friendships should be captured under friendsAssociates and volunteer philanthropic activities should becaptured under occupation but her hosting a literary salon or her mountain climbing should be entered here. For thepurposes of this Project, we are not defining "leisure" as what she does with her "free time"because this assumes a gendered and classed notion of labour. "Society" in this context refers to thelarger community and her social life within it, not an elite, fashionable social circle.
<xs:element name="LEISUREANDSOCIETY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Leisure and Society is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It captures information concerning the cultural and social activities of a person, including hobbies, sporting life and non-literary cultural life. Individual friendships should be captured under friendsAssociates and volunteer philanthropic activities should be captured under occupation but her hosting a literary salon or her mountain climbing should be entered here. For the purposes of this Project, we are not defining "leisure" as what she does with her "free time" because this assumes a gendered and classed notion of labour. "Society" in this context refers to the larger community and her social life within it, not an elite, fashionable social circle.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
ResidenceAndMobility is one of the 16 majorbiography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. One of the strengths of our electronicliterary history will be its ability to make connections between people and places hitherto unknown. Researcherswill be able to use our resource to discover who was living in a particular place at the same time or to makeconnections between historical events and women writers who were living in that place at the time of the event.For these reasons, this Project emphasizes location and place as one of the major focusses of our research. Inaddition, we emphasize structuring information concerning location because we hope to generate maps for eachwriter, tracking her geographical movements over the course of her life.
<xs:element name="RESIDENCEANDMOBILITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ResidenceAndMobility is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. One of the strengths of our electronic literary history will be its ability to make connections between people and places hitherto unknown. Researchers will be able to use our resource to discover who was living in a particular place at the same time or to make connections between historical events and women writers who were living in that place at the time of the event. For these reasons, this Project emphasizes location and place as one of the major focusses of our research. In addition, we emphasize structuring information concerning location because we hope to generate maps for each writer, tracking her geographical movements over the course of her life.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="RELATIONTO" use="required"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="LIVED"/><xs:enumeration value="VISITED"/><xs:enumeration value="MOVED"/><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"/><xs:enumeration value="TRAVELLED"/><xs:enumeration value="MIGRATED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Occupation is one of the 16 majorbiography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. This element captures all informationabout her paid and unpaid working life. We are particularly interested in the gendered nature of employment andemphasize the need to include unpaid, underpaid, and domestic jobs under occupation. We are also interested inthe sexual division of labour and hope to track the types of jobs women held and how these jobs change anddevelop across historical periods.
<xs:element name="OCCUPATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Occupation is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. This element captures all information about her paid and unpaid working life. We are particularly interested in the gendered nature of employment and emphasize the need to include unpaid, underpaid, and domestic jobs under occupation. We are also interested in the sexual division of labour and hope to track the types of jobs women held and how these jobs change and develop across historical periods.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
OtherLifeEvent is one of the 16 majorbiography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Within this element, discuss biographicalevents not covered by any of the other major biography elements. This is the place to dicuss what does not fitanywhere else.
<xs:element name="OTHERLIFEEVENT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>OtherLifeEvent is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Within this element, discuss biographical events not covered by any of the other major biography elements. This is the place to dicuss what does not fit anywhere else.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
PersonName is one of the 16 majorbiography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It captures the detailed information abouta person's (specifically, writer's) name. While the name element indexes all standard names, personNameallows the researcher to provide the details and all the variants of one person's name.
<xs:element name="PERSONNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>PersonName is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. It captures the detailed information about a person's (specifically, writer's) name. While the name element indexes all standard names, personName allows the researcher to provide the details and all the variants of one person's name.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Politics is one of the 16 majorbiography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. This content element captures allinformation concerning a person's political life. Women's involvement in political activities andorganizations is a central critical concern in our literary history; we are interested in both how politicalawareness influenced women's writing and how writing influenced feminist political activity. Given the highpriority we attach to political involvement, wherever possible include information concerning her political life,however minimal.
<xs:element name="POLITICS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Politics is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. This content element captures all information concerning a person's political life. Women's involvement in political activities and organizations is a central critical concern in our literary history; we are interested in both how political awareness influenced women's writing and how writing influenced feminist political activity. Given the high priority we attach to political involvement, wherever possible include information concerning her political life, however minimal.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Production is one of the three major componentsof the writing section (in combination with TextualFeatures and Reception). It should enclose discussions about theconditions of a text's production whether they be material or cultural. All other influences on the writer's life will becovered by the biography section. Production addresses the facts and factors of text creation and distribution, and thedescription of the text as object (bibliographic description). This category can address a singular text or a group of textsin cases where you want to make generalizations about oeuvre.
<xs:element name="PRODUCTION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Production is one of the three major components of the writing section (in combination with TextualFeatures and Reception). It should enclose discussions about the conditions of a text's production whether they be material or cultural. All other influences on the writer's life will be covered by the biography section. Production addresses the facts and factors of text creation and distribution, and the description of the text as object (bibliographic description). This category can address a singular text or a group of texts in cases where you want to make generalizations about oeuvre.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="BIBCITS"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/><xs:element ref="PADVERTISING"/><xs:element ref="PANTHOLOGIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PARCHIVALLOCATION"/><xs:element ref="PATTITUDES"/><xs:element ref="PAUTHORSHIP"/><xs:element ref="PCIRCULATION"/><xs:element ref="PCONTRACT"/><xs:element ref="PCOPYRIGHT"/><xs:element ref="PDEDICATION"/><xs:element ref="PEARNINGS"/><xs:element ref="PEDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PFIRSTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PINFLUENCESHER"/><xs:element ref="PLASTLITERARYACTIVITY"/><xs:element ref="PLITERARYMOVEMENTS"/><xs:element ref="PMANUSCRIPTHISTORY"/><xs:element ref="PMATERIALCONDITIONS"/><xs:element ref="PMODEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PMOTIVES"/><xs:element ref="PNONBOOKMEDIA"/><xs:element ref="PNONSURVIVAL"/><xs:element ref="PPERFORMANCE"/><xs:element ref="PPERIODICALPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPLACEOFPUBLICATION"/><xs:element ref="PPRESSRUN"/><xs:element ref="PPRICE"/><xs:element ref="PRARITIESFEATURESDECORATIONS"/><xs:element ref="PRELATIONSWITHPUBLISHER"/><xs:element ref="PSERIALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="PSUBMISSIONSREJECTIONS"/><xs:element ref="PTYPEOFPRESS"/><xs:element ref="RBESTKNOWNWORK"/><xs:element ref="RDESTRUCTIONOFWORK"/><xs:element ref="RFICTIONALIZATION"/><xs:element ref="RLANDMARKTEXT"/><xs:element ref="RPENALTIES"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONNAME"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONSANDAWARDS"/><xs:element ref="RRECOGNITIONVALUE"/><xs:element ref="RRESPONSES"/><xs:element ref="RSELFDESCRIPTION"/><xs:element ref="RSHEINFLUENCED"/><xs:element ref="RWRITINGMILESTONE"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERIZATION"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERNAME"/><xs:element ref="TCHARACTERTYPEROLE"/><xs:element ref="TGENRE"/><xs:element ref="TGENREISSUE"/><xs:element ref="TINTERTEXTUALITY"/><xs:element ref="TMOTIF"/><xs:element ref="TPLOT"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGDATE"/><xs:element ref="TSETTINGPLACE"/><xs:element ref="TTECHNIQUES"/><xs:element ref="TTHEMETOPIC"/><xs:element ref="TTONESTYLE"/><xs:element ref="TVOICENARRATION"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Reception is one of the three largest buckets inthe writing section (in addition to TextualFeatures and Production). Reception charts the effects and results of anindividual's writing, and the responses of self and others to an individual's writing.
<xs:element name="TEXTSCOPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Textscope is the container element for the three major writing-related elements: production, reception, and textual features.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="PRODUCTION"/><xs:element ref="RECEPTION"/><xs:element ref="TEXTUALFEATURES"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute name="PLACEHOLDER"/><xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Previously called literary characteristics and content, thiselement addresses features of critical interest in texts and provides space for textual analysis/close readings as perceived by projectmembers.
Environment is a sub-element of TextualFeatures that containsdiscussions of a writer's relationships to the natural world, the urban environment, a particular milieau, etc.
<xs:element name="ENVIRONMENT" type="xs:string"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Environment is a sub-element of TextualFeatures that contains discussions of a writer's relationships to the natural world, the urban environment, a particular milieau, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
Violence is one of the 16 major biographyelements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Record all instances of physical, sexual, and undueemotional abuse within this element, whether the person was the victim or the perpetrator. We are particularlyinterested in the effects of violence against women on the history of women's writing and the historical, socialand political issues surrounding violence against women. This element is not reserved for acts of violence that theperson either committed or was the victim of, but it can include a discussion of the effect of an exposure toviolence on her life.
<xs:element name="VIOLENCE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Violence is one of the 16 major biography elements defined as integral to mapping a woman's life. Record all instances of physical, sexual, and undue emotional abuse within this element, whether the person was the victim or the perpetrator. We are particularly interested in the effects of violence against women on the history of women's writing and the historical, social and political issues surrounding violence against women. This element is not reserved for acts of violence that the person either committed or was the victim of, but it can include a discussion of the effect of an exposure to violence on her life.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="LB"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>lb marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="L"/><xs:element ref="QUOTE"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Type characterizes the element in some sense, using anyconvenient classification scheme or typology.
<xs:element name="LG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>lg contains a group of verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="HEAD"/><xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="L"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute name="TYPE" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Type characterizes the element in some sense, usingany convenient classification scheme or typology.
<xs:element name="IDNO"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Idno (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify a bibliographic item in a standardized way.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:attribute name="TYPE" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DOI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Digital Object Identifier</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="HDL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Handle System</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ISBN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>International Standard Book Number</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ISSN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>International Standard Serial Number</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="LCCN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Library of Congress Control Number</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="URI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Uniform Resource Identifier</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
sourceDesc describes the source from which anelectronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrasesuch as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence.
<xs:element name="SOURCEDESC" type="xs:string"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>sourceDesc describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
profileDesc (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographicaspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting.
<xs:element name="PROFILEDESC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>profileDesc (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="LANGUSAGE"/><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="TEXTCLASS"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="LANGUSAGE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>langUsage (language usage) describes the languages, sublanguages, registers, dialects, etc. represented within a text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="LANG"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
(identifier) Supplies a language code which is used to identify thelanguage documented by this element.
<xs:element name="LANG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>lang characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:attribute name="IDENT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(identifier) Supplies a language code which is used to identify the language documented by this element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
textClass (text classification) groups information which describes the nature ortopic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc.
<xs:element name="TEXTCLASS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>textClass (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="KEYWORDS"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
scheme identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set ofkeywords concerned is defined.
<xs:element name="KEYWORDS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>keywords contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="TERM"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute name="SCHEME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>scheme identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set of keywords concerned is defined.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="TERM" type="xs:string"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>term contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
<xs:element name="REVISIONDESC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>revisionDesc (or revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="WORKFLOW"/></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The workcategory attribute is designed to provide a set of constant values to be used across projects to allowworkflow general procedures to be applied to objects CWRC-wide without restricting workflow stamps (see stampattribute).
The workstamp attribute records finer-grainedworkflow category information that can be created on a project-specific basis; in addition, particular projects may wish to renamethese existing stamp values (i.e. Orlando may want to use "CAS" instead of "CKD", another project may want to apply a stampaccording to a French name, etc.), but the basic workflow categories will remain static.
Workstatus records the completion information of aparticular work status phase of a document.
<xs:element name="WORKFLOW"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The workflow element records a particular workflow activity in the workflow chain.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element ref="DATE"/><xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="ITEM"/></xs:sequence><xs:attributeGroup ref="RESP-attribute"/><xs:attribute name="WORKCATEGORY" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The workcategory attribute is designed to provide a set of constant values to be used across projects to allow workflow general procedures to be applied to objects CWRC-wide without restricting workflow stamps (see stamp attribute).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="created"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>created - repository item created (original version of repository object) - equivalent to cwrc:cre</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="deposited"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>deposited - repository item deposited (an existing file) - equivalent to stamp cwrc:dep</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="metadata_contribution"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>metadata_contribution - repository object metadata (external or embedded) created or edited - equivalent to stamp cwrc:evr (enhanced version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="content_contribution"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>content_contribution - repository object content added or edited - equivalent to stamp cwrc:evr (enhanced version of record) or cvr (corrected version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="checked"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>checked - Checked/corrected - equivalent to stamp cwrc:ckd</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="machine_processed"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>machine_processed - Automatic processing of data - equivalent to stamps cwrc:evr (enhanced version of record) or cwrc:cvr (corrected version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="user-tagged"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>user-tagged - tagged by member of general public (i.e. subject keywords/ folksonomic descriptors added) - equivalent to stamp cwrc:tag</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="rights_assigned"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>rights_assigned - Copyright/license terms attached to object - equivalent to stamp cwrc:rights_asg</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="published"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>published - repository item under ongoing publishing procedures - equivalent to stamp cwrc:pub</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="peer-reviewed/evaluated"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>peer_reviewed - peer-review as opposed to internal editing/revision - equivalent to stamp cwrc:rev</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="withdrawn"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>withdrawn - Removed from published state - equivalent to stamp cwrc:wdr</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="deleted"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>deleted - Deleted from the repository - equivalent to stamp cwrc:del</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WORKSTAMP"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The workstamp attribute records finer-grained workflow category information that can be created on a project-specific basis; in addition, particular projects may wish to rename these existing stamp values (i.e. Orlando may want to use "CAS" instead of "CKD", another project may want to apply a stamp according to a French name, etc.), but the basic workflow categories will remain static.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="niso:AO"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Author's Original (AO)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:SMUR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Submitted Manuscript Under Review (SMUR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:AM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Accepted Manuscript (AM)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:P"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Proof (P)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:VoR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Version of Record (VoR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:CVoR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Corrected Version of Record (CVoR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:EVoR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Enhanced Version of Record (EVoR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:SUB"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Submitted (SUB)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:RWT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Researched / Written / Tagged (RWT)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:REV"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Revised (REV)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:RBV"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reviewed by Volume Author (RVB)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:CAS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Checked Against Sources (CAS)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:CFT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Checked for Tagging (CFT)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:CFB"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Checked for Bibliographic Practices (CFB)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:PUB"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Published (PUB)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:ENH"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Enhanced (ENH)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:TC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Tag Cleanup (TC)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:PUBR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Publication Readthrough (PUBR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:cre"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>repository item created (original version of repository object) - equivalent to category created</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:dep"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>repository item deposited (an existing file) - equivalent to category deposited</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:cvr"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>object content edited - cvr (corrected version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:evr"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>object content added evr (enhanced version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:ckd"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Checked/corrected - equivalent to category checked</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:tag"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>tagged by member of general public (i.e. subject keywords/ folksonomic descriptors added) - equivalent to category tagged</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:rights_asg"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Copyright/license terms attached to object - equivalent to category rights_assigned</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:pub"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>repository item under ongoing publishing procedures - equivalent to category published</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:rev"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>peer-review as opposed to internal editing/revision - equivalent to category peer-reviewed/evaluated</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:wdr"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Removed from published state - equivalent to category withdrawn</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:del"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Deleted from the repository - equivalent to category deleted</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute><xs:attribute name="WORKSTATUS" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Workstatus records the completion information of a particular work status phase of a document.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="C"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Complete</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="IPR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>In progress</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="I"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Incomplete</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="P"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Pending</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="ITEM" type="xs:string"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>item contains one component of a list.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
ENTRY (level-0 text division) is the largest structuralelement permitted in any document. XML works on the principle that all information in a document exists hierarchically, or, statedotherwise, that all types of information can be contained in other types of information. For CWRC projects, ENTRY is the element thatcontains everything in a document except the cataloguing information that is contained in the CWRCHEADER element.
<xs:element name="ENTRY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ENTRY (level-0 text division) is the largest structural element permitted in any document. XML works on the principle that all information in a document exists hierarchically, or, stated otherwise, that all types of information can be contained in other types of information. For CWRC projects, ENTRY is the element that contains everything in a document except the cataloguing information that is contained in the CWRCHEADER element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="AUTHORSUMMARY"/><xs:choice><xs:element ref="FRONT"/><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="BIRTH"/><xs:element ref="CULTURALFORMATION"/><xs:element ref="DEATH"/><xs:element ref="ECONOMICS"/><xs:element ref="EDUCATION"/><xs:element ref="FAMILY"/><xs:element ref="FRIENDSASSOCIATES"/><xs:element ref="HEALTH"/><xs:element ref="INTIMATERELATIONSHIPS"/><xs:element ref="LEISUREANDSOCIETY"/><xs:element ref="LISTBIBCIT"/><xs:element ref="RESIDENCEANDMOBILITY"/><xs:element ref="OCCUPATION"/><xs:element ref="OTHERLIFEEVENT"/><xs:element ref="PERSONNAME"/><xs:element ref="POLITICS"/><xs:element ref="VIOLENCE"/><xs:element ref="PRODUCTION"/><xs:element ref="RECEPTION"/><xs:element ref="TEXTUALFEATURES"/><xs:element ref="TEXTSCOPE"/></xs:choice><xs:element ref="STANDARD"/><xs:element ref="WORKSCITED"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The element authorSummary is specially devised forresearchers to make summary statements about an author before opening individual production, reception, or textual features elements.You are encouraged to use this element to preface the writing document of each woman writer. It is useful both for minor writers aboutwhom little is known, and for major writers whose work needs to be sumarized before launching into the details.
<xs:element name="AUTHORSUMMARY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The element authorSummary is specially devised for researchers to make summary statements about an author before opening individual production, reception, or textual features elements. You are encouraged to use this element to preface the writing document of each woman writer. It is useful both for minor writers about whom little is known, and for major writers whose work needs to be sumarized before launching into the details.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="HEADING"/><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element>
Front (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, title page,prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body.
<xs:element name="FRONT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Front (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="HEADING"/><xs:element ref="P"/><xs:element ref="DATASTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONEVENT"/><xs:element ref="CHRONSTRUCT"/><xs:element ref="KEYWORDCLASS"/><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:element name="STANDARD"><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:complexType></xs:element>
The WorksCited is an informal but complete listof all sources used in the writing of documents. You should ensure that all of these sources are also entered in thebibliography database.
<xs:element name="WORKSCITED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The WorksCited is an informal but complete list of all sources used in the writing of documents. You should ensure that all of these sources are also entered in the bibliography database.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SOURCE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:element name="SOURCE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>source describes the original source for the information contained with a manuscript description.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType mixed="true"><xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element ref="RESEARCHNOTE"/><xs:element ref="SCHOLARNOTE"/><xs:element ref="TITLE"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element>
<xs:attribute name="CALENDAR" default="NEWSTYLE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>An attribute of date and dateRange, calendar is used to indicate when a given date took place.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="NEWSTYLE"/><xs:enumeration value="BC"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="CERTAINTY" default="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certainty is an attribute of date and dateRange, and is used to indicate the nature of certainty that you have about a given date.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certain</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="C"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Circa</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="BY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>By this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="AFTER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>After this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Unknown date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ROUGHLYDATED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rough certainty</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="EXACT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>An attribute of dateRange, exact is used in conjunction with the to and from attributes to express the certainty of each end of a dateRange.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TO"/><xs:enumeration value="FROM"/><xs:enumeration value="BOTH"/><xs:enumeration value="NEITHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="FROM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>From is used to record a formatted date-related value.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:date xs:gYearMonth xs:gYear"/></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="TO"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>To is used to record a formatted date-related value.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:date xs:gYearMonth xs:gYear"/></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="TYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="SUBTYPE" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The Subtype attribute allows you to indicate the heading level, with values from 1-5.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="1"/><xs:enumeration value="2"/><xs:enumeration value="3"/><xs:enumeration value="4"/><xs:enumeration value="5"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elementsnickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example,whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romancetradition.
<xs:attribute name="NAMESIGNIFIER" default="CRYPTIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elements nickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example, whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romance tradition.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CRYPTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="LOCAL"/><xs:enumeration value="ROMANCE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="INDEXSOURCE" default="LC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to indexed name, allows us to distinguish between the Library of Congress' and the British Library's indexed names.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="LC"/><xs:enumeration value="BL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elementsnickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example,whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romancetradition.
<xs:attribute name="NAMESIGNIFIER" default="CRYPTIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elements nickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example, whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romance tradition.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CRYPTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="LOCAL"/><xs:enumeration value="ROMANCE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
NameConnotation is an optional attribute attached tonickname which distinguishes between nicknames for women writers that were either meant to satirize and abuse or were intended tohonour. For example, Constance Gore-Booth was known in the press by the nickname of "Red Countess" and this nicknamehad negative connotations. We hope to help researchers trace the way gender operates to both abuse and honour women writersthrough the application of nicknames.
<xs:attribute name="NAMECONNOTATION" default="ABUSIVE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameConnotation is an optional attribute attached to nickname which distinguishes between nicknames for women writers that were either meant to satirize and abuse or were intended to honour. For example, Constance Gore-Booth was known in the press by the nickname of "Red Countess" and this nickname had negative connotations. We hope to help researchers trace the way gender operates to both abuse and honour women writers through the application of nicknames.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ABUSIVE"/><xs:enumeration value="HONORIFIC"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elementsnickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example,whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romancetradition.
<xs:attribute name="NAMESIGNIFIER" default="CRYPTIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameSignifier, an attribute attached to the elements nickname, pseudonym and self-constructed, is used to distinguish the way such names derive their significance. For example, whether the name signifies a variant of their own name, their geographical location or a name specific to the romance tradition.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CRYPTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="LOCAL"/><xs:enumeration value="ROMANCE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
NameType, an optional attribute attached to nickname,distinguishes between familiar nicknames (those her friends and family gave to her) and literary nicknames (names applied to herin reviews or in public which orginate in her status as a writer).
<xs:attribute name="NAMETYPE" default="LITERARY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NameType, an optional attribute attached to nickname, distinguishes between familiar nicknames (those her friends and family gave to her) and literary nicknames (names applied to her in reviews or in public which orginate in her status as a writer).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="LITERARY"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILIAR"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="STATUS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Status is an attribute of the element Degree to record the status of the degree: completed, incomplete, or in progress.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="COMPLETED"/><xs:enumeration value="INCOMPLETE"/><xs:enumeration value="IN PROGRESS"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="URL" use="required" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>URL (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This attribute is designed to capture the gender of the subjectit is being applied to. Gender is a historically constructed and linguistically complex category that can shift over the course of a person'slifetime, in which case multiple values can be applied to this element. The values associated with this element are meant to capture the mostcommon forms of gender identity; other terms may be provided in the prose content of the element. The values are the following: female,male, transgendered, transgendered male-to-female, transgendered female-to-male, undefined, ungendered, or unknown.
list of union of(xs:string, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token)
<xs:attribute name="GENDER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute is designed to capture the gender of the subject it is being applied to. Gender is a historically constructed and linguistically complex category that can shift over the course of a person's lifetime, in which case multiple values can be applied to this element. The values associated with this element are meant to capture the most common forms of gender identity; other terms may be provided in the prose content of the element. The values are the following: female, male, transgendered, transgendered male-to-female, transgendered female-to-male, undefined, ungendered, or unknown.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:list><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:string"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED FEMALE-TO-MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED MALE-TO-FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UNDEFINED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UNGENDERED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:union></xs:simpleType></xs:list></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This attribute allows you to capture changes interminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes andtherefore needs explanation.
<xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows you to capture changes in terminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes and therefore needs explanation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This attribute allows you to capture changes interminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes andtherefore needs explanation.
<xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows you to capture changes in terminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes and therefore needs explanation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="TECHNIQUETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>TechniqueType is an optional attribute that addresses the different kinds of literary techniques that an author might use in their work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DICTION"/><xs:enumeration value="VERSIFICATION"/><xs:enumeration value="NONSTANDARDENGLISH"/><xs:enumeration value="IMAGERY"/><xs:enumeration value="AURALEFFECTS"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="SETTINGCLASS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>SettingClass is an optional attribute that specifies the socio-economic status of a settingPlace.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UPPERCLASS"/><xs:enumeration value="WORKINGCLASS"/><xs:enumeration value="MIDDLECLASS"/><xs:enumeration value="WIDERANGE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="SETTINGPLACETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>SettingPlaceType is an optional attribute that specifies the real or imaginary location of textual events.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FICTIVE"/><xs:enumeration value="REAL"/><xs:enumeration value="IDENTIFIABLE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="SETTINGDATETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>SettingDateType is an optional attribute that specifies the historical era of a setting.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="PAST"/><xs:enumeration value="PRESENT"/><xs:enumeration value="FUTURE"/><xs:enumeration value="AMBIGUOUS"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="MOTIFNAME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Atribute on tMotif used to regularize discussions of motifs to one of the descriptors listed under Motif.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
genderOfAuthor is an optional attribute modifying the elementtIntertextuality; therefore, it allows you to identify the sex of the author who wrote the intertext. It will prove useful for researching howwomen responded to other texts written by male or female authors.
<xs:attribute name="GENDEROFAUTHOR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>genderOfAuthor is an optional attribute modifying the element tIntertextuality; therefore, it allows you to identify the sex of the author who wrote the intertext. It will prove useful for researching how women responded to other texts written by male or female authors.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FEMALE"/><xs:enumeration value="MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
IntertextType is an attribute used to modify the elementtIntertextuality. It allows greater specificity to indicate how an intertext has been used in connection with any one text.
<xs:attribute name="INTERTEXTTYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>IntertextType is an attribute used to modify the element tIntertextuality. It allows greater specificity to indicate how an intertext has been used in connection with any one text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ALLUSIONACKNOWLEDGED"/><xs:enumeration value="ALLUSIONUNACKNOWLEDGED"/><xs:enumeration value="QUOTATION"/><xs:enumeration value="MISQUOTATION"/><xs:enumeration value="PARODY"/><xs:enumeration value="SATIRE"/><xs:enumeration value="IMITATION"/><xs:enumeration value="ADAPTATION-UPDATE"/><xs:enumeration value="PREQUEL"/><xs:enumeration value="CONTINUATION"/><xs:enumeration value="ANSWER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="URL" use="required" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>URL (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
If a book is censored, we consider that action a type of penalty.This attribute flags when censorship has been one of the penalizing responses to a work.
<xs:attribute name="CENSORSHIP"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>If a book is censored, we consider that action a type of penalty. This attribute flags when censorship has been one of the penalizing responses to a work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CENSORSHIPYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="DESTROYEDBY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute, attached to rDestructionOfWork, allows you to indicate who destroyed the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELF"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
Formality is an attribute attached to rResponses which allowsyou to indicate whether a response to a work was formal or informal. "Formal" means that the response was written or otherwise made public;"informal" refers to those incidents more difficult to define: a hearty slap on the back, rude looks from strangers on buses, a snubbing by hersocial set.
<xs:attribute name="FORMALITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Formality is an attribute attached to rResponses which allows you to indicate whether a response to a work was formal or informal. "Formal" means that the response was written or otherwise made public; "informal" refers to those incidents more difficult to define: a hearty slap on the back, rude looks from strangers on buses, a snubbing by her social set.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FORMAL"/><xs:enumeration value="INFORMAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="GENDEREDRESPONSE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to rResponses indicates whether or not a response to a work was predicated on the writer's gender.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ADFEMINAM"/><xs:enumeration value="GENDEREDYES"/><xs:enumeration value="GENDEREDNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
ResponseType is an optional attribute that specifiesthe historical timing of a response to a written work through its values of "recent," "re-evaluation," or"initial."
<xs:attribute name="RESPONSETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ResponseType is an optional attribute that specifies the historical timing of a response to a written work through its values of "recent," "re-evaluation," or "initial."</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="RE-EVALUATION"/><xs:enumeration value="RECENT"/><xs:enumeration value="INITIAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="FORMOFSERIALIZATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute is attached to the element pSerialization and specifies whether the work appeared in "volumeForm" or "periodicalForm."</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="VOLUMEFORM"/><xs:enumeration value="PERIODICALFORM"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="MEDIATYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The MediaType attribute captures the media type for non-book meida; possible values include digital, multimedia, oral, and performance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:string"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DIGITAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MULTIMEDIA"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ORAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="PERFORMANCE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:union></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="PUBLICATIONMODE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute allows you to identify how a text was published.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELF-PUBLICATION"/><xs:enumeration value="PRIVATELYPRINTED"/><xs:enumeration value="LIMITEDEDITION"/><xs:enumeration value="PIRATED"/><xs:enumeration value="SUBSCRIPTION"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="INFLUENCETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>InfluenceType is an attribute affiliated with the element pInfluencesHer and is used to indicate how someone or something influenced a woman writer.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="LITERARY"/><xs:enumeration value="INTELLECTUAL"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILIAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This attribute attached to pAuthorship allows us to distinguishbetween different kinds of authorship problems such as anonymous and pseudonymous texts, and texts whose authorship is only alludedto.
<xs:attribute name="AUTHORNAMETYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to pAuthorship allows us to distinguish between different kinds of authorship problems such as anonymous and pseudonymous texts, and texts whose authorship is only alluded to.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ANONYMOUS"/><xs:enumeration value="PSEUDONYMOUS"/><xs:enumeration value="ALLUSIVEAUTHORSHIP"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="AUTHORSHIPCONTROVERSY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to pAuthorship reflects the difficulties scholars sometimes encounter when trying to identify the authorship of a text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FORGERY"/><xs:enumeration value="SPURIOUS"/><xs:enumeration value="MISATTRIBUTION"/><xs:enumeration value="DOUBTFUL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="COLLABORATION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to pAuthorship allows us to distinguish those texts authored by more than a single author.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="COLLABORATIONYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="CONTROVERSYDATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to pAuthorship designates the current standing of a controversy surrounding authorship.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="PRESENT"/><xs:enumeration value="HISTORICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="ONGOING"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAsis an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within theirbiography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names womenwriters published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standardname and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance,to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in thebibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of theperson.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
The role attribute designates the role of of an individual. If therole is tied to an event, than the role is specific to that individual's role in that particular event. The list of role values is the MARC Code List forRelators, a list of terms with their associated codes that designates the relationship between a name and a resource (i.e., roles) in bibliographicdescriptions; the MARC Code List for Relators has been supplemented with values that were developed by the CWRC ResearchBoard.
restriction of xs:token
Acting coach
Actor [act]
Use for a person or organization who principally exhibits actingskills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
Adapter [adp]
Use for a person or organization who 1) reworks a musicalcomposition, usually for a different medium, or 2) rewrites novels or stories for motion pictures or other audiovisual medium.
Analyst [anl]
Use for a person or organization that reviews, examines andinterprets data or information in a specific area.
Animator [anm]
Use for a person or organization who draws thetwo-dimensional figures, manipulates the three dimensional objects and/or also programs the computer to move objects and images for thepurpose of animated film processing. Animation cameras, stands, celluloid screens, transparencies and inks are some of the tools of theanimator.
Annotator [ann]
Use for a person who writes manuscript annotations on a printed item.
Applicant [app]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the submissionof an application or who is named as eligible for the results of the processing of the application (e.g., bestowing of rights, reward, title,position).
kah: in archives context appraisers assess monetary values ofdonations
Architect [arc]
Use for a person or organization who designs structures oroversees their construction.
Arranger [arr]
Use for a person or organization who transcribes a musicalcomposition, usually for a different medium from that of the original; in an arrangement the musical substance remains essentiallyunchanged.
Art copyist [acp]
Use for a person (e.g., a painter or sculptor) who makes copiesof works of visual art.
Artist [art]
Use for a person (e.g., a painter) or organization who conceives,and perhaps also implements, an original graphic design or work of art, if specific codes (e.g., [egr], [etr]) are not desired. For book illustrators,prefer Illustrator [ill].
Artistic director [ard]
Use for a person responsible for controlling the development ofthe artistic style of an entire production, including the choice of works to be presented and selection of senior production staff.
Assignee [asg]
Use for a person or organization to whom a license for printingor publishing has been transferred.
Assistant director
Associated name [asn]
Use for a person or organization associated with or found in anitem or collection, which cannot be determined to be that of a Former owner [fmo] or other designated relator indicative ofprovenance.
Attributed name [att]
Use for an author, artist, etc., relating him/her to a work forwhich there is or once was substantial authority for designating that person as author, creator, etc. of the work.
Auctioneer [auc]
Use for a person or organization in charge of the estimation andpublic auctioning of goods, particularly books, artistic works, etc.
Author [aut]
Use for a person or organization chiefly responsible for theintellectual or artistic content of a work, usually printed text. This term may also be used when more than one person or body bears suchresponsibility.
Author in quotations or text extracts [aqt]
Use for a person or organization whose work is largely quotedor extracted in works to which he or she did not contribute directly. Such quotations are found particularly in exhibition catalogs, collections ofphotographs, etc.
Author of afterword, colophon, etc. [aft]
Use for a person or organization responsible for an afterword,postface, colophon, etc. but who is not the chief author of a work.
Author of dialog [aud]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the dialog orspoken commentary for a screenplay or sound recording.
Author of introduction, etc. [aui]
Use for a person or organization responsible for an introduction,preface, foreword, or other critical introductory matter, but who is not the chief author.
Author of screenplay, etc. [aus]
Use for a person or organization responsible for a motionpicture screenplay, dialog, spoken commentary, etc.
Bibliographic antecedent [ant]
Use for a person or organization responsible for a work uponwhich the work represented by the catalog record is based. This may be appropriate for adaptations, sequels, continuations, indexes,etc.
Binder [bnd]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the binding ofprinted or manuscript materials.
Binding designer [bdd]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the bindingdesign of a book, including the type of binding, the type of materials used, and any decorative aspects of the binding.
Blurb writer [blw]
Use for the named entity responsible for writing acommendation or testimonial for a work, which appears on or within the publication itself, frequently on the back or dust jacket of printpublications or on advertising material for all media.
Book designer [bkd]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the entiregraphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
Book producer [bkp]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the productionof books and other print media, if specific codes (e.g., [bkd], [egr], [tyd], [prt]) are not desired.
Bookjacket designer [bjd]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the design offlexible covers designed for or published with a book, including the type of materials used, and any decorative aspects of thebookjacket.
Bookplate designer [bpd]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the design of abook owner's identification label that is most commonly pasted to the inside front cover of a book.
Bookseller [bsl]
Use for a person or organization who makes books and otherbibliographic materials available for purchase. Interest in the materials is primarily lucrative.
Calligrapher [cll]
Use for a person or organization who writes in an artistic hand,usually as a copyist and or engrosser.
Cartographer [ctg]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the creation ofmaps and other cartographic materials.
Censor [cns]
Use for a censor, bowdlerizer, expurgator, etc., official orprivate.
Choreographer [chr]
Use for a person or organization who composes or arrangesdances or other movements (e.g., master of swords) for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
Cinematographer [cng]
Use for a person or organization who is in charge of the imagescaptured for a motion picture film. The cinematographer works under the supervision of a director, and may also be referred to as director ofphotography. Do not confuse with videographer.
Client [cli]
Use for a person or organization for whom another person ororganization is acting.
Collaborator [clb]
Use for a person or organization that takes a limited part in theelaboration of a work of another person or organization that brings complements (e.g., appendices, notes) to the work.
Collector [col]
Use for a person or organization who has brought togethermaterial from various sources that has been arranged, described, and cataloged as a collection. A collector is neither the creator of the material nora person to whom manuscripts in the collection may have been addressed.
Collotyper [clt]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the productionof photographic prints from film or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces.
Colorist [clr]
Use for the named entity responsible for applying color todrawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, etc.
Commentator [cmm]
Use for a person or organization who provides interpretation,analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, motion picture, or other audiovisual medium.
Commentator for written text [cwt]
Use for a person or organization responsible for thecommentary or explanatory notes about a text. For the writer of manuscript annotations in a printed book, use Annotator[ann].
Compiler [com]
Use for a person or organization who produces a work orpublication by selecting and putting together material from the works of various persons or bodies.
Complainant [cpl]
Use for the party who applies to the courts for redress, usuallyin an equity proceeding.
Complainant-appellant [cpt]
Use for a complainant who takes an appeal from one court orjurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.
Complainant-appellee [cpe]
Use for a complainant against whom an appeal is taken from onecourt or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.
Composer [cmp]
Use for a person or organization who creates a musical work,usually a piece of music in manuscript or printed form.
Compositor [cmt]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the creation ofmetal slug, or molds made of other materials, used to produce the text and images in printed matter.
Conceptor [ccp]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the original ideaon which a work is based, this includes the scientific author of an audio-visual item and the conceptor of an advertisement.
Conductor [cnd]
Use for a person who directs a performing group (orchestra,chorus, opera, etc.) in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
Conservator [con]
Use for the named entity responsible for documenting,preserving, or treating printed or manuscript material, works of art, artifacts, or other media.
Consultant [csl]
Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who iscalled upon for professional advice or services in a specialized field of knowledge or training.
Consultant to a project [csp]
Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who isengaged specifically to provide an intellectual overview of a strategic or operational task and by analysis, specification, or instruction, to create orpropose a cost-effective course of action or solution.
Contestant [cos]
Use for the party who opposes, resists, or disputes, in a courtof law, a claim, decision, result, etc.
Contestant-appellant [cot]
Use for a contestant who takes an appeal from one court of lawor jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.
Contestant-appellee [coe]
Use for a contestant against whom an appeal is taken from onecourt of law or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.
Contestee [cts]
Use for the party defending a claim, decision, result, etc. beingopposed, resisted, or disputed in a court of law.
Contestee-appellant [ctt]
Use for a contestee who takes an appeal from one court orjurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.
Contestee-appellee [cte]
Use for a contestee against whom an appeal is taken from onecourt or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.
Contractor [ctr]
Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, whoenters into a contract with another person or organization to perform a specific task.
Contributor [ctb]
Use for a person or organization one whose work has beencontributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or other compilation of individual works. Do not use if the sole function inrelation to a work is as author, editor, compiler or translator.
Copyright claimant [cpc]
Use for a person or organization listed as a copyright owner atthe time of registration. Copyright can be granted or later transferred to another person or organization, at which time the claimant becomes thecopyright holder.
Copyright holder [cph]
Use for a person or organization to whom copy and legal rightshave been granted or transferred for the intellectual content of a work. The copyright holder, although not necessarily the creator of the work,usually has the exclusive right to benefit financially from the sale and use of the work to which the associated copyright protectionapplies.
Corrector [crr]
Use for a person or organization who is a corrector ofmanuscripts, such as the scriptorium official who corrected the work of a scribe. For printed matter, use Proofreader.
Correspondent [crp]
Use for a person or organization who was either the writer orrecipient of a letter or other communication.
Costume designer [cst]
Use for a person or organization who designs or makescostumes, fixes hair, etc., for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
Cover designer [cov]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the graphicdesign of a book cover, album cover, slipcase, box, container, etc. For a person or organization responsible for the graphic design of an entirebook, use Book designer; for book jackets, use Bookjacket designer.
Creator [cre]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the intellectualor artistic content of a work.
Curator of an exhibition [cur]
Use for a person or organization responsible for conceiving andorganizing an exhibition.
Dancer [dnc]
Use for a person or organization who principally exhibits dancingskills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
Data contributor [dtc]
Use for a person or organization that submits data for inclusionin a database or other collection of data.
Data manager [dtm]
Use for a person or organization responsible for managingdatabases or other data sources.
Dedicatee [dte]
Use for a person or organization to whom a book, manuscript,etc., is dedicated (not the recipient of a gift).
Dedicator [dto]
Use for the author of a dedication, which may be a formalstatement or in epistolary or verse form.
Defendant [dfd]
Use for the party defending or denying allegations made in asuit and against whom relief or recovery is sought in the courts, usually in a legal action.
Defendant-appellant [dft]
Use for a defendant who takes an appeal from one court orjurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal action.
Defendant-appellee [dfe]
Use for a defendant against whom an appeal is taken from onecourt or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal action.
Degree grantor [dgg]
Use for the organization granting a degree for which the thesisor issertation described was presented.
Delineator [dln]
Use for a person or organization executing technical drawingsfrom others' designs.
Depicted [dpc]
Use for an entity depicted or portrayed in a work, particularly ina work of art.
Depositor [dpt]
Use for a person or organization placing material in the physicalcustody of a library or repository without transferring the legal title.
Designer [dsr]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the design ifmore specific codes (e.g., [bkd], [tyd]) are not desired.
Director [drt]
Use for a person or organization who is responsible for thegeneral management of a work or who supervises the production of a performance for stage, screen, or sound recording.
Dissertant [dis]
Use for a person who presents a thesis for a university orhigher-level educational degree.
Distribution place [dbp]
Use for the name of a place from which a resource, e.g., aserial, is distributed.
Distributor [dst]
Use for a person or organization that has exclusive or sharedmarketing rights for an item.
Donor [dnr]
Use for a person or organization who is the donor of a book,manuscript, etc., to its present owner. Donors to previous owners are designated as Former owner [fmo] or Inscriber [ins].
Draftsman [drm]
Use for a person or organization who prepares artistic ortechnical drawings.
Dubious author [dub]
Use for a person or organization to which authorship has beendubiously or incorrectly ascribed.
Editor [edt]
Use for a person or organization who prepares for publication awork not primarily his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an editorialstaff.
Electrician [elg]
Use for a person responsible for setting up a lighting rig andfocusing the lights for a production, and running the lighting at a performance.
Electrotyper [elt]
Use for a person or organization who creates a duplicateprinting surface by pressure molding and electrodepositing of metal that is then backed up with lead for printing.
Engineer [eng]
Use for a person or organization that is responsible for technicalplanning and design, particularly with construction.
Engraver [egr]
Use for a person or organization who cuts letters, figures, etc.on a surface, such as a wooden or metal plate, for printing.
Etcher [etr]
Use for a person or organization who produces text or imagesfor printing by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface to acid or the corrosive action of some other substance.
Event place [evp]
Use for the name of the place where an event such as aconference or a concert took place.
Expert [exp]
Use for a person or organization in charge of the descriptionand appraisal of the value of goods, particularly rare items, works of art, etc.
Facsimilist [fac]
Use for a person or organization that executed thefacsimile.
Field director [fld]
Use for a person or organization that manages or supervisesthe work done to collect raw data or do research in an actual setting or environment (typically applies to the natural and socialsciences).
Film editor [flm]
Use for a person or organization who is an editor of a motionpicture film. This term is used regardless of the medium upon which the motion picture is produced or manufactured (e.g., acetate film, videotape).
First party [fpy]
Use for a person or organization who is identified as the onlyparty or the party of the first part. In the case of transfer of right, this is the assignor, transferor, licensor, grantor, etc. Multiple parties can benamed jointly as the first party
Forger [frg]
Use for a person or organization who makes or imitatessomething of value or importance, especially with the intent to defraud.
Former owner [fmo]
Use for a person or organization who owned an item at any timein the past. Includes those to whom the material was once presented. A person or organization giving the item to the present owner is designatedas Donor [dnr]
Funder [fnd]
Use for a person or organization that furnished financial supportfor the production of the work.
Geographic information specialist [gis]
Use for a person responsible for geographic information system(GIS) development and integration with global positioning system data.
Honoree [hnr]
Use for a person or organization in memory or honor of whom abook, manuscript, etc. is donated.
Host [hst]
Use for a person who is invited or regularly leads a program(often broadcast) that includes other guests, performers, etc. (e.g., talk show host).
Illuminator [ilu]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the decorationof a work (especially manuscript material) with precious metals or color, usually with elaborate designs and motifs.
Illustrator [ill]
Use for a person or organization who conceives, and perhapsalso implements, a design or illustration, usually to accompany a written text.
Inscriber [ins]
Use for a person who signs a presentationstatement.
Instrumentalist [itr]
Use for a person or organization who principally plays aninstrument in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
Interviewee [ive]
Use for a person or organization who is interviewed at aconsultation or meeting, usually by a reporter, pollster, or some other information gathering agent.
Interviewer [ivr]
Use for a person or organization who acts as a reporter,pollster, or other information gathering agent in a consultation or meeting involving one or more individuals.
Inventor [inv]
Use for a person or organization who first produces a particularuseful item, or develops a new process for obtaining a known item or result.
Laboratory [lbr]
Use for an institution that provides scientific analyses of materialsamples.
Laboratory director [ldr]
Use for a person or organization that manages or superviseswork done in a controlled setting or environment.
Landscape architect [lsa]
Use for a person or organization whose work involvescoordinating the arrangement of existing and proposed land features and structures.
Lead [led]
Use to indicate that a person or organization takes primaryresponsibility for a particular activity or endeavor. Use with another relator term or code to show the greater importance this person ororganization has regarding that particular role. If more than one relator is assigned to a heading, use the Lead relator only if it applies to all therelators.
Lender [len]
Use for a person or organization permitting the temporary useof a book, manuscript, etc., such as for photocopying or microfilming.
Libelant [lil]
Use for the party who files a libel in an ecclesiastical or admiraltycase.
Libelant-appellant [lit]
Use for a libelant who takes an appeal from one ecclesiasticalcourt or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.
Libelant-appellee [lie]
Use for a libelant against whom an appeal is taken from oneecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.
Libelee [lel]
Use for a party against whom a libel has been filed in anecclesiastical court or admiralty.
Libelee-appellant [let]
Use for a libelee who takes an appeal from one ecclesiasticalcourt or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.
Libelee-appellee [lee]
Use for a libelee against whom an appeal is taken from oneecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.
Librettist [lbt]
Use for a person or organization who is a writer of the text ofan opera, oratorio, etc.
Licensee [lse]
Use for a person or organization who is an original recipient ofthe right to print or publish.
Licensor [lso]
Use for person or organization who is a signer of the license,imprimatur, etc.
Lighting designer [lgd]
Use for a person or organization who designs the lightingscheme for a theatrical presentation, entertainment, motion picture, etc.
Lithographer [ltg]
Use for a person or organization who prepares the stone orplate for lithographic printing, including a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will bedone.
Lyricist [lyr]
Use for a person or organization who is a writer of the text of asong.
Manufacture place [mfp]
Use for the name of the place of manufacture (e.g., printing,duplicating, casting, etc.) of a resource in a published form.
Manufacturer [mfr]
Use for a person or organization that makes an artifactual work(an object made or modified by one or more persons). Examples of artifactual works include vases, cannons or pieces offurniture.
Marbler [mrb]
Use for the named entity responsible for marbling paper, cloth,leather, etc. used in construction of a resource.
Markup editor [mrk]
Use for a person or organization performing the coding ofSGML, HTML, or XML markup of metadata, text, etc.
Mask designer
Metadata contact [mdc]
Use for a person or organization primarily responsible forcompiling and maintaining the original description of a metadata set (e.g., geospatial metadata set).
Metal-engraver [mte]
Use for a person or organization responsible for decorations,illustrations, letters, etc. cut on a metal surface for printing or decoration.
Moderator [mod]
Use for a person who leads a program (often broadcast) wheretopics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
Monitor [mon]
Use for a person or organization that supervises compliancewith the contract and is responsible for the report and controls its distribution. Sometimes referred to as the grantee, or controllingagency.
Music copyist [mcp]
Use for a person who transcribes or copies musicalnotation
Musical director [msd]
Use for a person responsible for basic music decisions about aproduction, including coordinating the work of the composer, the sound editor, and sound mixers, selecting musicians, and organizing and/orconducting sound for rehearsals and performances.
Musician [mus]
Use for a person or organization who performs music orcontributes to the musical content of a work when it is not possible or desirable to identify the function more precisely.
Narrator [nrt]
Use for a person who is a speaker relating the particulars of anact, occurrence, or course of events.
Opponent [opn]
Use for a person or organization responsible for opposing athesis or dissertation.
Organizer of meeting [orm]
Use for a person or organization responsible for organizing ameeting for which an item is the report or proceedings.
Originator [org]
Use for a person or organization performing the work, i.e., thename of a person or organization associated with the intellectual content of the work. This category does not include the publisher or personalaffiliation, or sponsor except where it is also the corporate author.
Other [oth]
Use for relator codes from other lists which have no equivalentin the MARC list or for terms which have not been assigned a code.
Owner [own]
Use for a person or organization that currently owns an item orcollection.
Papermaker [ppm]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the productionof paper, usually from wood, cloth, or other fibrous material.
Patent applicant [pta]
Use for a person or organization that applied for apatent.
Patent holder [pth]
Use for a person or organization that was granted the patentreferred to by the item.
Patron [pat]
Use for a person or organization responsible for commissioninga work. Usually a patron uses his or her means or influence to support the work of artists, writers, etc. This includes those who commission andpay for individual works.
Performance artist
Performer [prf]
Use for a person or organization who exhibits musical or actingskills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment, if specific codes for those functions ([act], [dnc], [itr], [voc], etc.) are not used. Ifspecific codes are used, [prf] is used for a person whose principal skill is not known or specified.
Permitting agency [pma]
Use for an authority (usually a government agency) that issuespermits under which work is accomplished.
Photographer [pht]
Use for a person or organization responsible for takingphotographs, whether they are used in their original form or as reproductions.
Plaintiff [ptf]
Use for the party who complains or sues in court in a personalaction, usually in a legal proceeding.
Plaintiff-appellant [ptt]
Use for a plaintiff who takes an appeal from one court orjurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal proceeding.
Plaintiff-appellee [pte]
Use for a plaintiff against whom an appeal is taken from onecourt or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal proceeding.
Platemaker [plt]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the productionof plates, usually for the production of printed images and/or text.
Printer [prt]
Use for a person or organization who prints texts, whether fromtype or plates.
Printer of plates [pop]
Use for a person or organization who prints illustrations fromplates.
Printmaker [prm]
Use for a person or organization who makes a relief, intaglio, orplanographic printing surface.
Process contact [prc]
Use for a person or organization primarily responsible forperforming or initiating a process, such as is done with the collection of metadata sets.
Producer [pro]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the making of amotion picture, including business aspects, management of the productions, and the commercial success of the work.
Production manager [pmn]
Use for a person responsible for all technical and businessmatters in a production.
Production personnel [prd]
Use for a person or organization associated with the production(props, lighting, special effects, etc.) of a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
Production place [prp]
Use for the name of the place of production (e.g., inscription,fabrication, construction, etc.) of a resource in an unpublished form.
Programmer [prg]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the creationand/or maintenance of computer program design documents, source code, and machine-executable digital files and supportingdocumentation.
Project director [pdr]
Use for a person or organization with primary responsibility forall essential aspects of a project, or that manages a very large project that demands senior level responsibility, or that has overall responsibility formanaging projects, or provides overall direction to a project manager.
Projection designer
Proofreader [pfr]
Use for a person who corrects printed matter. For manuscripts,use Corrector [crr].
Publication place [pup]
Use for the name of the place where a resource ispublished.
Publisher [pbl]
Use for a person or organization that makes printed matter,often text, but also printed music, artwork, etc. available to the public.
Publishing director [pbd]
Use for a person or organization who presides over theelaboration of a collective work to ensure its coherence or continuity. This includes editors-in-chief, literary editors, editors of series,etc.
Puppeteer [ppt]
Use for a person or organization who manipulates, controls, ordirects puppets or marionettes in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
Recipient [rcp]
Use for a person or organization to whom correspondence isaddressed.
Recording engineer [rce]
Use for a person or organization who supervises the technicalaspects of a sound or video recording session.
Redactor [red]
Use for a person or organization who writes or develops theframework for an item without being intellectually responsible for its content.
Renderer [ren]
Use for a person or organization who prepares drawings ofarchitectural designs (i.e., renderings) in accurate, representational perspective to show what the project will look like whencompleted.
Reporter [rpt]
Use for a person or organization who writes or presents reportsof news or current events on air or in print.
Repository [rps]
Use for an agency that hosts data or material culture objectsand provides services to promote long term, consistent and shared use of those data or objects.
Research team head [rth]
Use for a person who directed or managed a researchproject.
Research team member [rtm]
Use for a person who participated in a research project butwhose role did not involve direction or management of it.
Researcher [res]
Use for a person or organization responsible for performingresearch.
Respondent [rsp]
Use for the party who makes an answer to the courts pursuantto an application for redress, usually in an equity proceeding.
Respondent-appellant [rst]
Use for a respondent who takes an appeal from one court orjurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.
Respondent-appellee [rse]
Use for a respondent against whom an appeal is taken from onecourt or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.
Responsible party [rpy]
Use for a person or organization legally responsible for thecontent of the published material.
Restager [rsg]
Use for a person or organization, other than the originalchoreographer or director, responsible for restaging a choreographic or dramatic work and who contributes minimal newcontent.
Reviewer [rev]
Use for a person or organization responsible for the review of abook, motion picture, performance, etc.
Rubricator [rbr]
Use for a person or organization responsible for parts of awork, often headings or opening parts of a manuscript, that appear in a distinctive color, usually red.
Scenarist [sce]
Use for a person or organization who is the author of a motionpicture screenplay.
Scientific advisor [sad]
Use for a person or organization who brings scientific,pedagogical, or historical competence to the conception and realization on a work, particularly in the case of audio-visual items.
Scribe [scr]
Use for a person who is an amanuensis and for a writer ofmanuscripts proper. For a person who makes pen-facsimiles, use Facsimilist [fac].
Sculptor [scl]
Use for a person or organization who models or carves figuresthat are three-dimensional representations.
Second party [spy]
Use for a person or organization who is identified as the partyof the second part. In the case of transfer of right, this is the assignee, transferee, licensee, grantee, etc. Multiple parties can be named jointly asthe second party.
Secretary [sec]
Use for a person or organization who is a recorder, redactor, orother person responsible for expressing the views of a organization.
Set designer [std]
Use for a person or organization who translates the roughsketches of the art director into actual architectural structures for a theatrical presentation, entertainment, motion picture, etc. Set designers drawthe detailed guides and specifications for building the set.
Signer [sgn]
Use for a person whose signature appears without apresentation or other statement indicative of provenance. When there is a presentation statement, use Inscriber [ins].
Singer [sng]
Use for a person or organization who uses his/her/their voicewith or without instrumental accompaniment to produce music. A performance may or may not include actual words.
Sound designer [sds]
Use for a person who produces and reproduces the sound score(both live and recorded), the installation of microphones, the setting of sound levels, and the coordination of sources of sound for aproduction.
Speaker [spk]
Use for a person who participates in a program (oftenbroadcast) and makes a formalized contribution or presentation generally prepared in advance.
Special effects designer
Sponsor [spn]
Use for a person or organization that issued a contract or underthe auspices of which a work has been written, printed, published, etc.
Stage crew
Stage manager [stm]
Use for a person who is in charge of everything that occurs on aperformance stage, and who acts as chief of all crews and assistant to a director during rehearsals.
Standards body [stn]
Use for an organization responsible for the development orenforcement of a standard.
Stereotyper [str]
Use for a person or organization who creates a new plate forprinting by molding or copying another printing surface.
Storyteller [stl]
Use for a person relaying a story with creative and/or theatricalinterpretation.
Supporting host [sht]
Use for a person or organization that supports (by allocatingfacilities, staff, or other resources) a project, program, meeting, event, data objects, material culture objects, or other entities capable ofsupport.
Surveyor [srv]
Use for a person or organization who does measurements oftracts of land, etc. to determine location, forms, and boundaries.
Teacher [tch]
Use for a person who, in the context of a resource, givesinstruction in an intellectual subject or demonstrates while teaching physical skills.
Technical director [tcd]
Use for a person who is ultimately in charge of scenery, props,lights and sound for a production.
Thesis advisor [ths]
Use for a person under whose supervision a degree candidatedevelops and presents a thesis, mémoire, or text of a dissertation.
Transcriber [trc]
Use for a person who prepares a handwritten or typewrittencopy from original material, including from dictated or orally recorded material. For makers of pen-facsimiles, use Facsimilist[fac].
Translator [trl]
Use for a person or organization who renders a text from onelanguage into another, or from an older form of a language into the modern form.
Type designer [tyd]
Use for a person or organization who designed the type faceused in a particular item.
Typographer [tyg]
Use for a person or organization primarily responsible for choiceand arrangement of type used in an item. If the typographer is also responsible for other aspects of the graphic design of a book (e.g., Bookdesigner [bkd]), codes for both functions may be needed.
UFPerformer of research
UFPlates, Printer of
University place [uvp]
Use for the name of a place where a university that is associatedwith a resource is located, for example, a university where an academic dissertation or thesis was presented.
USE Expert
Videographer [vdg]
Use for a person or organization in charge of a videoproduction, e.g. the video recording of a stage production as opposed to a commercial motion picture. The videographer may be the cameraoperator or may supervise one or more camera operators. Do not confuse with cinematographer.
Vocalist [voc]
Use for a person or organization who principally exhibits singingskills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
Witness [wit]
Use for a person who verifies the truthfulness of an event oraction.
Wood-engraver [wde]
Use for a person or organization who makes prints by cuttingthe image in relief on the end-grain of a wood block.
Woodcutter [wdc]
Use for a person or organization who makes prints by cuttingthe image in relief on the plank side of a wood block.
Writer of accompanying material [wam]
Use for a person or organization who writes significant materialwhich accompanies a sound recording or other audiovisual material.
<xs:attribute name="ROLE" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The role attribute designates the role of of an individual. If the role is tied to an event, than the role is specific to that individual's role in that particular event. The list of role values is the MARC Code List for Relators, a list of terms with their associated codes that designates the relationship between a name and a resource (i.e., roles) in bibliographic descriptions; the MARC Code List for Relators has been supplemented with values that were developed by the CWRC Research Board.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="Acting coach"/><xs:enumeration value="Actor [act]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who principally exhibits acting skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Adapter [adp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who 1) reworks a musical composition, usually for a different medium, or 2) rewrites novels or stories for motion pictures or other audiovisual medium.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Agent"/><xs:enumeration value="Analyst [anl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that reviews, examines and interprets data or information in a specific area.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Animator [anm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who draws the two-dimensional figures, manipulates the three dimensional objects and/or also programs the computer to move objects and images for the purpose of animated film processing. Animation cameras, stands, celluloid screens, transparencies and inks are some of the tools of the animator.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Annotator [ann]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who writes manuscript annotations on a printed item.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Applicant [app]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the submission of an application or who is named as eligible for the results of the processing of the application (e.g., bestowing of rights, reward, title, position).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Appraiser"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>kah: in archives context appraisers assess monetary values of donations</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Architect [arc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who designs structures or oversees their construction.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Arranger [arr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who transcribes a musical composition, usually for a different medium from that of the original; in an arrangement the musical substance remains essentially unchanged.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Art copyist [acp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person (e.g., a painter or sculptor) who makes copies of works of visual art.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Artist [art]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person (e.g., a painter) or organization who conceives, and perhaps also implements, an original graphic design or work of art, if specific codes (e.g., [egr], [etr]) are not desired. For book illustrators, prefer Illustrator [ill].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Artistic director [ard]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for controlling the development of the artistic style of an entire production, including the choice of works to be presented and selection of senior production staff.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Assignee [asg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to whom a license for printing or publishing has been transferred.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Assistant director"/><xs:enumeration value="Associated name [asn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization associated with or found in an item or collection, which cannot be determined to be that of a Former owner [fmo] or other designated relator indicative of provenance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Attributed name [att]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an author, artist, etc., relating him/her to a work for which there is or once was substantial authority for designating that person as author, creator, etc. of the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Auctioneer [auc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization in charge of the estimation and public auctioning of goods, particularly books, artistic works, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author [aut]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work, usually printed text. This term may also be used when more than one person or body bears such responsibility.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author in quotations or text extracts [aqt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization whose work is largely quoted or extracted in works to which he or she did not contribute directly. Such quotations are found particularly in exhibition catalogs, collections of photographs, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author of afterword, colophon, etc. [aft]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for an afterword, postface, colophon, etc. but who is not the chief author of a work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author of dialog [aud]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the dialog or spoken commentary for a screenplay or sound recording.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author of introduction, etc. [aui]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for an introduction, preface, foreword, or other critical introductory matter, but who is not the chief author.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Author of screenplay, etc. [aus]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for a motion picture screenplay, dialog, spoken commentary, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Bibliographic antecedent [ant]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for a work upon which the work represented by the catalog record is based. This may be appropriate for adaptations, sequels, continuations, indexes, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Binder [bnd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the binding of printed or manuscript materials.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Binding designer [bdd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the binding design of a book, including the type of binding, the type of materials used, and any decorative aspects of the binding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Blurb writer [blw]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the named entity responsible for writing a commendation or testimonial for a work, which appears on or within the publication itself, frequently on the back or dust jacket of print publications or on advertising material for all media.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Book designer [bkd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Book producer [bkp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the production of books and other print media, if specific codes (e.g., [bkd], [egr], [tyd], [prt]) are not desired.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Bookjacket designer [bjd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the design of flexible covers designed for or published with a book, including the type of materials used, and any decorative aspects of the bookjacket.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Bookplate designer [bpd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the design of a book owner's identification label that is most commonly pasted to the inside front cover of a book.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Bookseller [bsl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes books and other bibliographic materials available for purchase. Interest in the materials is primarily lucrative.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Calligrapher [cll]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who writes in an artistic hand, usually as a copyist and or engrosser.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Cartographer [ctg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the creation of maps and other cartographic materials.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Censor [cns]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a censor, bowdlerizer, expurgator, etc., official or private.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Choreographer [chr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who composes or arranges dances or other movements (e.g., master of swords) for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Cinematographer [cng]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is in charge of the images captured for a motion picture film. The cinematographer works under the supervision of a director, and may also be referred to as director of photography. Do not confuse with videographer.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Client [cli]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization for whom another person or organization is acting.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Clown"/><xs:enumeration value="Collaborator [clb]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that takes a limited part in the elaboration of a work of another person or organization that brings complements (e.g., appendices, notes) to the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Collector [col]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who has brought together material from various sources that has been arranged, described, and cataloged as a collection. A collector is neither the creator of the material nor a person to whom manuscripts in the collection may have been addressed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Collotyper [clt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the production of photographic prints from film or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Colorist [clr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the named entity responsible for applying color to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Commentator [cmm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who provides interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, motion picture, or other audiovisual medium.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Commentator for written text [cwt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the commentary or explanatory notes about a text. For the writer of manuscript annotations in a printed book, use Annotator [ann].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Compiler [com]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who produces a work or publication by selecting and putting together material from the works of various persons or bodies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Complainant [cpl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who applies to the courts for redress, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Complainant-appellant [cpt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a complainant who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Complainant-appellee [cpe]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a complainant against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Composer [cmp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who creates a musical work, usually a piece of music in manuscript or printed form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Compositor [cmt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the creation of metal slug, or molds made of other materials, used to produce the text and images in printed matter.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Conceptor [ccp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the original idea on which a work is based, this includes the scientific author of an audio-visual item and the conceptor of an advertisement.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Conductor [cnd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who directs a performing group (orchestra, chorus, opera, etc.) in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Conservator [con]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the named entity responsible for documenting, preserving, or treating printed or manuscript material, works of art, artifacts, or other media.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Consultant [csl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who is called upon for professional advice or services in a specialized field of knowledge or training.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Consultant to a project [csp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who is engaged specifically to provide an intellectual overview of a strategic or operational task and by analysis, specification, or instruction, to create or propose a cost-effective course of action or solution.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestant [cos]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who opposes, resists, or disputes, in a court of law, a claim, decision, result, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestant-appellant [cot]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a contestant who takes an appeal from one court of law or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestant-appellee [coe]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a contestant against whom an appeal is taken from one court of law or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestee [cts]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party defending a claim, decision, result, etc. being opposed, resisted, or disputed in a court of law.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestee-appellant [ctt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a contestee who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contestee-appellee [cte]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a contestee against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contractor [ctr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who enters into a contract with another person or organization to perform a specific task.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Contributor [ctb]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization one whose work has been contributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or other compilation of individual works. Do not use if the sole function in relation to a work is as author, editor, compiler or translator.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Copyright claimant [cpc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization listed as a copyright owner at the time of registration. Copyright can be granted or later transferred to another person or organization, at which time the claimant becomes the copyright holder.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Copyright holder [cph]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to whom copy and legal rights have been granted or transferred for the intellectual content of a work. The copyright holder, although not necessarily the creator of the work, usually has the exclusive right to benefit financially from the sale and use of the work to which the associated copyright protection applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Corrector [crr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is a corrector of manuscripts, such as the scriptorium official who corrected the work of a scribe. For printed matter, use Proofreader.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Correspondent [crp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who was either the writer or recipient of a letter or other communication.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Costume designer [cst]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who designs or makes costumes, fixes hair, etc., for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Cover designer [cov]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the graphic design of a book cover, album cover, slipcase, box, container, etc. For a person or organization responsible for the graphic design of an entire book, use Book designer; for book jackets, use Bookjacket designer.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Creator [cre]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Crew"/><xs:enumeration value="Curator of an exhibition [cur]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for conceiving and organizing an exhibition.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dancer [dnc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who principally exhibits dancing skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Data contributor [dtc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that submits data for inclusion in a database or other collection of data.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Data manager [dtm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for managing databases or other data sources.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dedicatee [dte]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to whom a book, manuscript, etc., is dedicated (not the recipient of a gift).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dedicator [dto]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the author of a dedication, which may be a formal statement or in epistolary or verse form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Defendant [dfd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party defending or denying allegations made in a suit and against whom relief or recovery is sought in the courts, usually in a legal action.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Defendant-appellant [dft]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a defendant who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal action.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Defendant-appellee [dfe]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a defendant against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal action.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Degree grantor [dgg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the organization granting a degree for which the thesis or issertation described was presented.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Delineator [dln]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization executing technical drawings from others' designs.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Depicted [dpc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an entity depicted or portrayed in a work, particularly in a work of art.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Depositor [dpt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization placing material in the physical custody of a library or repository without transferring the legal title.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Designer [dsr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the design if more specific codes (e.g., [bkd], [tyd]) are not desired.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Director [drt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is responsible for the general management of a work or who supervises the production of a performance for stage, screen, or sound recording.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dissertant [dis]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who presents a thesis for a university or higher-level educational degree.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Distribution place [dbp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of a place from which a resource, e.g., a serial, is distributed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Distributor [dst]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that has exclusive or shared marketing rights for an item.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Donor [dnr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is the donor of a book, manuscript, etc., to its present owner. Donors to previous owners are designated as Former owner [fmo] or Inscriber [ins].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Draftsman [drm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prepares artistic or technical drawings.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Dramaturge"/><xs:enumeration value="Dubious author [dub]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to which authorship has been dubiously or incorrectly ascribed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Editor [edt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prepares for publication a work not primarily his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an editorial staff.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Electrician [elg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for setting up a lighting rig and focusing the lights for a production, and running the lighting at a performance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Electrotyper [elt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who creates a duplicate printing surface by pressure molding and electrodepositing of metal that is then backed up with lead for printing.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Engineer [eng]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that is responsible for technical planning and design, particularly with construction.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Engraver [egr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who cuts letters, figures, etc. on a surface, such as a wooden or metal plate, for printing.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Etcher [etr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who produces text or images for printing by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface to acid or the corrosive action of some other substance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Event place [evp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of the place where an event such as a conference or a concert took place.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Expert [exp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization in charge of the description and appraisal of the value of goods, particularly rare items, works of art, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Facsimilist [fac]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that executed the facsimile.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Field director [fld]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that manages or supervises the work done to collect raw data or do research in an actual setting or environment (typically applies to the natural and social sciences).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Film editor [flm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is an editor of a motion picture film. This term is used regardless of the medium upon which the motion picture is produced or manufactured (e.g., acetate film, video tape).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Filmmaker"/><xs:enumeration value="First party [fpy]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is identified as the only party or the party of the first part. In the case of transfer of right, this is the assignor, transferor, licensor, grantor, etc. Multiple parties can be named jointly as the first party</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Forger [frg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes or imitates something of value or importance, especially with the intent to defraud.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Former owner [fmo]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who owned an item at any time in the past. Includes those to whom the material was once presented. A person or organization giving the item to the present owner is designated as Donor [dnr]</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Funder [fnd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that furnished financial support for the production of the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Geographic information specialist [gis]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for geographic information system (GIS) development and integration with global positioning system data.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Ghostwriter"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation/></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Honoree [hnr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization in memory or honor of whom a book, manuscript, etc. is donated.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Host [hst]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is invited or regularly leads a program (often broadcast) that includes other guests, performers, etc. (e.g., talk show host).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Illuminator [ilu]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the decoration of a work (especially manuscript material) with precious metals or color, usually with elaborate designs and motifs.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Illustrator [ill]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who conceives, and perhaps also implements, a design or illustration, usually to accompany a written text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Inscriber [ins]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who signs a presentation statement.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Instrumentalist [itr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who principally plays an instrument in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Interviewee [ive]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is interviewed at a consultation or meeting, usually by a reporter, pollster, or some other information gathering agent.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Interviewer [ivr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who acts as a reporter, pollster, or other information gathering agent in a consultation or meeting involving one or more individuals.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Inventor [inv]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who first produces a particular useful item, or develops a new process for obtaining a known item or result.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Laboratory [lbr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an institution that provides scientific analyses of material samples.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Laboratory director [ldr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that manages or supervises work done in a controlled setting or environment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Landscape architect [lsa]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization whose work involves coordinating the arrangement of existing and proposed land features and structures.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lead [led]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use to indicate that a person or organization takes primary responsibility for a particular activity or endeavor. Use with another relator term or code to show the greater importance this person or organization has regarding that particular role. If more than one relator is assigned to a heading, use the Lead relator only if it applies to all the relators.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lender [len]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization permitting the temporary use of a book, manuscript, etc., such as for photocopying or microfilming.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelant [lil]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who files a libel in an ecclesiastical or admiralty case.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelant-appellant [lit]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a libelant who takes an appeal from one ecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelant-appellee [lie]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a libelant against whom an appeal is taken from one ecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelee [lel]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a party against whom a libel has been filed in an ecclesiastical court or admiralty.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelee-appellant [let]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a libelee who takes an appeal from one ecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Libelee-appellee [lee]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a libelee against whom an appeal is taken from one ecclesiastical court or admiralty to another to reverse the judgment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Librettist [lbt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is a writer of the text of an opera, oratorio, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Licensee [lse]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is an original recipient of the right to print or publish.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Licensor [lso]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for person or organization who is a signer of the license, imprimatur, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lighting designer [lgd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who designs the lighting scheme for a theatrical presentation, entertainment, motion picture, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lithographer [ltg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prepares the stone or plate for lithographic printing, including a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Lyricist [lyr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is a writer of the text of a song.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Manufacture place [mfp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of the place of manufacture (e.g., printing, duplicating, casting, etc.) of a resource in a published form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Manufacturer [mfr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that makes an artifactual work (an object made or modified by one or more persons). Examples of artifactual works include vases, cannons or pieces of furniture.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Marbler [mrb]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the named entity responsible for marbling paper, cloth, leather, etc. used in construction of a resource.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Markup editor [mrk]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization performing the coding of SGML, HTML, or XML markup of metadata, text, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Mask designer"/><xs:enumeration value="Metadata contact [mdc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization primarily responsible for compiling and maintaining the original description of a metadata set (e.g., geospatial metadata set).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Metal-engraver [mte]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for decorations, illustrations, letters, etc. cut on a metal surface for printing or decoration.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Moderator [mod]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who leads a program (often broadcast) where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Monitor [mon]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that supervises compliance with the contract and is responsible for the report and controls its distribution. Sometimes referred to as the grantee, or controlling agency.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Music copyist [mcp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who transcribes or copies musical notation</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Musical director [msd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for basic music decisions about a production, including coordinating the work of the composer, the sound editor, and sound mixers, selecting musicians, and organizing and/or conducting sound for rehearsals and performances.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Musician [mus]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who performs music or contributes to the musical content of a work when it is not possible or desirable to identify the function more precisely.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Narrator [nrt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is a speaker relating the particulars of an act, occurrence, or course of events.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Opponent [opn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for opposing a thesis or dissertation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Organizer of meeting [orm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for organizing a meeting for which an item is the report or proceedings.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Originator [org]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization performing the work, i.e., the name of a person or organization associated with the intellectual content of the work. This category does not include the publisher or personal affiliation, or sponsor except where it is also the corporate author.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Other [oth]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for relator codes from other lists which have no equivalent in the MARC list or for terms which have not been assigned a code.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Owner [own]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that currently owns an item or collection.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Papermaker [ppm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the production of paper, usually from wood, cloth, or other fibrous material.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Patent applicant [pta]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that applied for a patent.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Patent holder [pth]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that was granted the patent referred to by the item.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Patron [pat]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for commissioning a work. Usually a patron uses his or her means or influence to support the work of artists, writers, etc. This includes those who commission and pay for individual works.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Performance artist"/><xs:enumeration value="Performer [prf]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who exhibits musical or acting skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment, if specific codes for those functions ([act], [dnc], [itr], [voc], etc.) are not used. If specific codes are used, [prf] is used for a person whose principal skill is not known or specified.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Permitting agency [pma]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an authority (usually a government agency) that issues permits under which work is accomplished.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Photographer [pht]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for taking photographs, whether they are used in their original form or as reproductions.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Plaintiff [ptf]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who complains or sues in court in a personal action, usually in a legal proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Plaintiff-appellant [ptt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a plaintiff who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Plaintiff-appellee [pte]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a plaintiff against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Platemaker [plt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the production of plates, usually for the production of printed images and/or text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Playwright"/><xs:enumeration value="Printer [prt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prints texts, whether from type or plates.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Printer of plates [pop]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prints illustrations from plates.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Printmaker [prm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Process contact [prc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization primarily responsible for performing or initiating a process, such as is done with the collection of metadata sets.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Producer [pro]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the productions, and the commercial success of the work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Production manager [pmn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person responsible for all technical and business matters in a production.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Production personnel [prd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization associated with the production (props, lighting, special effects, etc.) of a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Production place [prp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of the place of production (e.g., inscription, fabrication, construction, etc.) of a resource in an unpublished form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Programmer [prg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the creation and/or maintenance of computer program design documents, source code, and machine-executable digital files and supporting documentation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Project director [pdr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization with primary responsibility for all essential aspects of a project, or that manages a very large project that demands senior level responsibility, or that has overall responsibility for managing projects, or provides overall direction to a project manager.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Projection designer"/><xs:enumeration value="Proofreader [pfr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who corrects printed matter. For manuscripts, use Corrector [crr].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Publication place [pup]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of the place where a resource is published.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Publisher [pbl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that makes printed matter, often text, but also printed music, artwork, etc. available to the public.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Publishing director [pbd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who presides over the elaboration of a collective work to ensure its coherence or continuity. This includes editors-in-chief, literary editors, editors of series, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Puppeteer [ppt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who manipulates, controls, or directs puppets or marionettes in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Recipient [rcp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization to whom correspondence is addressed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Recording engineer [rce]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who supervises the technical aspects of a sound or video recording session.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Redactor [red]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who writes or develops the framework for an item without being intellectually responsible for its content.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Renderer [ren]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who prepares drawings of architectural designs (i.e., renderings) in accurate, representational perspective to show what the project will look like when completed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Reporter [rpt]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who writes or presents reports of news or current events on air or in print.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Repository [rps]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an agency that hosts data or material culture objects and provides services to promote long term, consistent and shared use of those data or objects.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Research team head [rth]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who directed or managed a research project.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Research team member [rtm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who participated in a research project but whose role did not involve direction or management of it.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Researcher [res]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for performing research.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Respondent [rsp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the party who makes an answer to the courts pursuant to an application for redress, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Respondent-appellant [rst]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a respondent who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Respondent-appellee [rse]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a respondent against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in an equity proceeding.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Responsible party [rpy]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization legally responsible for the content of the published material.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Restager [rsg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization, other than the original choreographer or director, responsible for restaging a choreographic or dramatic work and who contributes minimal new content.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Reviewer [rev]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for the review of a book, motion picture, performance, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Rubricator [rbr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization responsible for parts of a work, often headings or opening parts of a manuscript, that appear in a distinctive color, usually red.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Scenarist [sce]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is the author of a motion picture screenplay.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Scientific advisor [sad]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who brings scientific, pedagogical, or historical competence to the conception and realization on a work, particularly in the case of audio-visual items.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Scribe [scr]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is an amanuensis and for a writer of manuscripts proper. For a person who makes pen-facsimiles, use Facsimilist [fac].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Sculptor [scl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who models or carves figures that are three-dimensional representations.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Second party [spy]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is identified as the party of the second part. In the case of transfer of right, this is the assignee, transferee, licensee, grantee, etc. Multiple parties can be named jointly as the second party.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Secretary [sec]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who is a recorder, redactor, or other person responsible for expressing the views of a organization.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Set designer [std]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who translates the rough sketches of the art director into actual architectural structures for a theatrical presentation, entertainment, motion picture, etc. Set designers draw the detailed guides and specifications for building the set.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Signer [sgn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person whose signature appears without a presentation or other statement indicative of provenance. When there is a presentation statement, use Inscriber [ins].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Singer [sng]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who uses his/her/their voice with or without instrumental accompaniment to produce music. A performance may or may not include actual words.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Sound designer [sds]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who produces and reproduces the sound score (both live and recorded), the installation of microphones, the setting of sound levels, and the coordination of sources of sound for a production.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Speaker [spk]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who participates in a program (often broadcast) and makes a formalized contribution or presentation generally prepared in advance.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Special effects designer"/><xs:enumeration value="Sponsor [spn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that issued a contract or under the auspices of which a work has been written, printed, published, etc.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Stage crew"/><xs:enumeration value="Stage manager [stm]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is in charge of everything that occurs on a performance stage, and who acts as chief of all crews and assistant to a director during rehearsals.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Standards body [stn]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for an organization responsible for the development or enforcement of a standard.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Stereotyper [str]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who creates a new plate for printing by molding or copying another printing surface.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Storyteller [stl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person relaying a story with creative and/or theatrical interpretation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Supporting host [sht]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization that supports (by allocating facilities, staff, or other resources) a project, program, meeting, event, data objects, material culture objects, or other entities capable of support.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Surveyor [srv]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who does measurements of tracts of land, etc. to determine location, forms, and boundaries.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Teacher [tch]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who, in the context of a resource, gives instruction in an intellectual subject or demonstrates while teaching physical skills.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Technical director [tcd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who is ultimately in charge of scenery, props, lights and sound for a production.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Thesis advisor [ths]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person under whose supervision a degree candidate develops and presents a thesis, mémoire, or text of a dissertation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Transcriber [trc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who prepares a handwritten or typewritten copy from original material, including from dictated or orally recorded material. For makers of pen-facsimiles, use Facsimilist [fac].</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Translator [trl]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who renders a text from one language into another, or from an older form of a language into the modern form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Type designer [tyd]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who designed the type face used in a particular item.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Typographer [tyg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization primarily responsible for choice and arrangement of type used in an item. If the typographer is also responsible for other aspects of the graphic design of a book (e.g., Book designer [bkd]), codes for both functions may be needed.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UFPerformer of research"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation/></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UFPlates, Printer of"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation/></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Understudy"/><xs:enumeration value="University place [uvp]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for the name of a place where a university that is associated with a resource is located, for example, a university where an academic dissertation or thesis was presented.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="USE Expert"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation/></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Videographer [vdg]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization in charge of a video production, e.g. the video recording of a stage production as opposed to a commercial motion picture. The videographer may be the camera operator or may supervise one or more camera operators. Do not confuse with cinematographer.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Vocalist [voc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who principally exhibits singing skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Witness [wit]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person who verifies the truthfulness of an event or action.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Wood-engraver [wde]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes prints by cutting the image in relief on the end-grain of a wood block.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Woodcutter [wdc]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who makes prints by cutting the image in relief on the plank side of a wood block.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Writer of accompanying material [wam]"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Use for a person or organization who writes significant material which accompanies a sound recording or other audiovisual material.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="CERTAINTY" default="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certainty is an attribute of date and dateRange, and is used to indicate the nature of certainty that you have about a given date.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certain</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="C"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Circa</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="BY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>By this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="AFTER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>After this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Unknown date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ROUGHLYDATED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rough certainty</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="TYPE" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="VALUE" type="xs:NMTOKEN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Value is used to record a formatted date- or time-related value.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
ChronColumn is an attribute which designates a givenchronology item as belonging to a particular type of event: bibliographical, biographical, cultural, literary, political, andsocial. Note: more than one value can be selected for this attribute -- each attribute value should be separated by a blankspace.
<xs:attribute name="CHRONCOLUMN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ChronColumn is an attribute which designates a given chronology item as belonging to a particular type of event: bibliographical, biographical, cultural, literary, political, and social. Note: more than one value can be selected for this attribute -- each attribute value should be separated by a blank space.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction><xs:simpleType><xs:list><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="BIBLIOGRAPHICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="BIOGRAPHICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="CULTURAL"/><xs:enumeration value="LITERARY"/><xs:enumeration value="POLITICAL"/><xs:enumeration value="SOCIAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:list></xs:simpleType><xs:minLength value="1"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
Relevance is a sister attribute to chronColumn, attached toeach and every chronStruct. This element assignes importance to the chronstruct you have just created with categories for comprehensive,period, decade, and selective (in order of increasing importance).
<xs:attribute name="RELEVANCE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Relevance is a sister attribute to chronColumn, attached to each and every chronStruct. This element assignes importance to the chronstruct you have just created with categories for comprehensive, period, decade, and selective (in order of increasing importance).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELECTIVE"/><xs:enumeration value="PERIOD"/><xs:enumeration value="DECADE"/><xs:enumeration value="COMPREHENSIVE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute attached to birthPositionallows us to systematize information concerning women writers who were the eldest, youngest and only children in theirfamilies.
<xs:attribute name="POSITION" default="ELDEST"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to birthPosition allows us to systematize information concerning women writers who were the eldest, youngest and only children in their families.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ELDEST"/><xs:enumeration value="YOUNGEST"/><xs:enumeration value="ONLY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attributeattached to Education records the mode of education and allows us to distinguish the important materialeffects between a domestic and an institutional education. This attribute allows us to trace thehistorical developments in women's access to education, for example, the informal domestic educationof women writers in the early periods versus women's entrance to post-secondary education in thetwentieth century.
<xs:attribute name="MODE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to Education records the mode of education and allows us to distinguish the important material effects between a domestic and an institutional education. This attribute allows us to trace the historical developments in women's access to education, for example, the informal domestic education of women writers in the early periods versus women's entrance to post-secondary education in the twentieth century.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DOMESTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="INSTITUTIONAL"/><xs:enumeration value="SELF-TAUGHT"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
Relation is arequired attribute attached to FamilyMember. It specifies how the family member discussed withinthe FamilyMember element is related to the person.
<xs:attribute name="RELATION" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Relation is a required attribute attached to FamilyMember. It specifies how the family member discussed within the FamilyMember element is related to the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="SISTER"/><xs:enumeration value="BROTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDDAUGHTER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDSON"/><xs:enumeration value="NEPHEW"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPSISTER"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPBROTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="COUSIN"/><xs:enumeration value="FOREBEAR"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="SON"/><xs:enumeration value="DAUGHTER"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPSON"/><xs:enumeration value="STEPDAUGHTER"/><xs:enumeration value="GUARDIAN"/><xs:enumeration value="NIECE"/><xs:enumeration value="HUSBAND"/><xs:enumeration value="WIFE"/><xs:enumeration value="CHILD"/><xs:enumeration value="SIBLING"/><xs:enumeration value="PARTNER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
Issue denotes the specifictype of health issue described within a biography section. Its attribute values will allow us toseparate health issues pertaining to physical and mental health and to specifically female healthconcerns. We are interested in facilitating research on the gendered nature of women's relation tothe medical institution, female illnesses such as breast cancer, and women's oppression by mentalhealth institutions, to name only a few.
<xs:attribute name="ISSUE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Issue denotes the specific type of health issue described within a biography section. Its attribute values will allow us to separate health issues pertaining to physical and mental health and to specifically female health concerns. We are interested in facilitating research on the gendered nature of women's relation to the medical institution, female illnesses such as breast cancer, and women's oppression by mental health institutions, to name only a few.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DISABILITY"/><xs:enumeration value="FEMALEBODY"/><xs:enumeration value="MENTAL"/><xs:enumeration value="PHYSICAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This attribute attached tointimateRelationships allows us to distinguish intimate relationships that were erotic and/or explicitlysexual from intimate relationships that were not. Erotic in this context suggests that sexuality was anissue in the relationship, whether or not it was acted upon in both same sex and opposite sex relations.In not wishing to assume that heterosexual relations between sexual partners are the only standard forintimate relationships, we include both erotic and non-erotic relations as central to a woman's lifeand use this attribute to distinguish between the two. This attribute also seeks to redress thehistorical and ideological silence placed upon women's same sex relationships; it recognizes thatbiographical information concerning these relationships often is impossible to uncover, and thereforeallows for an attribute value of "eroticPossibly" that registers the possibility of a sexualrelationship, when, in the absence of biographical proof, it is impossible to claim such asfact.
<xs:attribute name="EROTIC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to intimateRelationships allows us to distinguish intimate relationships that were erotic and/or explicitly sexual from intimate relationships that were not. Erotic in this context suggests that sexuality was an issue in the relationship, whether or not it was acted upon in both same sex and opposite sex relations. In not wishing to assume that heterosexual relations between sexual partners are the only standard for intimate relationships, we include both erotic and non-erotic relations as central to a woman's life and use this attribute to distinguish between the two. This attribute also seeks to redress the historical and ideological silence placed upon women's same sex relationships; it recognizes that biographical information concerning these relationships often is impossible to uncover, and therefore allows for an attribute value of "eroticPossibly" that registers the possibility of a sexual relationship, when, in the absence of biographical proof, it is impossible to claim such as fact.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="EROTICYES"/><xs:enumeration value="EROTICNO"/><xs:enumeration value="EROTICPOSSIBLY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This attribute attached to language name allows thetagger to express whether or not the specified language was the person's mothertongue. We hope to facilitate researchersinterested in studying women writers who wrote in English but whose first language was not English.
<xs:attribute name="COMPETENCE" default="OTHER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to language name allows the tagger to express whether or not the specified language was the person's mothertongue. We hope to facilitate researchers interested in studying women writers who wrote in English but whose first language was not English.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
The part attribute specifies whether or not its parentelement is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided betweentwo or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between twospeakers.
restriction of xs:token
(no) either the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness
(yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect
(initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element
(medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element
(final) this is the final part of a fragmented element
<xs:attribute name="PART" default="N"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The part attribute specifies whether or not its parent element is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between two speakers.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="N"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(no) either the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="Y"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="I"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="M"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="F"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(final) this is the final part of a fragmented element</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="RHYME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rhyme marks the rhyming part of a metrical line.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This attribute allows for the addition of an alternative or standardized labelfor a theme or topic if this is not sufficiently conveyed by contents of the tag.
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows for the addition of an alternative or standardized label for a theme or topic if this is not sufficiently conveyed by contents of the tag.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute attached topoliticalAffiliation in Biography and PLiteraryMovements in Writing, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates thedegree of political engagement with the political affiliation or literary school specified. Involvement denotes an intermediatelevel of activity between activism and membership; the political activities involves more than simply being a member of theLabour Party but does not entail sustained activism. Examples might include participating (but not in a leadership role) in alabour strike or a WSPU march, holding a position within an organization's executive, writing letters or canvassing forGreenpeace.
<xs:attribute name="INVOLVEMENT" default="INVOLVEMENTYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to politicalAffiliation in Biography and PLiteraryMovements in Writing, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates the degree of political engagement with the political affiliation or literary school specified. Involvement denotes an intermediate level of activity between activism and membership; the political activities involves more than simply being a member of the Labour Party but does not entail sustained activism. Examples might include participating (but not in a leadership role) in a labour strike or a WSPU march, holding a position within an organization's executive, writing letters or canvassing for Greenpeace.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="INVOLVEMENTYES"/><xs:enumeration value="INVOLVEMENTNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
GenreName is an optional attribute that provides apick-list of possible genre names to modify the element tGenre. It will prove especially useful in situations where the prosedoes not allow the concise naming of a genre that would be easily understood by a simpler name. Ultimately, this attribute willhelp us systematize and index references to various genre names.
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="PROTAGONIST"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute defines the type of character where useful.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MALE"/><xs:enumeration value="FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="STANDARD"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Used to record the standard name by which a person, organization, or topic is known</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This attribute allows you to capture changes interminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes andtherefore needs explanation.
<xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows you to capture changes in terminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes and therefore needs explanation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute allows us to track the extentto which women's work took place within a family business (meaning the economic, bread-winning business carried on within thefamily and not, unfortunately, domestic work).
<xs:attribute name="FAMILYBUSINESS" default="FAMILYBUSINESSYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute allows us to track the extent to which women's work took place within a family business (meaning the economic, bread-winning business carried on within the family and not, unfortunately, domestic work).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FAMILYBUSINESSYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="HISTORICALTERM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>HistoricalTerm is an optional attribute that allows you to indicate a now- outdated name for a job.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="HISTORICALTERMCONTEXTDATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>HistoricalTermContextDate specifies the date at which the historical term for a job circulated.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REND"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rend (or rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="STANDARD"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Used to record the standard name by which a person, organization, or topic is known</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="LEVEL" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>An attribute of title, level indicates whether a title is a part of another work, an entire work, a journal, or a series.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MONOGRAPHIC"/><xs:enumeration value="ANALYTIC"/><xs:enumeration value="JOURNAL"/><xs:enumeration value="SERIES"/><xs:enumeration value="UNPUBLISHED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Ref (or reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute is attached to variouscategories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the elementapplies.
<xs:attribute name="FOREBEAR" default="FAMILY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute is attached to various categories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the element applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="PARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDPARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This attribute attached to politicalAffiliationdenotes the highest level of political involvement in a particular area. Using this attribute will help us distinguish betweenwomen who were clearly political activists and other women whose activities were less proactive. It includes such activities assuffragists chaining themselves to railings or women camping out at Greenham Common. Generally a founding or very activeleadership role in a political organization would qualify as activism. Thus Josephine Butler, founder of the Ladies'National Association Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, qualifies as activist for having founded the organization, directedits activities, and for speaking publicly at meetings at considerable personal risk.
<xs:attribute name="ACTIVISM" default="ACTIVISTYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute attached to politicalAffiliation denotes the highest level of political involvement in a particular area. Using this attribute will help us distinguish between women who were clearly political activists and other women whose activities were less proactive. It includes such activities as suffragists chaining themselves to railings or women camping out at Greenham Common. Generally a founding or very active leadership role in a political organization would qualify as activism. Thus Josephine Butler, founder of the Ladies' National Association Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, qualifies as activist for having founded the organization, directed its activities, and for speaking publicly at meetings at considerable personal risk.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="ACTIVISTYES"/><xs:enumeration value="ACTIVISTNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute attached topoliticalAffiliation in Biography and PLiterarySchools in Writing, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates thedegree of political engagement with the political affiliation or literary school specified. Involvement denotes an intermediatelevel of activity between activism and membership; the political activities involves more than simply being a member of theLabour Party but does not entail sustained activism. Examples might include participating (but not in a leadership role) in alabour strike or a WSPU march, holding a position within an organization's executive, writing letters or canvassing forGreenpeace.
<xs:attribute name="INVOLVEMENT" default="INVOLVEMENTYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to politicalAffiliation in Biography and PLiterarySchools in Writing, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates the degree of political engagement with the political affiliation or literary school specified. Involvement denotes an intermediate level of activity between activism and membership; the political activities involves more than simply being a member of the Labour Party but does not entail sustained activism. Examples might include participating (but not in a leadership role) in a labour strike or a WSPU march, holding a position within an organization's executive, writing letters or canvassing for Greenpeace.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="INVOLVEMENTYES"/><xs:enumeration value="INVOLVEMENTNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute attached topoliticalAffiliation in Biography, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates the lowest degree of politicalengagement with the political affiliation specified. Use this attribute where there is clear evidence of a link with anorganization but no indication of more active participation: she may have been a member of the WSPU, or donated money for awomen's shelter, or written a poem for the Anti-Corn Law League.
<xs:attribute name="MEMBERSHIP" default="MEMBERSHIPYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to politicalAffiliation in Biography, in conjunction with its sibling attributes, designates the lowest degree of political engagement with the political affiliation specified. Use this attribute where there is clear evidence of a link with an organization but no indication of more active participation: she may have been a member of the WSPU, or donated money for a women's shelter, or written a poem for the Anti-Corn Law League.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MEMBERSHIPYES"/><xs:enumeration value="MEMBERSHIPNO"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Captures generic organization types. Based on EAC-CPF's@localType
union of(xs:string, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token)
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="STANDARD"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Used to record the standard name by which a person, organization, or topic is known</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="URI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>URI (uniform resource identifier) references the underlying concept of which the parent is a representation by means of some external identifier</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Ref (or reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute attached to school records thesignificant differences between types of institutions. We are interested in the effect of institutional structures onwomen's lives and hope to capture, for example, how institutional differences between trade schools and boarding schoolsinfluenced women. Because of the complicated range of educational insitutions, this attribute has numerousvalues.
restriction of xs:token
boarding: a boarding school is a school at whichthe students sleep. Common in the fee-paying system, less common in the state or free system, though in some areas like theHighlands and Islands of Scotland boarding schools are (or maybe were) standard at secondary level because of far-flungnature of terrain. Often weekly boarding (home for weekends) rather than for whole term. You can call them boarding schoolseven if they take some day pupils as well.
grammar: Grammar schools date back to the middleages; grammar in title means education in Latin (occasionally Greek as well). They were for boys only, though some took a fewgirls almost without noticing. Grammar schools for girls began in the nineteenth century; academic education was thought ofas needing single-sex environment. Entrance exam from 19?? was exam called the "Eleven Plus" from age at which children satit. Grammar schools creamed off the top 10% or so of the population. They gradually died out after Comprehensive Schools wereset up by act of 19??. Presently making a come-back.
private: The broad category private (orfee-paying) includes the subcategory of public schools which are a particular group of high-status, now private schools witha particular history.
state: Schools provided for out of the taxes forfree education are called state schools.
dameSchool: A totally informal school run by awoman on her own initiative, usually at a primary level: teaching elementary alphabet, etc. Dr. Johnson went toone.
day school: a day school applies in contexts whereboarding schools are common. Attending a day school is different from being a day pupil at a boardingschool.
comprehensive: Brave new idea of putting wholeability range in same (therefore typically larger) school. In many communities the grammar school and the secondary modernwere each converted into a comprehensive and the teachers had to spend a decade convincing the local residents that the onethat used to be the secondary modern was now as good as the one that used to be the grammar school.
secondaryModern: These replaced trade orvocational schools when another Education Act went through, as the schools for those who failed the 11+ exam. A well-meantsystem but children felt rejected. Harrowing tales of those who actually made it to university in the end despite havingfailed the 11+ and attended a Secondary Modern.
tradeSchool: A secondary or post secondaryinstitution where people learn a trade.
<xs:attribute name="INSTITUTION"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to school records the significant differences between types of institutions. We are interested in the effect of institutional structures on women's lives and hope to capture, for example, how institutional differences between trade schools and boarding schools influenced women. Because of the complicated range of educational insitutions, this attribute has numerous values.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="BOARDING"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>boarding: a boarding school is a school at which the students sleep. Common in the fee-paying system, less common in the state or free system, though in some areas like the Highlands and Islands of Scotland boarding schools are (or maybe were) standard at secondary level because of far-flung nature of terrain. Often weekly boarding (home for weekends) rather than for whole term. You can call them boarding schools even if they take some day pupils as well.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="GRAMMAR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>grammar: Grammar schools date back to the middle ages; grammar in title means education in Latin (occasionally Greek as well). They were for boys only, though some took a few girls almost without noticing. Grammar schools for girls began in the nineteenth century; academic education was thought of as needing single-sex environment. Entrance exam from 19?? was exam called the "Eleven Plus" from age at which children sat it. Grammar schools creamed off the top 10% or so of the population. They gradually died out after Comprehensive Schools were set up by act of 19??. Presently making a come-back.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="PRIVATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>private: The broad category private (or fee-paying) includes the subcategory of public schools which are a particular group of high-status, now private schools with a particular history.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="STATE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>state: Schools provided for out of the taxes for free education are called state schools.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="DAMESCHOOL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>dameSchool: A totally informal school run by a woman on her own initiative, usually at a primary level: teaching elementary alphabet, etc. Dr. Johnson went to one.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="DAYSCHOOL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>day school: a day school applies in contexts where boarding schools are common. Attending a day school is different from being a day pupil at a boarding school.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="COMPREHENSIVE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>comprehensive: Brave new idea of putting whole ability range in same (therefore typically larger) school. In many communities the grammar school and the secondary modern were each converted into a comprehensive and the teachers had to spend a decade convincing the local residents that the one that used to be the secondary modern was now as good as the one that used to be the grammar school.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="SECONDARYMODERN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>secondaryModern: These replaced trade or vocational schools when another Education Act went through, as the schools for those who failed the 11+ exam. A well-meant system but children felt rejected. Harrowing tales of those who actually made it to university in the end despite having failed the 11+ and attended a Secondary Modern.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="TRADESCHOOL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>tradeSchool: A secondary or post secondary institution where people learn a trade.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="PREP"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute attached to school allows usto gather information about the level of educational status achieved by a person. We are interested in how many women writerswent to university, how many had access to primary education but not secondary, and the difference institutional levels ofwomen's education across historical periods.
<xs:attribute name="INSTITUTIONLEVEL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to school allows us to gather information about the level of educational status achieved by a person. We are interested in how many women writers went to university, how many had access to primary education but not secondary, and the difference institutional levels of women's education across historical periods.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="PRIMARY"/><xs:enumeration value="SECONDARY"/><xs:enumeration value="POST-SECONDARY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute attached to school registerswhether or not the school attended was a religious school and tracks the changing historical significance of organized religionto women's education.
<xs:attribute name="RELIGIOUS" default="RELIGIOUSYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to school registers whether or not the school attended was a religious school and tracks the changing historical significance of organized religion to women's education.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="RELIGIOUSYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute attached to school recordswhether or not the school is a single sex school. This attribute helps us to interpret the influence of single sex education onwomen writers across historical periods.
<xs:attribute name="STUDENTBODY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute attached to school records whether or not the school is a single sex school. This attribute helps us to interpret the influence of single sex education on women writers across historical periods.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SINGLESEX"/><xs:enumeration value="CO-ED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Ref (or reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Latitude in decimal degrees of the place entity. Example: for the place entity Edmonton, the latitude in decimal degrees is "53.55014" (WGS [WorldGeodetic System] 84 reference coordinate system).
<xs:attribute name="LAT" type="xs:decimal"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Latitude in decimal degrees of the place entity. Example: for the place entity Edmonton, the latitude in decimal degrees is "53.55014" (WGS [World Geodetic System] 84 reference coordinate system).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Longitude in decimal degrees of the place entity. Example: for the place entity Edmonton, the longitude in decimal degrees is "-113.46871" (WGS[World Geodetic System] 84 reference coordinate system).
<xs:attribute name="LONG" type="xs:decimal"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Longitude in decimal degrees of the place entity. Example: for the place entity Edmonton, the longitude in decimal degrees is "-113.46871" (WGS [World Geodetic System] 84 reference coordinate system).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This attribute allows you to capture changes interminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes andtherefore needs explanation.
<xs:attribute name="CURRENTALTERNATIVETERM" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute allows you to capture changes in terminology over time. The older name in your prose may not be familiar to your reader nor helpful for indexing purposes and therefore needs explanation.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute is attached to variouscategories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the elementapplies.
<xs:attribute name="FOREBEAR" default="FAMILY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute is attached to various categories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the element applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="PARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDPARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
Socialrank, an optional attribute for class, providesa structured vocabulary for class position. Systematizing class position by using the social rank attribute, allows the taggerthe freedom to use whatever term is most applicable in the prose.
restriction of xs:token
nobility: holding a title or close family relationto someone holding a title (LMWM, Lord Byron, Nancy Mitford)
gentry: property-owning or related to same, can bein stocks and bonds. Begins in the idea of owning arms and having a coat of arms. Distinguished from Nobility in so far asmoney is not necessarily related to blood and title. Disinterested gentlemen are of this class (ie JaneAusten).
managerial: station in life comes from the factthat they are running something but not putting their money into it, e.g. salaried civil service, bankers, hospitaladministrators.
professional: Professional: Doctors, lawyers,guild, high calling, social respect, intellectual requirements, clergy (Church of England) (ie Ann Hunter [married to asurgeon], Virginia Woolf).
entrepreneurial-industrialist: Running factories,investing money (ie Elizabeth Gaskell, Elizabeth Montagu, Beatrice Webb).
shopkeepers: owns and runs a pub or shop. Similarto an industrialist but to a lesser degree of magnitude.
lower-middleClass: employees, clerical workers,teachers, governesses. Note, however, that some teachers go into Professional (Mr. Chips) and women starting schools and thenmanaging them also go into Professional.
yeoman-farmer: own just enough land to supportthemselves if they do most of the work themselves (ie Elizabeth Ham, Mary Webb).
<xs:attribute name="SOCIALRANK" default="OTHER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Socialrank, an optional attribute for class, provides a structured vocabulary for class position. Systematizing class position by using the social rank attribute, allows the tagger the freedom to use whatever term is most applicable in the prose.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="NOBILITY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>nobility: holding a title or close family relation to someone holding a title (LMWM, Lord Byron, Nancy Mitford)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="GENTRY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>gentry: property-owning or related to same, can be in stocks and bonds. Begins in the idea of owning arms and having a coat of arms. Distinguished from Nobility in so far as money is not necessarily related to blood and title. Disinterested gentlemen are of this class (ie Jane Austen).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="MANAGERIAL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>managerial: station in life comes from the fact that they are running something but not putting their money into it, e.g. salaried civil service, bankers, hospital administrators.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="PROFESSIONAL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>professional: Professional: Doctors, lawyers, guild, high calling, social respect, intellectual requirements, clergy (Church of England) (ie Ann Hunter [married to a surgeon], Virginia Woolf).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ENTREPRENEURIAL-INDUSTRIALIST"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>entrepreneurial-industrialist: Running factories, investing money (ie Elizabeth Gaskell, Elizabeth Montagu, Beatrice Webb).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="SHOPKEEPERS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>shopkeepers: owns and runs a pub or shop. Similar to an industrialist but to a lesser degree of magnitude.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="LOWER-MIDDLECLASS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>lower-middleClass: employees, clerical workers, teachers, governesses. Note, however, that some teachers go into Professional (Mr. Chips) and women starting schools and then managing them also go into Professional.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="YEOMAN-FARMER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>yeoman-farmer: own just enough land to support themselves if they do most of the work themselves (ie Elizabeth Ham, Mary Webb).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="SKILLEDCRAFTPERSON-ARTISAN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>skilledCraftperson-Artisan: goldsmith, tailor, shoemaker, milliner, dressmaker.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="URBAN-INDUSTRIALUNSKILLED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>urban-industrialUnskilled: (industrial/service possible attributes): any form of production line, service industry.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="RURAL-UNSKILLED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>rural-unskilled: farm laborers (mostly male).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="SERVANTS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>servants: Mainly female, but fairly self-explanatory.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="INDIGENT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>indigent: poor, destitute, unemployed, on social security.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute is attached to variouscategories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the elementapplies.
<xs:attribute name="FOREBEAR" default="FAMILY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute is attached to various categories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the element applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="PARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDPARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute is attached to variouscategories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the elementapplies.
<xs:attribute name="FOREBEAR" default="FAMILY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute is attached to various categories within culturalFormation. It allows the tagger to specify the family member to which the information in the element applies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="MOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="PARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDFATHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDMOTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="GRANDPARENTS"/><xs:enumeration value="AUNT"/><xs:enumeration value="UNCLE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/><xs:enumeration value="FAMILY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identitycategories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e.,"Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not(i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attributeacknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes thatidentities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, inwhich history places us.
<xs:attribute name="SELF-DEFINED" default="SELFUNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Self-defined is an attribute attached to all identity categories within biography. Its purpose is to distinguish between people who place themselves within an identity category (i.e., "Jeannette Winterson identifies as lesbian") and those whom we place in that category though they themselves did not (i.e., "While she denied being a lesbian, she maintained relationships with women throughout her life"). This attribute acknowledges the importance of personal, political and historical placements of one's own subject position; it assumes that identities are not simply labels we assign to other people but shifting categories which we both place ourselves within, and, in which history places us.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SELFYES"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFNO"/><xs:enumeration value="SELFUNKNOWN"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
This optional attribute of the foreign elementcontains the name of the language that foreign word or phrase has been written in. Having such information will allow us toisolate different languages for checking and searching purposes.
<xs:attribute name="LANG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This optional attribute of the foreign element contains the name of the language that foreign word or phrase has been written in. Having such information will allow us to isolate different languages for checking and searching purposes.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
This attribute distinguishes between the differentkinds of awards: "scholarship," "prize," and "other." An entrance scholarship to Oxford isdifferent from winning first prize in a Spelling Bee and distinguishing between awards will help understand the materialconditions affecting women's access to education.
<xs:attribute name="AWARDTYPE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>This attribute distinguishes between the different kinds of awards: "scholarship," "prize," and "other." An entrance scholarship to Oxford is different from winning first prize in a Spelling Bee and distinguishing between awards will help understand the material conditions affecting women's access to education.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="SCHOLARSHIP"/><xs:enumeration value="PRIZE"/><xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="TYPE" type="xs:NCName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
Direct is an attribute of the quote element and isintended to indicate whether a source is being quoted directly or indirectly. For display purposes, it will be necessary to setoff direct quotations (double quotation marks) from indirect ones (single quotation marks).
<xs:attribute name="DIRECT" default="Y"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Direct is an attribute of the quote element and is intended to indicate whether a source is being quoted directly or indirectly. For display purposes, it will be necessary to set off direct quotations (double quotation marks) from indirect ones (single quotation marks).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="Y"/><xs:enumeration value="N"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REG"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reg (or regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="STANDARD"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Used to record the standard name by which a person, organization, or topic is known</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="REF" type="xs:anyURI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Ref (or reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="CALENDAR" default="NEWSTYLE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>An attribute of date and dateRange, calendar is used to indicate when a given date took place.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="NEWSTYLE"/><xs:enumeration value="BC"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="CERTAINTY" default="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certainty is an attribute of date and dateRange, and is used to indicate the nature of certainty that you have about a given date.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="CERT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Certain</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="C"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Circa</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="BY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>By this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="AFTER"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>After this date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Unknown date</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ROUGHLYDATED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Rough certainty</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="VALUE"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Value is used to record a formatted date-related value.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:date xs:gYearMonth xs:gYear"/></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="TYPE" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="DOI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Digital Object Identifier</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="HDL"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Handle System</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ISBN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>International Standard Book Number</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="ISSN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>International Standard Serial Number</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="LCCN"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Library of Congress Control Number</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="URI"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Uniform Resource Identifier</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="IDENT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>(identifier) Supplies a language code which is used to identify the language documented by this element.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="SCHEME"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>scheme identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set of keywords concerned is defined.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>
The workcategory attribute is designed to provide a set of constant values to be used across projects to allowworkflow general procedures to be applied to objects CWRC-wide without restricting workflow stamps (see stampattribute).
restriction of xs:token
created - repository item created (original version of repository object) - equivalent tocwrc:cre
metadata_contribution - repository object metadata (external or embedded) created or edited - equivalent tostamp cwrc:evr (enhanced version of record)
content_contribution - repository object content added or edited - equivalent to stamp cwrc:evr (enhancedversion of record) or cvr (corrected version of record)
checked - Checked/corrected - equivalent to stamp cwrc:ckd
machine_processed - Automatic processing of data - equivalent to stamps cwrc:evr (enhanced version of record)or cwrc:cvr (corrected version of record)
user-tagged - tagged by member of general public (i.e. subject keywords/ folksonomic descriptors added) -equivalent to stamp cwrc:tag
rights_assigned - Copyright/license terms attached to object - equivalent to stampcwrc:rights_asg
published - repository item under ongoing publishing procedures - equivalent to stampcwrc:pub
peer_reviewed - peer-review as opposed to internal editing/revision - equivalent to stampcwrc:rev
withdrawn - Removed from published state - equivalent to stamp cwrc:wdr
deleted - Deleted from the repository - equivalent to stamp cwrc:del
<xs:attribute name="WORKCATEGORY" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The workcategory attribute is designed to provide a set of constant values to be used across projects to allow workflow general procedures to be applied to objects CWRC-wide without restricting workflow stamps (see stamp attribute).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="created"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>created - repository item created (original version of repository object) - equivalent to cwrc:cre</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="deposited"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>deposited - repository item deposited (an existing file) - equivalent to stamp cwrc:dep</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="metadata_contribution"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>metadata_contribution - repository object metadata (external or embedded) created or edited - equivalent to stamp cwrc:evr (enhanced version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="content_contribution"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>content_contribution - repository object content added or edited - equivalent to stamp cwrc:evr (enhanced version of record) or cvr (corrected version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="checked"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>checked - Checked/corrected - equivalent to stamp cwrc:ckd</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="machine_processed"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>machine_processed - Automatic processing of data - equivalent to stamps cwrc:evr (enhanced version of record) or cwrc:cvr (corrected version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="user-tagged"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>user-tagged - tagged by member of general public (i.e. subject keywords/ folksonomic descriptors added) - equivalent to stamp cwrc:tag</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="rights_assigned"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>rights_assigned - Copyright/license terms attached to object - equivalent to stamp cwrc:rights_asg</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="published"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>published - repository item under ongoing publishing procedures - equivalent to stamp cwrc:pub</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="peer-reviewed/evaluated"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>peer_reviewed - peer-review as opposed to internal editing/revision - equivalent to stamp cwrc:rev</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="withdrawn"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>withdrawn - Removed from published state - equivalent to stamp cwrc:wdr</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="deleted"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>deleted - Deleted from the repository - equivalent to stamp cwrc:del</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
The workstamp attribute records finer-grainedworkflow category information that can be created on a project-specific basis; in addition, particular projects may wish to renamethese existing stamp values (i.e. Orlando may want to use "CAS" instead of "CKD", another project may want to apply a stampaccording to a French name, etc.), but the basic workflow categories will remain static.
restriction of xs:token
Author's Original (AO)
Submitted Manuscript Under Review (SMUR)
Accepted Manuscript (AM)
Proof (P)
Version of Record (VoR)
Corrected Version of Record (CVoR)
Enhanced Version of Record (EVoR)
Submitted (SUB)
Researched / Written / Tagged (RWT)
Revised (REV)
Reviewed by Volume Author (RVB)
Checked Against Sources (CAS)
Checked for Tagging (CFT)
Checked for Bibliographic Practices (CFB)
Published (PUB)
Enhanced (ENH)
Tag Cleanup (TC)
Publication Readthrough (PUBR)
repository item created (original version of repository object) - equivalent to category created
<xs:attribute name="WORKSTAMP"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The workstamp attribute records finer-grained workflow category information that can be created on a project-specific basis; in addition, particular projects may wish to rename these existing stamp values (i.e. Orlando may want to use "CAS" instead of "CKD", another project may want to apply a stamp according to a French name, etc.), but the basic workflow categories will remain static.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="niso:AO"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Author's Original (AO)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:SMUR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Submitted Manuscript Under Review (SMUR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:AM"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Accepted Manuscript (AM)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:P"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Proof (P)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:VoR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Version of Record (VoR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:CVoR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Corrected Version of Record (CVoR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="niso:EVoR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Enhanced Version of Record (EVoR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:SUB"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Submitted (SUB)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:RWT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Researched / Written / Tagged (RWT)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:REV"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Revised (REV)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:RBV"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Reviewed by Volume Author (RVB)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:CAS"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Checked Against Sources (CAS)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:CFT"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Checked for Tagging (CFT)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:CFB"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Checked for Bibliographic Practices (CFB)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:PUB"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Published (PUB)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:ENH"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Enhanced (ENH)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:TC"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Tag Cleanup (TC)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="orl:PUBR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Publication Readthrough (PUBR)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:cre"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>repository item created (original version of repository object) - equivalent to category created</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:dep"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>repository item deposited (an existing file) - equivalent to category deposited</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:cvr"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>object content edited - cvr (corrected version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:evr"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>object content added evr (enhanced version of record)</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:ckd"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Checked/corrected - equivalent to category checked</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:tag"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>tagged by member of general public (i.e. subject keywords/ folksonomic descriptors added) - equivalent to category tagged</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:rights_asg"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Copyright/license terms attached to object - equivalent to category rights_assigned</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:pub"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>repository item under ongoing publishing procedures - equivalent to category published</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:rev"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>peer-review as opposed to internal editing/revision - equivalent to category peer-reviewed/evaluated</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:wdr"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Removed from published state - equivalent to category withdrawn</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="cwrc:del"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Deleted from the repository - equivalent to category deleted</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
<xs:attribute name="WORKSTATUS" use="required"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Workstatus records the completion information of a particular work status phase of a document.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="C"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Complete</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="IPR"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>In progress</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="I"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Incomplete</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="P"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Pending</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
Type specifies the kind of document to which theheader is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text. Sample values include: 1] text; 2]corpus.
union of(xs:NCName, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token)
<xs:attribute name="TYPE" default="text"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Type specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text. Sample values include: 1] text; 2] corpus.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:NCName"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="text"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="corpus"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:union></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
WroteOrPublishedAs is an attributeattached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allowus to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published undertheir standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, topublish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a textwas published under with the name of the person.
<xs:attribute name="WROTEORPUBLISHEDAS" default="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>WroteOrPublishedAs is an attribute attached to all the types of a person's name captured within their biography section. This attribute will allow us to track all the different names women writers published under. While we assume that most writers published under their standard name and pseudonyms, they may also have used a nickname or their married name, for instance, to publish material. This attribute works in conjunction with the authorname in the bibliography to link the name a text was published under with the name of the person.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="WROTEPUBLISHEDASYES"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
Sex is an attribute applied to the CWRCdocument as a whole, and specifies whether the individual who is the subject of the document is female, male, transgendered,transgendered male-to-female, transgendered female-to-male, or undefined.
union of(xs:string, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token, restriction of xs:token)
<xs:attribute name="SEX"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Sex is an attribute applied to the CWRC document as a whole, and specifies whether the individual who is the subject of the document is female, male, transgendered, transgendered male-to-female, transgendered female-to-male, or undefined.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:union memberTypes="xs:string"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED FEMALE-TO-MALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="TRANSGENDERED MALE-TO-FEMALE"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="UNDEFINED"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:union></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
Person is an attribute applied to the CWRC document as awhole, and specifies information about the type of person who is the subject of the document, and specifically, if they are a writer ora nonwriter.
<xs:attribute name="PERSON"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Person is an attribute applied to the CWRC document as a whole, and specifies information about the type of person who is the subject of the document, and specifically, if they are a writer or a nonwriter.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="NON-WRITER"/><xs:enumeration value="WRITER"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>
NationalityCategory is an attribute applied to the CWRCdocument as a whole, and specifies nationality information about the individual who is the subject of the document; for example,if she or he is British or Canadian. Note: more than one value can be selected for this attribute -- each attribute value shouldbe separated by a blank space.
<xs:attribute name="NATIONALITYCATEGORY"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>NationalityCategory is an attribute applied to the CWRC document as a whole, and specifies nationality information about the individual who is the subject of the document; for example, if she or he is British or Canadian. Note: more than one value can be selected for this attribute -- each attribute value should be separated by a blank space.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction><xs:simpleType><xs:list><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:enumeration value="BRITISH"/><xs:enumeration value="CANADIAN"/><xs:enumeration value="INTERNATIONAL"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:list></xs:simpleType><xs:minLength value="1"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute>