CWRC Content Models

The organization, creation, and upload of materials relies on content models. These define the parameters of a subcollection, determining if you can add a subcollection and what type of material can be added.

Content Model Introduction

CWRC users can upload or create different types of objects in the CWRC repository. It is important that, when creating a new object, users select the most appropriate Content model (cModel). cModels are, for all intents and purposes, sets of instructions that direct the system on how to handle different objects in the repository. For example, if an object is assigned the video cModel, the system will know how that object should be rendered, what datastreams it should contain, and the required steps in the creation of the object.

Every single object in the repository has a single cModel attached to it. Even collections within the repository are objects that have a certain cModel associated with them (the collection cModel). It should be noted that the information on what cModel is associated with an object is recorded in the RELSEXT datastream of the object.

For more information about changing your cModel collection policy or adding an object to you collection see ChangingCollectionPolicy.

Any type of object can be added to any collection in the repository, provided that collection allows it. You can have as little as one or as many as all cModels available to add in any given collection.

The maximum file size accepted by most cModels is 2048 mb.

Citation Content Model

PID: cwrc:citationCModel

Use For: The Citation Content Model allows users to add simple bibliographic objects with no text/document file attached. When you use this option, you must choose one of the metadata forms to fill in, depending on what kind of resource you plan to reference (websites, born digital text, book, periodical, etc.).

Display Characteristics: Once ingested, clicking on this cModel object will display a citation. A collapsible metadata table will also allow you to see additional details.

File types: There are no file uploads.


CWRC Document Content Model

PID: cwrc:documentationCModel

Use For: You may choose to upload an XML file or begin from a CWRC template. Users must provide metadata for their document (using one of the provided forms), and select a schema object for it to follow.

Display Characteristics: Ingested XML documents open within CWRC-Writer (a custom built tool that allows users to read, annotate, and edit XML documents).

File types: XML or existing template.


CWRC Entity Content Models

CWRC Organization Entity Content Model

CWRC Person Entity Content Model

CWRC Place Entity Content Model

Note: We discourage users from creating these type of cModels, as you may make duplicate entities. This is because CWRC-Writer provides a more user friendly way to create entities.

Use For: These cModels define a specific organization/person/place. There is no file upload. Instead, you fill out a digital form to define the entity. We encourage you to create these entities through CWRC-Writer instead of the Islandora forms.

The entities created are saved in CWRC commons, and are usually created through CWRC-Writer. Any entities that you add using this cModel will be available in CWRC-Writer, under the CWRC lookup.

CWRC Schema Content Model

PID: cwrc:schemaCModel

Note: We strongly advise that you do not upload schema objects to your collection. Different schema objects are stored in a special collection within CWRC Commons. If you would like to use a specific schema object within CWRC Commons (be it because you plan to use a customized and only administration and project editors have permission to manage those collections.

Use For: Uploading your own schema into CWRC.

File types: Must upload both a RNG file and CSS file.

CWRC Document Template Content Model

PID: cwrc:documentTemplateCModel

Note: We suggest that you do not upload your own XML template unless you are an administrator or project editor. We store and manage these templates in a special collection within CWRC Commons and restrict permissions to manage them. This is to ensure that people cannot change them.

Use For: Use this cModel to upload an XML document template for your project.

Display Characteristics: These templates will be available when you use the “CWRC Document Content Model” cModel to begin an XML document.

File types: XML

Islandora Internet Archive Book Content Model/Islandora Page Content Model

PID: islandora:bookCModel

Use For: Archiving documents like past editions or edits of a book. When you archive a document there are six forms to choose from, select the form that most closely represents your object. A secondary cModel, the “Islandora Page Content Model,” works in conjunction with this content model. It saves each individual page as a secondary object and the islandora book cModel collects them together.

Display Characteristics: You view your archived document(s) in a “Internet Archive” produced text reader (embedded into CWRC). You can Navigate pages, zoom in and out, search the text and enlarge the text reader (amongst other options). Under the “Pages” heading (above the text box) you can view the separate pages.

File types: pdf, tiff images - archived


Islandora Collection Content Model

PID: islandora:collectionCModel

Use For: This cModel creates new collections, to which you can assign different cModels to it (depending on the content). For example, if you are working on a book that has images, you can use this cModel to create a new collection to organize the images.

Display Characteristics: When opening this cModel, you view the different content that is organized within. For example, the link below connects you with a collection cModel that has a video, archived book, template, and additional collection (created from this same cModel).

File types: Any combination of other content models.


Islandora Audio Content Model

PID: islandora:sp-audioCModel

Use For:Use this cModel to upload audio files, they will play in your browser.

Display Characteristics: Files are played within the browser using HTML5 or Adobe Flash (depending on the age of your browser). You can add a thumbnail image when uploading your audio file, which will be displayed in the viewer before you play the audio.

File Types:
  • For audio files - wav or mp
  • For thumbnail images user - gif, jpg, jpeg, or png


Islandora Basic Image Content Model

PID: islandora:sp_basic_image

Use For: Use this option to upload images and add associated metadata.

Display Characteristics: CWRC displays the images as thumbnails in the collection unless the user clicks to open the file (then you see the full size image). If you have a large image use the “Islandora Large Image Content Model”.

File types: gif, jpg/jpeg, or png


Islandora Compound Object Content Model

PID: islandora:compoundCModel

Use For: This cModel creates a shell object that allows users to group different files by adding “Child Objects” to it. These files can be any medium, but they must be ingested into Islandora prior to being added as children to the compound object. Reversely, you can add this folder to other pre existing projects by choosing the “Associate with Parent Object” option.

Display Characteristics: When you open this compound object you will see the children objects added to it and the metadata you filled in when creating this cModel.

File types: Any combination of other content models.


Islandora Large Image Content Model

PID: islandora:sp_large_image_cmodel

Use For: Uploading large images to CWRC (not exceeding 2048 mb).

Display Characteristics: The large images will be displayed as a thumbnail, but the full image is accessed when you click on it. This cModel provides you the ability to zoom in on the image, and you can “clip” the image to reflect the portion you have zoomed in on.

File types: tiff, tif, or jp2


Islandora PDF Content Model

PID: islandora:sp_pdf

Use For: Use to upload PDF documents to CWRC.

Display Characteristics: The document will be readable in a text reader that you can scroll through. If you cannot read it in the text reader, it can be downloaded. Depending on the “type” of PDF, CWRC will deal with it in two ways. PDFs created from digital born documents (like a word processor) will be extracted to a datastream and indexed. Scanned PDFs will not.

File types: PDF


Islandora Video Content Model

PID: islandora:sp_videoCModel

Use For: Use this cModel to upload video files to your CWRC Collection.

Display Characteristics: Files play back in the browser using HTML5 or Adobe Flash depending on the age of your browser.

File types: ogg, mp4, mov, qt, m4v, avi, or mkv
