User Account

CWRC provides an enriched user experience for every user account. Features include an in-site messaging system between project members and a bookmarking tool to collect your favorite materials together.

General information

Users can access their accounts by clicking on the Login icon at the top right corner of the CWRC webpage. This is where you access your account features, which include the following: Dashboard, Research Space, Project Dashboards (for project editors and administrators), User Profile, and Logout.

CWRC has divided user accounts into sections. The Dashboard is where you access the main features of your account. This is where you access your messages, workflow reports, saved searches, and bookmark lists. For more information see below.

Your research space currently takes you to the CWRC collaboratory.

Logging out of CWRC takes you back to the CWRC homepage.


The features of your account dashboard have been previously mentioned, but here we will outline everything your CWRC account has to offer.

Private Messages is where you can check and send messages to other CWRC members who belong to the same project(s) as you. If you click on the View all messages button located at the bottom of the message section it will take you to your account inbox.

Your Messages page is where you access your new and sent messages. Additionally, this is where you write and send new messages (for more information see Messaging other CWRC members).

Project administrators and editors can assign projects to team members. The Assign to Me section of your dashboard will notify you of assigned projects and display any uncompleted assignments on your dashboard.

The Recent Workflow Stamps section of your dashboard displays (as the label suggests) the files that you have recently “stamped.” Workflow stamps are completed by users on all the files created or uploaded to CWRC.

Workflow stamps are completed by users on all the files created or uploaded to CWRC. These define your files, by category, project information, and status.

CWRC will inform you when you have files to stamp with a banner above your dashboard (and project) pages.

To stamp your documents click on the review these here at the end of the banner. This will take you to your unstamped workflow list.

When you belong to a project, your dashboard will show other project members who are online. The Who’s online feature not only lets you see who is working online in your project, but by clicking on their name you are taken to their profile page which has a link to send them a private message.

The My Projects list shows you what projects you are a member of and has a link to your Research Space. By starring a project in this list, a link to the starred projects dashboard page will appear in the login drop down menu (top right of the page).

The Bookmark List has the lists you’ve created and other project members shared bookmark lists. Use this section to create new lists. When you create a bookmark list you can determine if it is private (default option) or shared. For more information see Adding bookmark lists.

Use your bookmark list to explore the visualization tool PlotIt. PlotIt combines a timeline and map feature to plot the metadata information of items. For more information about using PlotIt see Accessing PlotIt in CWRC.

When you belong to a project you can see the project's Workflow Reports in your dashboard. When you click on these reports you are taken to a browsable list of published, unpublished, etc. workflow reports.

Whether users are searching with either the search bar at the top of the site or the advanced search feature, search results will be saved. The Saved Searches section displays the search results you have saved. For more information, see Searching CWRC.

Viewing/Editing your user account

Users can view and edit their CWRC profiles.

The View tab displays your user profile. You will see any information you’ve added to your account along with what projects you are a member of. Additionally, this page shows you an URL that you can use to log in with any OpenID sites.

By clicking on the Edit tab you can change any details associated with your account. This includes actions like changing your password or adding a picture to your account profile.

Project dashboard

Like user accounts, projects have their own dashboards. These are accessible to project administrators and project editors. Clicking on the Project Dashboard in the login drop down menu (top right of the page) will allow an user to access this page.

The Project Dashboard includes:
  • Project workflow reports
  • Locked objects (used to avoid unapproved edits or annotations to files)
  • A list of project members
  • Pending requests for project membership
  • Workflow reports
  • Disc quota (how much server space the project can use)
  • Project utilities

Note: The Utilities (on the right side of the project dashboard) are editing options for the content and project homepage. We suggest only project administrators use this feature.