Wednesday November 11th, 2020: Zahra's Day in the Life


I woke up at 4:30 am on the 11th, in order to go to work. I work at a bookstore, and we have early morning shifts to prepare the store for shopping. On the 11th I worked from 6:00 am to 11:00 am. I got up and got dressed in all black business casual clothing, following my work's dresscode and grabbed a granola bar to bring to work. I also made sure to grab one of my cute pattered fabric masks, as everyone at work is required to wear masks while in the store. My roommate and I left for work at 5:45 am and arrived at 5:50 am.


I then worked from 6:00 am to 8:15 am restocking the store, organizing books, and cleaning up the store. Before COVID-19 everyone was very friendly at work and we often share scanners and sticker guns. Now we social distance at work and cannot share any devices. Still everyone tries to remain positive and we often chat while we work.


At 8:15 am I went on my 15 minute break. I quickly grabbed a coffee from Starbucks. They also were socially distancing, had barriers at the register, and were not accepting cash. After my break I got back to work until 11:00 am.


I went home, put on some comfortable clothes and had lunch. While we ate, my roommates and I watched an episode of the crime show we are currently watching. Then from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm I attended lectures for class on Zoom. When the lectures were over I read a book for a little bit and then made dinner. Once again while we ate, my roommates and I watched another episode of the crime show. After that we did the dishes. Then got ready for bed at around 9:00 pm and played a little bit of a relaxing videogame on my Nintendo Switch Lite with my boyfriend and went to sleep.


Photo of Bookshelves by Renee Fisher from Unsplash 

Photo of Starbucks Coffee on Beach by Nadine Shaabana from Unsplash

Photo of Nintendo Switch Lite by Spencer from Unsplash