124 THE LIFE or 1. That Christianity and education alone, will check their malevolent and hostile feelings, and thus put an end to their bloody wars. For this end missionaries must be sent to both nations. 2. That it is useless to send missionaries Without suit- able interpreters to assist them. 3. That missions should be established in the vici- nities ofthe borders of the neutral grounds of these two powerful and savage nations; because in these places there is but little, if anything, to excite them to revenge. 4. That wherever a mission is once established, it ust never be abandoned. 5. That where any Protestant mission is established in any village, no other denomination should establish another in the same place, or interfere in any other way. 6. That missionaries ought to assist each other when- ever they happen to fall in each other’s way, or are re- , quested to do so. '7. That missionaries ought not to preach their own peculiar doctrines, to the disadvantage of other denomi- nations; for this not only lessens their own influence, but likewise that of others. The scenery near the head of Lake Superior, is almost as splendid as that of the beautiful Hudson. There is a magnificent fall about eight miles above the mission. The Indians often kill moose, bears, and deer, in this region. In the spring, summer, and fall, they live on fish. As we had no salt, we were obliged to preserve our fish by hangingthem on poles, with their heads down- wards, and in this manner they would freeze. VVhen the spring arrived, they began to thaw, and becoming