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N“ ,” . ‘“ "H ‘‘'‘r '0'‘ U“ .II“II Inlluuu IIlI»\\II . | ‘ ‘ HI “‘ I ' \'I~nl' _\--u I..I-|~ r I‘.-' .I._..; II... ‘I . .. . . . , .. . ‘ hIl'I TIIIII ‘I |‘II Innkl .11 If.” . H‘, I I I \ - I (‘V IIVIII why.‘ "“”“”“ Sun _"'.~.“,‘,.‘ :h.‘\“:,lH‘. ‘It. "_",\J."‘_"“ k ‘"03’ NI-'H£|I NI’ an II III...‘ I: ‘I '.I - ‘ ‘“""' """""“ H '1! l\I‘\al‘ II- (-1 III-Vv\‘Il ‘ “ ' uh TILM II--I -III»! .I'~-I I I .. ,\;, _I H _I ‘\‘ In. In I-\\.IlI pm Inn of p|'.g[r|.- '3' I“ \ ‘__“‘ ‘Hi ‘ I h-IIKIII I'I(IIl uI.III,; ' -I|":‘ _ ' 3“."l_:‘ "V. N '_ “ [ H‘! | ' -\\'y.I,h I“. M ,., _‘._| I: ,._ HI‘ \__ ‘.,‘-1.,‘ H ' !d__P_‘ _m‘ “M r‘”_u‘”‘M"". I ‘vi I_.'u\IIl'.I I ‘I\\lI.I.\.. III ,0: Hana jnuru. ) ..‘-.,\‘;l‘ ‘S X’ In \.‘1 “Wu, h‘. ‘_\L-‘_’'.‘)- ‘“.‘‘n‘.‘‘’.__ ‘I .kIIu.k\ .I.. II \‘II . I\ . ‘III II In), lid‘ |~QaIvIIflv't§ Ala‘ I.-‘\Il .3 \\"..I I‘u-pI- ' I 1 ‘ h ‘ »“ huh‘ ’H'h'.r hprv .n II. am’. I. «,.,. I, I H‘, . ‘ ' r I‘ \ ‘.3, H. ‘H, uh‘ “mm, ‘unfit .\II.1I »t1Iu‘.-I Il!I- ::I.-I u.-n. , M”. inwn " '”“r ""4 “‘ " “‘ ‘W “ ‘ I III III I‘ III- -IIIIII-‘I I \\‘II|II II! “"3 i''‘'‘'.‘- I‘''‘ "“‘ "W I'M" "r\I"" I’? I HUIKIIIYIV ‘II \ . »_ ‘I’‘:'\ II “ ’."1_ k‘_ v‘ kl‘ ‘ ‘H "HI. HIIINIJR‘ A!‘ II‘ I" - IIIIII‘ TI '1 ‘lrgiol [ml “fld I’?! P50 IIIIUFU Kf‘.~.- ”‘|.‘9IV IN \\ - .I ‘-I . _ , I‘ ‘r"‘|‘.‘_.“"“ "_“ “l'."‘ “'““‘ ‘r\““' lulfl“ H, _, ‘L In‘! !I_\ _‘,H ;‘“‘L“.‘ ',«__‘." N‘ ‘\“"' '-"" “‘ ""'-"'1 ‘H »- 1. ."~l 1n. 1-. -« \\--«II .-I ‘.1.I~‘¢ \g'.\.'_.,‘M‘ :uIII II.u \\ InI.\\?I. II at l"II'l., I..- 5.“ (I.- allrl ur g-nII.1;m ;\ \I\I\ In II, - I ‘I *‘ “"- "- HI-"4 III In 3.,” f‘“,“‘_ .‘,Ill\II".I uII‘.IIIII;_; NI-‘hr ml: IIIIIIIIHII‘ Ihun 3', ll Mill I‘-\«‘lI\ I-‘!II.4ln, :, .3. _‘.,‘ N: L “W P‘. “ ‘t “,"_‘ \ ‘ ,\]‘|‘Y' «Inn-I Him’. \\.\.-I l~.~"I'||\q; up 1;; H»..- “' '-"“"'" U‘"|\"J|‘. I" "In «II--t I"-I‘ -I.I- I \I'I . A I: II Ii II .|, WI “I “ 'wN" H" “-““"“ "I" MIN-I‘ II 0.’ IN‘ I kill! )’¢f'Il|-I I?I\- "II IHI ‘Ian I;I- 1 I,‘ ‘.4 |"“_ '‘ ‘I‘I_l‘':'‘''‘r'f','‘:'‘'r'II\III«l1l\.t,rt.IIIn‘ In‘-‘ H. H J .‘__H“ “.‘ ".K'r:" , I . §‘.I:t~~:< I.I'lU~I I." ha‘ |‘II‘~-I-‘.I ‘\Il1|'I e -I‘ f"""m‘“ W‘ l‘q"""““ ""'”'"“ ""’“ ‘("' TIIIII \‘II\I‘IlI‘H I I-.I I" II rqln‘ .I;‘ I... .',"’. I _.{,I,”,".,',,,‘,:.; -“I"\l*'.\ “\\!I,\ “ha: rnukm \uu II" \ ‘ D ‘ ‘ II ' \'- - .\ IlI\l' ‘.l .\I|- .‘, 1‘. ([n“-‘ 3 - If '0 ."_ _ ‘ ‘lg. }‘ulH|9 Jtlhlll-\l|-I I I . W I‘ ’V| " J “\ I 2"“ ru‘ “ ‘I I "\ 1|“ at ‘V. I: ‘ ‘\‘_‘H! .. ||3¢l'T)' HUI! rub-‘AL \\IIII '1 9-.III.-I Y? I“ H I M -I" II I «I.~'.I:Ir I-l‘| -I\ V‘ :""“ H ”‘““"‘ W“ “m L“ ”IWh‘ gnu, ."‘ .,_. V 4 M‘ ,V_ H ,m,._‘ \_‘u an‘ ‘M "H" ‘INA! s I IIIIIIPI IE1" -ho dr',..‘.. UK‘. ‘ ")p‘I“|,.“.. In "qt. ‘'4. H 1-!‘ ‘\'“”h' “ ‘H n," Hi“; uh‘. ' ‘II “|I‘~1q- :1-'_ l\x‘ II‘ (I-1! K YVVI-UNI sh)’. I I?I*I.,; In light at p.I|ux~ kncgua .4. II.» ‘‘“‘'‘'‘W‘‘‘ '‘-‘‘‘'“‘'‘I‘ “VII Ii‘I-IHI~I0ur YW- . . I ;III\I-' ..~I‘. III. I|h\:- \\ av II;I-1II‘fIII~ ‘III u r‘‘’'‘ "W ‘.:‘”"' ‘ ”m""“:h W" "‘.""'”""‘“ I‘ NIH-r1 III III» I1.|I\\')l ’.III1‘U. I.I- ‘ ‘N ‘Hwy ' |\ . -I Is Im II -‘I I".|i- :4 I-(‘II-‘nu 5“ ““T .“‘ “N” K""“‘“""" '7‘ "W P‘?‘‘‘ Ito-AI: Ihe wry I««s(_ ~', I ‘|r1~ 7', \\l.:. II \§.- ‘I\§’¢‘ gm..‘_, “f” N.‘.,.,_‘ IIIM} l~'I§,.L.«u£__ ~;~_;_r_u1,uI1I-.I-‘It: (hr I~uI:\' lid nnmhr-3: mun III-I .-.1;y._\,[~_‘,c.-_ II» III XII-~ I\\III.I I-.nI,\ IJ--up; _\|', “-"_s' W" I I- ?~‘«"I. II.’ thv I~‘r.I--Ir ("a'I\’.>:p III») I: npt to 4.; cut \\c~_.,Ii I I‘ I'- ~ - (I -I.:;-.I'.- \‘< \\ ’II‘ llII\il of "L. I\ ISI hr I":-'.«-I»IuI.~I III III-- fw: IIIIAI .1 I ‘ . ,«_, .g., I,_ \“I\‘: H. “H. . ‘I _“_\, Inch-.u>L~l-V |‘W?:\I'!III' |I1':|P mg; \\>Q‘}I.~_" “TU C III! \\l:-null, If I‘ ||;,\.[.I;. ,»v I "I‘ ' “ ‘k L‘-V! ’“.§‘“‘I_ \“" Pl “HF IAIN‘. (II-". .].,E" r" tun“ V! ‘$.- Ic Indian 1..-mr at Im. ‘net I. _I.. N, ’\ ‘I \ \_ 3‘ I1‘, _g...‘H__,‘ “vi.” I‘ '‘1'‘‘‘ “.‘I,. who IILI .\ 1\H\_-_‘} Ilmnkwt Ir.Ih III II, .u'‘‘‘''‘‘ “I ’) _-'.' ‘mu ‘I 11 In In - :. .3 I :I..« I ‘.|' u'‘ H‘ us \;i p.. qI..\g- In 0,," «I. I1“! SI '.:III.II‘I ' In nc'\.~r IIIII-Owl I‘I--‘ fiiflhd-I10‘ IIIII [AVA II II\;. I\ '.~, I? ‘ _ " _I ‘ “Uh 1.’"'v_,‘."k'_' T"“ _‘ “I:'\.‘ ht.-“I,” '“‘V“““ .1“ ‘\‘ !|,\‘“’,_” H ‘Wu N ".‘“d‘h V.‘ H”. '”‘.“'M. "V31 2 . I -\I''. 'I.l"“7"I‘F!‘I"'n' I' -III \|\I' III III. ""‘!"‘ "*2! “*‘. " “"".""‘ S?‘ I‘! Hm -~ ." “U "'HlIiO'I -I‘ qllilv n--1..‘ I. ‘n I ' If ‘. I“‘Q‘|_Il|[fl fill-flu ‘l‘|| "\,»|\ .“.,-" IIUJ KI\‘| «'\I‘p fi‘V\‘ HI‘ Ihl‘ [I1 sf of (Ml..- KVI. _'rHl|r AH.‘ .\“" Ill ‘ A I. y‘, ‘{ -.._ ‘I ‘ .l‘_ ’ l. ‘I 2"“ -‘”‘u‘“ "‘ ('1 "“’ ‘cur ~‘! ”.g‘.“ ”‘.‘\”‘_o, K ‘..‘~".I,‘mI '\"".‘ .3 WM?‘ ‘''I1''i|'‘ ‘'7 K H-'-' ;.-.~ I}.. H‘, ,0“. 3h,‘ “W... H)“, ".‘”"I‘I\1, «(III-nnr.Iu -IIIIIII»--IIII po-a.~.vII‘,I\~ Iuoawra I;Iu\'I. uy -;I.II.~ .2 Ih'I,.'(‘I'I ‘I’. .;. ,-I. .9 .... H'|lv‘ ‘ I, I ’ ". III:-.uI¢II I\‘v‘I\I'D M.’ IIIIIII.-.-‘I. 1.4,; \,,..u',, ’ :“’ ;£'""°r'v‘;:““ :'.T''''''‘'‘: I,‘ "II "I" I .\ If.-talks-I‘;-yr J! N.II.I.'I~\~I I~\I.-I WI? he ""“' """"‘I"“' -‘"7’ ""“"~.'“l’ VIII‘ Ii-\"‘-I Lu. him‘ 1"‘ . " K" ‘ ‘I“_‘ I '_“' ““f _JI‘I~I~:.I‘.I .‘| I.l'h\k .-:w .1.” I“»m‘.hMI ,3". J90. Uwnv gs II‘lI‘§!I’."fl !II\\I't' (Hut.-‘n-n A It. It I-.~I!I~l.I.o o. !«~'.IZ I \\I,-‘‘ I‘ -‘Vt-'1"! L‘ ‘L. ['”.,‘__'L-,._ ‘I"",!“. I-Ive-pl I4?‘-" ,;l‘I~‘fl \ II urgu f’»\\'“ I
I all event: the Innu-.I I~v.ImI:. . ,I.. . ,,
. I I21 « an II «II»! !II«~r~ III:‘\‘I1"‘I"H III II -"'"I‘ "“"-Il"I t'It‘¢r1vI+'I*I NI an III'n‘v" LIA, “Kilian”; “h:“l ‘H.’ k’ 8 "d""' H‘ ‘.''..k I.- I'M I INK‘; \AIIrn- II was .'.o'II\».I "“"""' "h“" 5"“ m “"7". "-' “I” .‘'‘-‘3'' .ou\'c I31: III{.. N ‘”I|~y "xx "H I" " ~' " -‘H M Hw lI|\I\.|K|‘(' In Is.a.It."vI ‘"5 ‘‘‘~'‘ '‘‘5''”‘‘‘*‘ N"? W9 v‘I\II‘v‘ 0' I IHV‘ fur!!!’ I ‘II ‘..M” "' . ..3__L._,‘ [V ..., , LII :I In‘! 0' mint‘, Iu'~.- ITIIIYA‘-\ 'I"‘m’ ‘“" """"3'\“ 'r"‘"’: “""F‘ “-0' "H" n "U: ‘JILJ ‘(Ill-)l'.f.-l&‘Ig-3-If I\’ '11, I .. .. '1 “. ..g M \I.. l..-\\_‘ "H. ,1“ “r g.~IuIT«1 II II:-up In |»‘.«.-{Ignaz um.-I [Q1 dI“‘"‘ rrx“;\-‘ ‘ ".5 “K I ~ M ' . '. .\\|*..‘\ :1.‘ ".I«'I‘ufi‘a‘\6 UH ‘\' ‘ {.“\‘\‘\]‘ \ F k ~ vs I *-'1' »‘.Y I ; I "9"d "u‘"’NU"‘h:' Tho’) Inn! I —;\I.‘.1 I ’.. ‘I Ii x,_ '\ _____“ “' A ‘n. “‘I'‘‘‘* _ IX: ‘.zuI!:~.«~ J1"Ie1-n\ H wanna rllt\I(‘uI‘I ..'-.: I ' ' . - ' ' ‘I ' ‘I I ' am" v ua‘”("n€:"n 1.‘. ‘I “'a:'1|I“‘I'...I"‘ 1I_.I. i;\,.4r Inns '2‘. 1-7)‘! In 5 h‘4.¢ gm, ‘UH!’ \-‘“‘._.H\. I “-I’‘‘ III...‘ I,‘ 9”,” W .1!“ to nrdon-ha-re I-NWI I 2’ Huh :v 1-1‘ II‘.“'.m if. ‘:.{.‘.“a‘f "\“\“\‘.‘:L"“br‘ "tm. H T'."' h"'”i'“'£“b'v n ‘{'m‘.,'m"“ hr " '~ ' ‘wk. “ UN» in‘ ha. .1»: \\ h.1I.ma'..nr I \\I\\‘1“.I\1'!!IIf‘a\”(‘HIQY
""- N\07.utr=I um «*.I-.- I...I._I .I "110 of Ihq to-Irma ',=,»- 3n. I
HV 3" - ‘ I I . N-‘£T¢l&50l\. Ind. IIIIIIIIII-ct T.’ In; ._.I I,’ :‘ “ ‘
I their Iund-qua: I re 1-,
TI.:~*v .0‘
III‘-.‘,f¢* I'»'|n‘I|‘ 3|’ In 3 n3]; 1’
"-‘l '.' I"""‘ “I”! and It l‘I.'--'.\".I but dautnn-«I ‘ .Ixv-I "*9 "I ‘-713 I'\.‘1.M"|' 1‘ “Eh
on I04 chrlil-Ir.I
- I I-' HI- ..I '.. nlumr vanh ‘Ihe I-n(Ir'~e -IIrru'.I".~! .c ‘.-I K. on-manna IwoIhu—, mm II~.I:..~ n’II.I caIII.-mg axmth.-Ir I.) ‘I ."l‘|‘K III" <'.v\\', HI
I=II:I«Yo ‘the r~I(.IvI' In "I: I ‘\n)"IxoA M1 3! I,, figauwya. but A lusw‘-.’I lab curt Mm sonlmu II-run In Ihrlr won-III par-ful _LInnI’ura'uun1. um! Nu II, In-my gunalthv — In trnrl Ina then 9
Nu: mu \‘;;....In--r Imt+uuII<h'§m
rm IwI.rIo¢[od "p .4. I-um) rumuug nu. arc-.‘ the crum Iago‘;-Ir1‘lCC Inmu-If pvanvng-or. Ih III)-‘III --nynrlty In may bq \ory apofdol, but rat-t: IHM f.«.3'hI|O: In nvalu-hid‘ ll -In‘?-vial by UN 5"” as! g [..n“ (g"|3,.' mo Iiirc-‘Hunt Hum hr III] ‘I“h¢' In '.I -an window, H! II
I21)‘ [:5 fflujf Q \.|- Alan‘, In ‘hf’ HIIPCI
Ij\\'I!II.r)-Us Ixfmt I.»-I Huh‘ m.« I-Ink ago.
UNI)’ the ‘In,-luv: UNI! [ilk-8-Ch, upon the I I pI.AIIu_ I
Hulv the III-uIIlo»I-II flkrlvlnlll. IIIM III- ':III flI|.tIlI)' IIII)\(‘\ll\t'II -cud I£I\'ll\‘!'. cry :I'.‘.Ilc-I)" Lu.“ naught «In lu mm" . l‘I‘lIIlHI!. I I And now Mr null bun; (his diary of ‘ IIII;-II-pa-IuIIn to u cluo--. And. Iuvmx
III-I.--II [III-fl" III yuu lberr who IIIIJ not I |r.n\«- us half wuy,'vro wI|l Irnvr yum lo I IIIPNIIIII r- II.u'I( II’ but you nu)’. («or (Mr
I Inn! ...
.II'n~-I-I hu II.- Ilmlnct remllectlqn of .llb\.IlI|fl‘IlIK III: had about III» paulnq ,|&~lIJPI"IH-v In III. MI»: I‘o<-try cull:-I IIIIII JIl\‘lIl'.-‘II In !hl"I‘Jl))e\‘l at the ‘l! y.
I ;~m~nI. .III IHIIIJII In-nu 551-I\'Iw,I _\ ~ II luv 25-~:I\~‘V\'I\I“fO ‘Ix-Ive-n (Ian I : ILIIII-IHI |l«- Inn w -nothing I~or‘nc In
'-IIIII.»Iu-III-_ II.-urn-1‘. In um. hc mu-nv ,II Iu‘.lIl II\\«(l’Io-‘I I.-IIy~ItrAIII.-r. He ro— . I'M-HII~II~ I~v:'Iu.' tuld that In IIIJW him IIIIIIIIIIII: mm A uulmlen nu-Inlnx au- II«'--~-I \\.I- In "‘t'.1Il \'nluI\I-I‘: In-In:-In -It HI-I T-In-1‘~f |'~‘I\‘lIH‘ «mat-II'\IpmIII." and I-I If'«- l‘v"I|l"II Irtp IIMI Is about Int um)‘ ;IIII|-I‘I4-I~II IN‘ ;I-| ' ""!- I13-‘IIIIIIIII k" Ihlu urn.-Iv was ha .0. \ --‘I ..r I‘In;-rw-m.vI\-nu, and VI‘.- Inxr I'HI'.<'I\,«'h‘-'\'ls\ In-.<-p In this rule IIHI-‘IV\ -.- we might Iu\'2- Iulxt.L)'uu of I, l\\~\ II:.;:IIx .IIu’uu: \\bIch .\Ir. I’r.I;¢ g_u
I .~'
. *1‘
up u’. :.I.I. for In Ilrnin that Ms: to-n -I.\"'.lI<‘ :II._ ur .»r the din vu- p; N In III-~,«.\II-----~ of II In-ljm train Iryum 9 I A In‘ K-- \ I HI II'n\'eHll\[ M IIIIII'lI_IbO- \‘..\\.I*I' H‘-‘ f"lIo‘ tlhll‘ hid \‘hIlIflL'\I, 0!‘ of (‘In :InI.v\\ ¢m‘I\|-6 at .\'.4lIAL7\\I\_ vA!wI'-- .\I~ I‘ III..<I~n'.o.| upon 5--any In t.*~.¢ I--1‘. .>..I.-I II-...~ plan"-. and the om.-r
" -II‘-e Inn-»;‘~.: 717:‘ In the mum and hurm
'."I K junzplng fn\ the WHI- <“tI.- ,,’IIuI_v In-Ar want «an .\lInI'~Im- Hut I tav wot mm I ?\I\c
.I.-.;.uu~~. I .I.I an-gt I.~ngtI\ rt-n'IIIII\; 'IIlv‘1l“\\-".‘2!|I‘ but W0 hum» not. and. an
Inn‘ |'|I‘ ".\.II.-I Ii o\‘tI". We will rm; Io'I.I\\‘I‘. t?~.- I ' I , 4}. I ' I 3 I I ’(‘l'l§'TAl.\. ' I ',
I I I ' 94- .l'auIIII Ju‘Iu)aorI,)“
II ‘ I \' k4I'\‘:'.-- 11". I, ‘ ', ‘ :4. 22:3; -II.-III~rn: '
I I H.“uI.*_ ‘I\h‘l"1x‘f‘
‘diff \‘v‘t‘TY"-- \\ .I.qI,\" \\‘\1'lI ‘O ‘ha’ "lit ; _ ‘|\"L'-'11 '.'.-- nu mg do‘vr’1II‘.o\AIn§‘ nun,» I K ~,'\.v! Y" I ' ‘ I
I5! I I~ ?:'I 1‘ \I'dI‘I'I goals.’ uhotfi oné I fI‘|\ 1I'I~41.'\"l ‘ ‘ ' “ I’ I‘I‘.I:‘II..If-‘I II‘:-I c.~n.gn_ ' . ~ '
I . ‘I I\\‘ wan-I‘IjIn¢~ pplrun. -'\\II\I ,-w..I?I. Nu-Ir Inna.‘ Iheq nu across .3 I !h«' I‘..\;'M‘ ' ’ ' ‘ 3 ____ ' I‘\H’."u: I!~..I nudlrnct lo npphud Irrmr me‘! HI, , ' I ' ' II-I;-:-.1..." ';!,l;“.{'
5 , I“ J3? I1‘-rt--r ‘ ‘ I ‘ I I I I “‘\1«";2!c ‘III-.a.Iy-Ir tlth thin paper»-— ‘.H':'.I.'¥I3 unttlé of L_I,hc,curIMu'- I
‘I ,- ‘ I ..'\!lun»i' ¢u’I‘l'\I‘l\"f\l tallupgg-‘o * i ‘ % . I I
I ‘‘\‘III . . I I I - ,TI*I-' -'»'.:!‘- s,h,t-I '1-Nor: wtnctfin: .9 \’I-"I'\‘F‘ W :. ‘I I. . 10onIus z.~ the «fin IIuI‘~vrulycup‘.I Iqok. I
“farms-u-I: : I
‘T21-‘* uu.3II«u~e?-.IIoI';IIn Iwlwkt ‘fin-4' _ I‘. 1:: _', ' ‘ , , ' ., ‘ II‘I‘II.- - .‘..IIu1¢ t:_c.4.,m+'~' pun wand Inc
,, ?,u-I nu-w ,m»u In Icngm I-‘n4_ II-I~I~‘!u: ai III ‘M at Itnv-I;..,.,,; 5...; K‘ I-,»~n|;I-nu ho hum I 71: up IUHII Hut rn-‘I54 “LII;-<1 ls: [H40 up ‘UMK (IN I ‘Irv-L I ' .Iro ‘unfit. lutfi 'dII-|- I9 an Ihc rtwfil ‘Igmg Q45 ;;.«uIo,, \'u :rdI¢'nml. u urIIrIcr\'td IIIM ;hv3 «mum rut 3-ouutdy new-rlu o-mvlnw Hlflfivf Ill L hat!---r phylp," ht rrnzathnd. gnu-o‘ In’!-v phumi Ivy a man w:I.:'-w Ihtlld 'IrrmI-Iv-O" IIo,m«I Iwv-!I_ m H-4 Inf Dunn» lun- uhtn Inna, ."JIm. [W9 ‘OK I hr!’ mvall-I759 I
In rroqwnrly ‘kc ‘In;-uzg. '10 Ian bod. flu-I Ion: Mo‘ av .
to’ Iran. ~'s‘uw.IIm~rt at am ' .fy-0|
undqrgulng ‘_fl’J|fl’I¢\H
new murfilng mu DIN‘ Mu‘ D»
I‘umI“|_III\lI I-f Ihv I-I‘:-Id nervous fun-0-Q Dr.. ‘ \\'LHI.IIYII' PHIL Hug I-urr ,wIu-n ulhor nu-III Inc»: tall‘ I-I.-,|d hyl :1) (‘Oll|¢“TI ur4 nnl by mull p.-qd paid at {.0 cu-mp n In»: «Ir I-Ix Irv:-,-c
fur 3: 50, III‘ nddrc.-nnIIIx Ihv hr. WH- "In;-1', _\|.~II-‘|nc~ (‘II ,' III‘.-< k\'I‘I--, (llflx hf 8|"‘|’nF(“."I‘y. _\- 3-_ "lIl‘C'r no I! -
vunutanx-rm no III'o xv-IIuIvIe Pink PII 4 gdfld In hulk, but Hill)’ In lr«IIPI_ XL" wnuqu-r.IrII\Ind I'II|c,h II "FIIIIPI" In rm! Ink and In-an the» full Ir1|.'.m|rIt --Dr, WIIIInm’n' Pink Pm: I fur Pal- I-.-.pIn',' Pm: rofl--Nd In any nth:-I “rm, no man»? what culoy. are w.IrIII~ II-cu‘ |T'nHIl'IlIl\I.
.. —o..~.._-.
A Bond’ In Autumn's. Ah In-c. can the tree lure the IulnIucr
) I Ax.un to III: buughn whore It used to JIn ? “.IIt‘lL19 no-ver 3 sun: In the ‘nmumn In, Itflfd. '_ ' And hP\'\'f' the gleam o!_____nI\'1(ruuI '* wm . I ‘ I
I AI: Im'eI'. <-an‘ Ihq Into lure the old-time .IoucII % To nun-ru turuultul of melody ? " ' Can we who have loved tor I (lane over-
much . . Lun--bntk III! Oldllovo II It used I0 bou ?
No.’ In-art. thorn In nolhlnc In mo’ lo ' Iovr. ' ' .Bu1 I-mm‘ II I bi!“ (0 “IO WINK
Come How‘. us you cum: ihon the blue
VVIII I "*. _ O ___
And uuni"ihg‘K‘pIIonc soft on your girl-
I1 lbnfv. I .
Steal vk In 'my um: In HI‘? nuIumn‘II I .._y ‘
. K’ - ~ \.\'hIIe I. who hI\'Q‘ waned my comm; an lung, ‘ I with U}: MN 0! 3 IIIrI.z-got:-~ . I , \\'IIo-n=vsIlII Ihr-Iupzh the Irma’ rung I _:-I-rIn:_ I\IrII's MIMI: _
I.‘anI Iummrr eIIII1I-the au"umn.II mu -h ’ ' Can luv» nncv furlorn or II: nprlnx xruwn tn-on .’ (‘an \x.-_ whu urn lovers 0! ,old over- muvh. , . 4 IIe~lc-:Irn what '1 Inn!’ and n--Innxo Iwhht Inn two-n ? ‘
~-.\rtIIur J fitrtnxv-r, In TIIo Vnrttty.
S$Ienm~ and ex w-rId'm‘¢ \‘\‘nl'Ur In the ju-Ixmu-nt that I) ' I‘rIn~'.- .H.akIng Pow- Idq-I‘ In the pun.-at and bent, over nude.
The Dunc!-nu of the Oven!»
The only par-Ion awed mm the wrwk win one mile mnhIrn_ and the, ‘nth In: iiurothouyhl nnlurul to hot utflhad pro- ud-I ha-nod? With I1“,Q\'€I0! CI Vera Tfavlxlxinlfllll Iona. and rsshd bonolt Ao.h.~v~o. ‘ ' I I
ll‘Ic~afi'¢r'I Tnnugufint Soap 91, wlthout Oxrvrt on. the sheave-it and most durable '|'*|r.uI>¢rvm Ilocp In uptonco.
‘ , I . ‘.. . ..
‘‘.\‘u.'' and Mr. DI-I1.-«Inn, " tImr'\'é‘ II‘.-en 1]!-Intlnx IN» funwnll nntlcu-In I\'~.l nun "that \a‘1.In‘t «lend ,\ it :11‘) a nIm-.11: xfcrd I» In, I! he mad ‘KWCXI wax or the pmvg-Iv that bell-wen 'I\'g~rylhIh‘ In I Q new-npnp¢rs."~—-‘PI!-Dan. ;
I. ?' V |‘_' I . I
L‘ {K 1» II’ ‘*‘.I“ f
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uh-you 0! I’u¢'nmn'-I am '.) I ,.t ‘I’ ‘ "" ‘ “"' ""‘ '”"‘«,'*5 I*‘J'-"*9 ~ Bu my-~ Na uwr it -131 at .IIv. I£'1;II xltu !\I.»g. ';nd' LI!-.I'PI-cod. ‘ I 4' . Q of .§qu In... In ‘.:‘«,.K;';,“::.m,.('.1: _I ’l::\4‘$"v((It\‘l‘|~‘-.N«I;}:'t(1$,;i':-::£( pril‘-‘II :vv.II hkztr ' F‘! OIL‘ I, ....«»T ‘ ’I ° "Y _ A vi I | I .M . fobflfln 4 '..-I- ' I‘ " --'~'-‘Ir \‘.“I| --, “ "\ ~”"“""“”"“"" ' ‘nu .“ ,mo~AdI Ir In-be '1-.‘\‘l)““" I‘,;£J:.M.l_‘L 1“. “IN” ‘mfrr R‘ {I\‘mI 4:? #11-efnldl um. III: Ion - T1? F ‘Wm. ‘M! J‘ I n.'l'i“"a Mr" Wat‘ ‘V‘M‘nI-«H: I"nIn_.’ In. In! ‘M ....«r “.""" . ‘I 'I ' ' I.‘ ' ' ‘ ‘“3‘''''’ ‘I V‘-°"’"”."¢""‘ nag-jg pug u. M .1...” hf“, £,__‘._ ' ';h‘_'“| .'..‘I‘,;r;...'.,'.‘ :1: [o~o:‘nv'~:-2» IMI~I II...:I-:,:I.\' qnnnnga n.,urn‘VoJ III: ‘,4. Int‘ ; Iwvvmor,-I , . .i, ,, I, W. I I ‘ hohunoua ‘tho not. I .:,,.I,,,,.‘_. ‘IN. ...,_,‘ u ,5“ , “;‘ " “I ii , .. ;,g » "I n~~,IIm nmcnwf um a cum Ir , . “ 1 f ~_-~......'/" V,’ ‘ ‘ .. I _ar U , urea» A d Iugm It 0 mllnugl; !dI!|l1 Rtflrut Inho II: II‘“\ fyuuu the {N1Il\g\I'.'Qn not-— '35,“ . "\\1. ‘I ‘I \Or. fl‘ .‘ ".I¢"‘ “. ‘~ ‘)v ‘ “““h‘ I t ' V‘ ‘ V “wk. L:-Av‘n&‘ “B ‘ ‘
— . 9“¥"¢»» I II ‘I’! I n-‘’‘“': !“_ "’_:' H-'»3;I I... III.-. In-Int; or I N11: ¢um~ An-.I urn I: (II-«our out o( In uvasshtli-J .’\"‘Iifi"" I 'I"II—u' In a . ct that man no
"1'?! I MI Ami! nu-'1 ‘ tam! wit. the: um um! war-whcnm I»! «run. , I I uIvrrkIuk:~_IHud;Ing_ mm up I , a %‘W‘.‘"IPQ N10‘ fit '“4|."..'l.. ‘F.’ “Vim ‘he; “U 'm"”“Tj n0|*u“ mu ‘N'“'“‘| =”IlNN4- 'NflIlUIlIaIL, I 3 bonus» I damn i ~ had; - ‘ . . ‘ -I we Min ovulvmih ~.._
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....~ to Ala‘
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