r §a::.l-£9‘ ll’.:Inataht1r.. .tw9lve.ll.a-‘Increases +iarel.=;fluns I ;g§"*'--;'“'»; .*~.”z"=u’~‘.,' "pg "-~ f I~ :'_ ‘ 1., '53‘ . ‘ 3; " ,.;.",,5 3, 4 '5,” ‘v ' ~‘ U .>fi:‘.?‘1“;’ i . , "‘with‘*"trinmph“*‘- leap)”tiirtfiihandsprings ’ 'nd' iller; '*' .v;3 o. .41,“ many towns and cities in the great republic can boast teams equal in strength‘ and enthusiasm to those of Canada, for like all adaptations from ‘the Indians, lacrosse has sprung into favorlwith almost incredible rapidity, scarcely, however, ou.t.doinz..in.the.... « race‘“lts delightful‘ ‘c‘}‘.P.‘.§r.§9,‘?;.«3‘¥9§»sl¥l%~§:.,,W9¥de ,_. . , . _, , ,,_., . mifia, . er andL.futile‘bé11'.i’~l§d11s..:, ;,_ ..=’.,-‘<»_i.“.- - i ‘ --";'- ~_ arractive. ~three~ essei ti . ‘B ,, _’;,,.'_._. ‘A. .’ ,prom-ptly... :.¢ was afraid to disown the Thing that he could not be rid of by any mortal means. But -he would try ‘again. iriveris Once in-the -river he would be safe. He‘ imagined he saw it bobbingup and" ‘down with the current as it sailed away or --—would it sink-—go to the bottom and_ stay‘ ‘there like the octopus it was: He .praye‘d Tthatit would. j I I ‘ 2" game Wtys;§hs"“l the am himrit tiisééiiieiiiincl-iié1;‘% T fate that held him in his clutches. On, on, to the river! Soon he had reached the foot of the street and ‘stood on the dock. the bundle still clutched in his nerve- less hand. But now that hand was raised to throw the weary bundle away-—to be rid of it forever! It poised for a moment inthe air, then—- i ’ V ’ "Hold on there! Stop that now, or I’ll. run yer "in- Lemme see wot, yer ‘got inithe bundle, young man.” 4 ‘ The wretched. youth laughed ademoni- acal laugh. . I "Take it!” he cried, thrusting it into the ’ trolivsmmfs hands» “Why 91*’?-*»’t I ,think fr 7 -,.. A l o’w"*Idwash"imy handset it. “ 'lvc;ii‘"“it1."”lVIr.” Policeman, and see what; on ~ ‘I14 see.” The policeman blew his whistle for help, then he opened the mysterious bundle. It contained two pairs of worn-out shoes, four, frayed collars, one lone tooth brush, one dilapidated wire hairebrush, three empty I .-perfume bottles and a broken mouse—trap." That was all. "What are ye givin’ u oliccman derisively. ' wthafi ‘ sf" exclaimed the -a y T and had to carry it away. My landlady uses natural gas, so I could not burn it. I tried to bury it in the cellar of the bank where I am employed, but the janitor discovered me and threatened to report me to the president, and I tell you it has made life a‘ burden to me. If you'll run it in, I’ll be your"'friend forever i"‘ _ The policeman smiled grimly. “yer ought ter keep a goat,” he said, “and not“ be after troublin’ the department.” — ' _Sll8 Knocked Him Out. ‘I ..s _3?§5O¥§?+¥+.:..Fi¥°,sVl1’§;?3°§,; * =312..,1.v;’ There was the ‘ -~ ‘ “Pm whistling for the want '2: thought,” he replied, with evident lnte:.3 so be very brushing. “If that’s what it’s for,” s: 9 remarked, “I think I may say without fear of success- ful contradiction by any one who knows» you, that you don’t have to.” d Then he stopped. a . H She Was Enough. The small boy was sitting on the doorstep whistling, when the policeman came up. “Can I see your father?” inquired the otfic.sr.. V. .i 0 -. ig passi 0?; 1.. p canggi’ ‘why céinw I '2" “ ’Cause mam’s seein’ him, that’s why.” ..“v V’ '1, .,I.’ _I_,'’‘ M‘ ?d_o ,5‘; . 1.2’ -:5§r5'1.I:-""' w '