Collection of new stories about Native Americans who, like all Americans, find themselves at personal and cultural crossroads, faced with heart-rending, tragic, sometimes wondrous moments of being...
Composed of five annotated volumes: three of letters, diaries, declarations, and other prose writings, ordered chronologically; one of poetry; and a reference volume....
"The Columbia Guide to American Indian Literatures of the United States Since 1945 is the first major volume of its kind to focus on Native literatures in a postcolonial context. Written by a team...
A revision and abridgement of material presented at the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry (Berger Inquiry) by the Dene themselves and by others on their behalf
A revision and abridgement of material presented at the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry (Berger Inquiry) by the Dene themselves and by others on their behalf