\Veary souls, that wander Wide Ka che uh ya ko ze yaig.

From the central point of bliss, Ewh pnh bah wuh ne she naig, Turn to Jesus crucified, Je sus pe nah ze kuh wik,

Fly to those dear wounds of his : Kee nuh wah kee oon je na ; Sink into the purple flood: 0 me queem ing uh yah mook, Rise into the life of God. Me no pe mah de ze win.

Find in Christ the way of peace, Me ku}1 mooli, ewh ma nwuh mook,

Peace, unspeakable, unknown : Je sus kah be 0 zhe tood;

By his pain he gives us ease, Kee ge ge Wee suh gain clung,

Life by his expiring groan : Ke doon je pe mah de ze min : Rise, exalted by his fall; Ah pe je go kuh ke nuh Find in Christ your all in all. Me kuh inook wah uh yah maig. O believe the record true, Ta bwa ya ne mik e suh

God to you his Son hath given ! O gwe sun laee mee ne naig! Ye may now be happy too : Ke che me no uh yah yook,

Find on earth the life of heaven: Ewh pe zhuh wa ne me naig: Live the life of heaven above, Ish pe ming a yah muh guk,

All the life of glorious love. Ke zhuh wa ne me go wuh. This the universal bliss, Kuh ke nuh ain duh che Wind

Bliss for every soul design’d ; Ah no we zhuh wain je ga; God’s original promise this, Kali e ke do go buh nan,

G0d’s great gift to all mankind ; Pe e zhe, zhuh Wain je ga; Blest in Christ this inoment be I Noong oom zhuh Wain dah go zig Blest to all eternity 1 Kuh ya dush e go moo zhug 1

HYMN. 4G’s8L 2—8’s. NUHGUHMOWIN. 4~—6’s.

Stung by the scorpion sin, Muh je uh ye ee wish,

My poor expiring soul Ka gah na se go yon, The balmy sound drinks in, Ning ee e. zhe me kon

And is at once made whole: N wah je mo e go yon; See there my Lord upon the tree! \Vah buh mik owh Ta ba ning a I hear, I feel, he died for me. Uh goo jing e in-ah me te goongl O unexampled love! _ Uh M'a nwa ning a yun!

O all-redeeming grace ! Oh \Vah doo kah ga yun! How swiftly didst thon move Ke gee wa wee be tah

To save a fallen race! Noo je mo e wa yun! VVhat shall I do to make it known Tah neen ka e zhe che go yon, W'hat thou for all mankind hast done? Min ze che ke ka ne me quah ? O for a trumpet-voice, Oh pa gish kuh ke nuh

On all the world to call? Uh keeng ka da bwa waig! To bid their hearts rejoice Noong oom uh yoo yom bon

In him who died for all 3 Che ween duh iuah ga yon; For all my Lord was crucified; Owh Ta ba n1n<_t a kuh ke nuh,

‘For all, for all my Saviour died? Kuh ke nuh go lice oon je na!