are you going, cousin?” He replied, “I am going where my mother and sister have gone; but you must return home soon, for you are needed there; you will one day follow us to the skies.” I exerted myself to approach him, but in vain. He turned about, ran down the hill to the water, plunged in,and swam like a duck. His clothes now fell off of him, as did those of the two individuals referred to above. I saw him rise; he ex- claimed, Glory to Jesus !” Some one exclaimed from the rock, Thomas Kezhig is come, Thomas Kez- big is come.” Immediately, two flew from their seats, and presented themselves before him, near the edge of the water. They embraced each other, and clapped their wings, as if filled with joy. 0 what a happy, happy scene! The immense throng of angelic beings witnessed this sight, and lowered their flight. Those on the rock, now stood up at his approach, and flapped their wings. The two who had flown to him, led him by the hand to a seat. Every eye was now upon him; and the whole heavens seemed to echo, U/elcome to thy rest, thou c/22'/d qfqfliction.” I recognized in these two, his mother and sister, who had died a few years before, with a hope full of glory. I could have given worlds for permission to cross the river. Iwept sorely, and felt it incumbent to return, according to my promise, to the keeperof the gate. The keeper inquired, well did you see them P” But my heart was too full to give utterance to my thoughts. I now awoke, much agi- tated, and still weeping. I looked at my watch, and discovered that it was a quarter past one o’clocl<, P. M.

In the evening I met one of my step-brothers at Port