r.'- §- .‘_ .. ...-........-3.3‘-‘.3 ~ I LEGENDS OF VANCOUVER cast his missile first; it swept through the air like a shaft of lightning, striking the great rock with a force that shattered it. At the touch of that stone the ‘Grey Archway’ opened and has remained opened to this day. “ ‘Oh, wonderful power and magic!’ clam- ored the entire tribe. ‘The very rocks do his bidding.’ “But Yaada stood with eyes that burned in agony. Ulka could never command such magic—-she knew it. But at her side Ulka was standing erect, tall, slender and beautiful, but just as be cast his missile the evil voice of the old medicine man began a still more evil in- cantation. He fixed his poisonous eyes on the younger man, eyes with hideous magic in their depths—ill-omened and enchanted with ‘bad medicine.’ The stone left Ulka’s fingers; for a second it flew forth in a straight line, then as the evil voice of the old man grew louder in its incantations the stone curved. Magic had waylaid the strong arm of the young brave. The stone poised an instant above the forehead of Yaada’s mother. then dropped with the weight of many mountains, and the last long sleep fell upon her. “ ‘Slayer of my mother !’ stormed the girl, her sufiering eyes fixed upon the medicine man. ‘Oh, I now see your black heart through your black magic. Through good magic you 90