40 THE LIFE OF where you are?” I said “yes.” “ Do you see this pine?” “ Yes, I see it.” “It is a great and high tree.” I observed that the tree was lofty, reaching towards the heavens. Its branches extended overland and water, and its roots were very deep. “ Look on it while I sing, yes, gaze upon the tree.” He sang, and pointed to the tree ; it commenced waving its top ; the earth about its roots was heaved up, and the waters roared and tossed from one side of their beds to the other. As soon as he stopped singing, and let fall his hands, every thing became perfectly still and quiet. “Now,” said he, “sing the words which I have sung.” I commenced as follows :——- “ It is I who travel in the winds, It is I who whisper in the breeze, I shake the trees. I shake the earth, I trouble the waters on every land.” VVhile singing, I heard the winds Whistle, saw the tree waving its top, the earth heaving, heard the waters roaring, because they were all troubled and agitated. Then said he, “I am from the rising of the sun, I will come and see you again. You will not see me often ; but you will hear me speak.” Thus spoke the spirit, and then turned away towards the road from which he had come. Itold my father of my dream, and after hearing all, he said, “My son, the god of the winds is kind to you; the aged tree, I hope, may indicate long life; the wind may indicate that you will travel much; the water which you saw, and the winds, will carry your canoe safely through the waves.”