A Royal Mohawk Chief v :r _7;4v OW many Canadians are aware that in Prince Arthur, Duke of i f.-,__ Connaught, and only surviving son of Queen Victoria, who has been appointed to represent King George V. in Canada, they undoubtedly have what many wish for—one bearing an ancient Canadian title a Governor-General of all the Dominion? It would be diflicult to find a. man more Canadian than any one of the fifty chiefs who compose the parliament of the ancient Iroquois nation, that loyal race of Redskins that has fought for the British crown against all of the enemies thereof, ad- hering to the British flag through the wars against both the French and the colonists. Arthur Duke of Connaught is the only liv- ing white man who to-day has an undisputed right to the title of “Chief of the Six Nations Indians” (known collectively as the Iroquois). He possesses the privilege of sitting in their councils, of casting his vote on all matters 131