KAH-GE-GA-GAH-BOWH. 33 “ Listen to the words of your parents, never be impa- tient, then the Great Spirit will give you a long life.” “ Never pass by any indigent person Without giving him something to eat. Owh wah-yah-bak-mek ke-gah- shah-w a-ne-mig—the spirit that sees you will bless you.” “ Ifyou see an orphan in want, help him ; for you will be rewarded by his friends here, or thanked by his parents in the land of spirits.” “ If you o_wn a good hunting dog, give it to the first poor man who really needs it.” “ When you kill a deer, or bear, never appropriate it to yourself alone, if others are in want; never withhold from them what the Great Spirit has blessed you with.” “ ‘Nhen you eat, share with the poor children who are near you, for when you are old they will administer to your wants.” “ Never use improper medicine to the injury of another, lest you yourself receive the same treatment.” “ When an opportunity offers, call the aged together, and provide for them venison properly cooked, and give them a hearty welcome; then the gods that have favor- ed them will be your friends.” These are a few specimens of the advice given by our fathers, and by adhering to their counsels the lives, peace, and happiness of the Indian race were secured ; for then there was no whiskey among them. 0! that accursed thing. 0! why did the white man give it to my poor fathers? None but fiends in human shape could have introduced it among us. I recollect the day when my people in Canada were both numerous and happy; and since then, to my sor-