‘There is a land of pure delight, \Vhere saints immortal reign;

Infinite (lay excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain.

C. M.

There everlasting spring abides, And iiever-withering flowers :

Death, like a narrow sea, divides 'I‘his heavenly land from ours,

Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dress’d in living green:

So to the Jews old Canaan stood, \Vhile Jordan roll’d between.

But timerous mortals start and shrink To cross this narrow S0111

And linger, shivering on the brink, And fear to launch away.

0 could We make our doubts remove Those gloomy thoughts that rise,

And see the Canaan that we love, \Vith unbeclouded eyes !


['11 yah intih gud suh kali ge ga, Me no tuh nuh kee win;

Kali wee kah te be kuh se noon, A peech 0 nah ne gwuk.

Kali ge nig me noo kuh me ne, Me nwati he go nee nijz;

Mee a tuh go ewh ne ho win, Ka be shkah ga muh guk.

Ke c-he me snh we nah gwud suh P. we de uh gah ming;

O moiig e zhe suit a nuh gom, Oon zah bun je ga shun".

Ne tali zhali gwa ne mo she wug, \Vah ah zhuh wuli o jig ;

Quee nuh we ke chee kali zo ‘Wed, (Jun dos e nuh ka gom.

Oh ' uh shke to yuiig o bun ewh Che intih shknh Wain duh mung ;

Ke dah puh guh lrah bun dah non; Qua nah je wuiig uh lie!

Could we but climb where Hoses stood, Keesh pin oon zah be yang 0 bun,

And View the landscape e'er.


Moses kah oon zah hid,

_\'ot .Iordaii’s stream, nor de:ith’s cold Kali ke dah he swain duh zee non

Sh-'.:uld fright us from the shore.


A ml are we yet alive, And see each others face? ‘ilory and praise to Jesus give For his redeeming grace! Preserved by power divine To full salvation here, Again in Jesns’s praise we join, And in his sight appear.

S. M.

\Vhat troubles have we seen, \Vhat ('()lli’il(‘lS have we past,

l“ig’1itings without, and fears within, Since we assembled last I

hit out of all the Lord Hath brought us by his love;

And still he doth his help afford, And hides our life above.

Then let us make our boast,

_ 01‘ his redeeming power,

\Vhich saves 11s to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more :

Let us take up the cross, Till we the crown obtain;

And gladly reckon all things loss, So we may Jesus gain.

Ne bo win za nuh guk.


Mee nuh wah nin go ding, Ke wali bun de she iniu ;

Mali moo yuh wnh mah dah Je sits, Kali zhuh wa ne me nung!

0 inuh shkuli we zee win, lice mali mee iie goo yuiig;

Ke doou je wah bun de she min, Nuh qua nh mah de shuiig.

Min zuh kuh me e newh Ah iie me ze win an; Kah be Wali wah bun duh mung oon, Kee be kah kee zhe guk! Zhnh wa ne ine iiuiig diish, Mali buh Ta ba niiig a, Kee gee be wee doo kah go non. Nun nonzli dush go noong oom.

I'h pa ne mo dah suh, O Wee doo kah ga win;

Ka ne noo je mo e go ynng, \Vuh ween ga kuh ke nuh ;

O dah pe nun dah suh, Ewh ah zhe (la yah tig;

Che noo pe nuh nung (lush Je sits B we de kah e zliod.