her subjects, it matters not whether they be white, black or red.
Young Arthur was de1ighted—royal lads are pretty much like all other boys; the unique ceremony would be a break in the end- less round of state receptions, banquets and addresses. So he accepted the Red Indians’ compliment, knowing well that it was the loftiest honor those people could confer upon a white man.
It was the morning of October first when the royal train steamed into the little city of Brant- ford, where carriages awaited to take the Prince and his suite to the “Old Mohawk Church,” in the vicinity of which the ceremony was to take place. As the Prince’s especial escort, Onwanonsyshon, head chief of the Mohawks, rode on a jet-black pony beside the carriage. The chief was garmented in full native cos- tume—-a buckskin suit, beaded moccasins, headband of owl’s and eagle’s feathers, and ornaments hammered from coin silver that literally covered his coat and leggings. About his shoulders was flung a scarlet blanket, consisting of the identical broadcloth from which the British army tunics are made; this he “hunched” with his shoulders from time to time in true Indian fashion. As they drove along, the Prince chatted boyishly with his Mohawk escort, and once leaned forward to