First Trin Their forces to ehina Hrst nith S?;limpse of China l•as Shanghai, other missionaries of whom had travelled over going to various on the same shin the newlv ;ir:,:ived shoppinp;, buying groceries-fi,r "'or the trip cabins which inland, - up the river and transferred mi,;stonaries. the missionaries first; every night to buv vep,etahles; their first words with theri all got to Chengtu, could veep ~umf!lers in their a Peek;· steamer - 4 ~ ,£.<,,...( ,._.,o, to Chenf?:tu. il'll1lediately. and meat and that On this -u,J,-~ so that the with in Chinese nrice the of 1t. i.s how the thev r.anecHans ar.d the "stu<'.ents" ~he teacher lan1ma11;e so that knew the. nal!\es in Chinese J;.~~~~v ..-- The cook •1ould p.o ashore The coo', would col!\e back on hoard and also helping they large bv a cook and a teache'i\ the food and name it day, in f'han)!hai a fai.rl.v 1ournev Chinese in Chinese. to sav it T.n ~hanrrhai who were to look :ifter took the to speak the would woold sit t'le i,,, learned time thev for 11'.anvarticles and a1 .v werP. ridinP, 1-1ith the chilc1ren ~o the whoJe ;ournev of misfortune. ·of Kevonchan 7, the night was in the the carriers hovs would run on nl-tead and if easily fear a lot - J-lis Mrthdav after the bedrooM. !TPO!'l - •· as nuch of the wav as thev easily of Aalaria keeoinp; to its The little net, would cliMl> 1.nside bep;in to smoke opium, p;ot the oartv <>- down oi.Jed mosouito ~uch was the fe"r 1'hev of.ten nemories than it" to see someone movinf'. around the robber on the they when he was about and as soon as ,,hoever overnip,ht to be bribed a hauntinp two vivid were doP,S runnin<> the bedding in there. could if to whicl-t endless There To ,sleep covere<'I to ti-ten nut walked the runners especially ridden Harold chased if from-a~ So they would have f.ear of kidnappinp. got out of sight be added. at meal time, The children of tea from wav - a fe,~ 11ater noured pot tea to Me 1 hecau.<;e it was available. of extra they could of£ anv t'los<1uitoe,s still and no preventative refuse indivjdu;i.1 a sopt sheetf orderi~ cutlerv the cup, .the c\m then everywhere. fmni lv would stav onlv boiling into water tablecloth, traditional of a cup, Thev would choose and kill in the had his °'~ their and eat, of the servant: and each one then around br:iiap, out thev would prepare the shoulder sreep, L at an inn, hearc1 then hi.s birthda•,, She Pakened talkinr is .Tulv 4th, i,;,; 1ter he r;,.n. of. ,,mat he had taken, !'\other hushand, Pred but hun~ on • • 3 r to Parold's his parents birthday presents, produced a whole nee• set from the llp the mountain girls belong to it. the tem1>le and knocked both remember doinr, tell their Canada. early this they directly of peas buv the There his wen, was paid food for the same price, it for it. Next day, This 0£ lovelv to meat, mo,<;tlv beef, it. th.e dav. for and ro out In the -3 chj_c}·.em, :md fish. uould p;o out some Chinese and try tTI1~n to buy some food Then thev woul<:I buv t.he same home and tel 1 t!1c cook what thev the cook said harl to be done quite :Ln whic'1 thev cucum.herR, peas notatoes, for than of cash ve~etables, corn, thev would watch out what the natives rea,:;onable. n •ir.~htenecl lv meat Frerl and HYrtle and find the prices I-Tar.old and l'artj and long e,;necial lots - First take the bovs one ~av went thev were too bi.g basket too expensive, food themselves. the it. trom the priests food seemr.d to get over a cli H. to buy supplies, a vear. club in China Fas somewhat different in the summer there mountains and they ,,,ouldn' t let club, secret remer,ber had done food supplies i.n the "'orning crops and also day st:averl :in Kevonchan, familv where the an idol The cook would take bought temple, The next set. For him. of presents As members o~ this into <;hoppini:: for L . parents a llechano the boys had a secret cave where was a lar.f\e included he paid rc1;ularly for had naid the food would be to keep the foorl costs in order. Soon the Canadian own compound. flourishing Canadians Seeds had been garden, would not as the natives woulcL allow missionaries dirl, taken The 6hinese fertilize out fron servants their The Canadians them to eat Here p.row:!.n~ garden garden Canada ancl soon there could not understand ,,,ith the refuse p:L'efen:ed the vegetables veg et ah 1 es in their preen uhv the frol'I the toilets to use a fertilizer an uncooked. ••ras a th;it 4 Toilets out ,Jere all and sell it were repi1ted than it to be the best Coolies on a rod carri.ecl fertilization over from the Church toiJets in tmm and sold buckets the shoulder, on their clean it out for Much more shoulcler.,i, the toilets two and carrv !servants children who of course had her little and cleaned Myrtle decided how to knit, l!yrtle the other, Life lot how to knit and had to be looked and as well before they woman to knit heels. enter bovs socks. turned hnd to be sei:-vice. ~o quic 1dv, !she learned there were seven and the feet and she did how to kni.t sweaters most natives could It the comoound as she from the lfountains, the heels forgot after. At the end of a summe.r' s knitting to have the heels her how to turn a wife I.. small to come to "or.le at to Chengtu ready leaving after, how to turn so she never on to learn this returned taught the wife up a whole but not of stockings suddenlv, to look to teach when the Johns pairs for children housed very 'R'ere destitute would not be nossible J•n;tted on. 7 na1.r!S one after all the whole stocking. Then she went anrl so made money to support the famiJ.v. in China I'hen they language in the city, L The refuse would come with One cook we had died the sum. soMeone wou)d clean away. Helping L and ever:r morning for a substantial any other. pales outside first the Johns reached Chengtu family - there -tn Ch:!.nese houses After and while vere still and sometimes missionary .families. a couole the Johns moved into their the Bajnes returned, they furlough. By the time the Kilhurns house lived thev 0 onlv of years 2 of them - lived the llayies hou.qe while there c6ther went on the camous compound. came back stuclyinr. in coMll\uncs with tn the fi;.l,1rn.q /,. were stHl n furlough 1 The next, Phen thev were on was a permanent and house 5 available with for the Johns, verandahs the chil.dren Harold could in.iured pillows all infection weren't before leaving llyrtle middle send :fvrtle enough Myrtle wanted Harold Harold that !!rs. Crutcher many times sort there his mother day it There sent So Harold tell Earold was alwavs fi.P.htinp the University of no-man's land. was fighting moved the children's window so that if 1'hen to rlrop his his next school mother to do it. uere beds directly the bullets Dad would not Harold i,i was a little i.n the preferre~ that Hrs. nirhtgm,n. "rs. did not want Crutcher slie told hil>, t•hv in time llvrtle n; rlitAovn. insisted o<' it, another, as this the Johns directlv thev would not anil was a to sav that the back of: the house. floor that Crutcher to tell dav, which she did. the Amah wakened on to the lie hanr up sl1e would anil hung up his and this of the £lass, t the walls room, nightf);o,m teacher, over again, hitting p.:ive up l'inallv, in a darmened in China - one war lond against One night <>ot thP. Next ti.r,e Pas next compound was in the Middle and shots of all. time he dic!n' t han<( it ,-,ent home at recess in front but the in 1917. children. home but had to be done all got as soon as thev months word to Harolil's wanted One til'le when Dad worst treated, several to come home and hang un his of the cl.ass. The next vees ,~1ile him that nets. the housekeeper because he preferred told and dm-m, <-•here of term and he was registrar. her '.l for him to come home fro"' and sure front finally "'osouito home on furlough in the mornjng, cl1iJ rlren remP.mher, upstairs the infection. bv it, had a firm hand with of the floor up. got and had to spend school, under and their to come back start;inr, both became infected, was the beginninp went blind iust the house real]y/harmed it the home the Jolins on the porch an eve and it because he almost it sleep around they were bandaged teaching boy, all is mixed up and everyone The children L running and that The parents under the ini ure the 6 r children. The children awake and alert. went rji;,ht The next hack·to mornini,; they sleen did hut indeed the parents find remained hullets J!'lhedded in the verandah. The Chinese Whenever people t!1ey walked The only nlace did not curious in the streets, they'd they could seem inclined Fhen Martin doctors trvinr- uh"t he needed 3 babies. to handle llartin all for her missionaries. hv the curious. where the f'l\inese wouln go for picnics. and seemed slcklv tlartin plumo baby. when we returned so quickly nurse to the citv without so thP. to use the wet from the wet nurse went uo into convinced woman had enour-h milk an~ in tl>e the mountains so tµat bv fall fall, but feedinr:, that 'lartin for - 2 months usini,; ~!rs. Averv' s ,,et - nurse went downhill we knew we had to find thini,; we had to do, when we found one, delouse her, off stocJcj ngs, clean and delouse all as her had been burned feet she did not want to uncover for her a d"y Chinese feedings in the I tinallv food. a for him. The first her baby - that Pe stoonerl the auxilj.ary rich anrl we were able Thev all up the wet-nurse was a lovely that got onP. feedinp. the sununer and kept much milm. so full the doctors for )fartin It was hard of milm. had reaU.zed I her clothe,a. her deformitv. own baby and for l!artin in the morning nurse earlv was a wet-nurse, week he i,;ained a pound. uet be surrounded the families was born 1-te came along >!rs. Averv was using first the get a1-1avwas in the graveyard, to go so there trouble them that for to watch fed Me uo on too much milk and too 111anvP.pgnop.s, and poor :lartin had real nurse were ah,avs feedini,;, Rhe bad more than that Mvrtle and takin° 11hen 'She was an infant, and enouj?h milk as 5 /) 1 c)oct<-. come as earlv as she ,,as so unco111f.ortable with to get our o,m baby on a rer:ular J\v the time bathe The ,-,oman resisted - she wo>ild often s first was to st ri.n, the second child, must be on a very schedule llarolrl strict ••Tith a wet uas on 1\i,; ,.,,.,.,, lot·• fat, too 7 low calorie diet, so that and in l1 months the time the 4th baby was expected to be twins) Myrtle the baby was due, knew what she wanted she hired this and then wen she needed wages for that, as well. healthy happened hil'I hahv. that her one turne,ecame round and Then he 1Jould make And in the familv reward a .chi.ld who when ladieis loved of candv. it was wh'lte all - even 3000 miles wives for use. the cook ••rould make in little they and t1-\e v, •••e would kinds until some of it the Then the l'eriodicall to he suckers. special For Canadian suj:\ar. crock Fi.rst and pulling Then he would roll to a boil, would be skillU'lP.d off, in ttemorv. pullin/\ ho•~ i.t •·•as t'1hen boiled a whole day making different stand is and brought t awav i.n a clean Some he would put on sticks after of water, hut was dark And this suj:\ar to make our own candy. on a nAil, them in a bi.g iin9. wor,ian, paicl her that, This a real ( and as it wages for stay she wa"< able he weir,h1>