MEET ME ON THE BARRICADES BROWDER I937 Dignified, in a hufl, producing his business card to the policeman This is an outrage! This man is masquerading as a decent, law-abiding citizen of some prominence, none other than myself. I am a resident of the city of Yonkers. Moreover, I am a taxpayer . . . POLICEMAN 1” awnin g Then go and pay some taxes. As a parting shot, walking away, swinging his nightstick Since when do radicals call on the cops to settle their arguments? Outraged; in a thick Irish brogue Shure an’ yuh ought t’ be ashamed uv yourself availin’ yourself uv th’ bourgeois police power t’ adjudicate differences uv revolutionary the- ory. DARRELL To himself Highly improbable. Farce comedy. Reality standing on its head. Amusing, nevertheless. It’s simply a case of allowing one’s wishes to sire one’s thoughts. Continue, Darrell, continue! He laughs aloud 172