MEET ME ON THE BARRICADES 164 are deported. Civil liberties are trampled upon by the authorities. Neighbors are urged to spy on each other. A revolutionary speaker is dragged from a soapbox and beaten to death by an angry, patriotic mob. BROUN continues to speak, but no longer briefly, in favor of patriotism and against foreign fascism. Under the cloak of war patriotism, domes- tic fascism is introduced. American orchestras refuse to play Bach, Bee- thoven, Wagner and Brahms. Sauer- kraut is re-baptized ‘liberty cab- bage,’ and frankfurters are hence- forth known, as the result of a presidential decree, as ‘democracy sausages.’ A million American boys are torn to shreds by high explosive shells; their lungs are rotted by poisonous gases. The streets of America are once more filled with armless and legless cripples begging for alms. America’s late allies once more repudiate their war debts. The country experiences another cata-