No work was done on Sunday. Dressed in our best civilian clothes We would, on these days, visit other camps, and they would visit us inreturn. Singing, dancing, games and exchange of experiences in work would fill the day. One Sun- day, a group of us visited the Dimitrov Battalion, at rest. There I met, for the first time since I arrived in Spain, some Canadians and a few Americans. I was very anxious to find out about the actual fightingland they were very glad to tell me.

They had just come through a very hard battle, facing .1 superiority in numbers of men, tanks, artillery and aviation. However, the fascists. were driven back with very heavy losses.

I wonder whether the story of the bravery and heroism of these antirfascist fighters will ever be fully told? The men comprising this famous battalion came from fourteen different countries. For over two continuous months, they were in the front line trenches, followed by another two months in reserve lines. They had their losses in dead and wounded. The

..morale was very high and they were eager to return to the


One Saturday morning we were sent on leave to Madrid. We were all happy. Packed on trucks, we were singing and shouting. As we passed through the village, the women and children raised their fists and shouted “Salud Camaradas!” We answered as one man, “Salud y victorial”, raising our clenched fists high in the air.

I was very anxious to see the historic city of Spain, symbol of the heroic resistance of the Spanish people. The night be-' fore, it had been shelled. As we entered the city, we passed by the bullzfight ring, Floza de Torros. It was a large ring with high, thick walls where formerly all bullifights took place. Since the beginning of the war, it had been used twice, once for a bull»fight, perhaps the last one, and once for a huge meeting organized by the People’s Front Committee.

Streetzcars were running regularly. The streets were filled with people. Stores, cafes, banks, shows, all were open. It is a beautiful city with its clean, wide streets, tall buildings, and boulevards with palm trees. It is a modern city. Its historic buildings alongside modern structures emphasize its European