Greetings to our Spanish Comrades In March, the 24th Battalion, composed entirely of Spanish Volunteers, and commanded by Martinez, one of the loyal members of the Spanish Army, was incorporated in the XV Brigade. Since then the Battalion has played a noteworthy part in the history of the Brigade. The follow- ing are extracts from a message of greeting extended by the Political Commissariat of the Brigade to the 24th Battalion on its arrival in the Jarama trenches. “It is with deep joy that we, the anti-Fascists of the XV Brigade greet your arrival. Since February, we have been resisting the forces of International Fascism. On this battlefield we have lost comrades who were exemplars of proletarian heroism and self-sacrifice. Throughout heavy battles, and though suffering heavy losses, we are able to boast that we have not yielded ground, and that we have lived up to our slogan — the slogan of the brave Spanish people — ’No Pasarán!’ You will hear that we are styled ’The Brigade that does not retreat’. Our claim to that proud title is based on the fact that we submit oursel- ves to discipline, that we carry out all orders promptly and fully. With- out that discipline we could not have held these trenches. We are certain that with your help, Spanish comrades, we shall go forward on the road to full and final victory. Your coming to us is hailed by us, not merely because of the comradeship and the mutual help that will always characterise the association of International and Spanish Volunteers, but also because your coming shows that great dif- ficulties of organisation are being overcome. Your coming is one of the first fruits of the unification of the various units that hitherto made up the Spanish Republican Army. Your coming is an achievement of the unified military command. Welcome to our ranks, comrades! Together we will go forward to victory! Together we will crush the enemy of Spain and of the whole human race!” 99