Robbie, or John Quigley Robinson as he was baptized, was born in Belfast, Ireland, in 1897. He spent most of his time on sea. Many years ago he joined the International Seamen’s Union and has been promi- nent in its activity ever since. He played a leadi11g role in the organiza- tion and struggles of the seamen in New York.

He came to Spain iii the spring of 1937 bringing enough seamen with him to start a local union. Tl1e seamen at first presented a problem to the Commander of the Training Base but a solution was found quickly. Organized i11to a Machine—Gun Section under the command of Robbie they soon distinguished themselves with their military accomplishments.

Robbie’s knowledge of men, his lack of all formalities, his sense of responsibility and fair play, his Irish Twit expressed in seame11’s lingo,

_soon endeared him to the men of the Lincoln—VVashington Battalion. No

occasion ever stumped him; he preserved his calmness under fire and always rose to the situation as was proven in the Quinto—Belchite offen- sivse.

He was, in turn, Commissar of the Lincoln—Washington Battalion and Assistant Brigade Commissar.

When his Union recalled him, needing his services urgently, every- body was sorry to see him go. The few months he served here were suf-

ficient to endear him to all. S. M.